Capricorn men and cheating

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by SunMoonStars on Wednesday, February 12, 2014 and has 15 replies.
Capricorn men are known to be loyal right? So why do some Cap men cheat?
Please share your opinions and stories, thanks smile
Tiger Woods is a good husband and model father for his 2 kiddos.
And this is why FWB is usually a bad idea Sad
I'm just asking out of curiosity, not related to my Cap FWB.
If in the future, he does sleep with someone else, I wouldn't have a right to say anything as per the arrangement.
Just wondering because I find this sign very interesting smile
All men are capable of cheating. Each would have their own reason.
Posted by SunMoonStars
Capricorn men are known to be loyal right? So why do some Cap men cheat?
Please share your opinions and stories, thanks smile

The wifey has put on 2 bills, and refuses to un-ass the couch?
Every Cap male I've known has cheated. I'm just sayin... If they are unhappy in a relationship or marriage then they will find happiness elsewhere. The loyalty is if your married, they won't divorce you.
But Tiger has a Scorpio venus.
I personally think people were too hard on Tiger.
Anyway, his reputation needed that. His sloppiness about it all, was more of a subconscious thing imo. He was at the top, but clearly bored and lost his spiritual focus he admits. He took the fall with stride because of humbled him and the thrill of rebuilding will get him excited again. Or maybe he just wasn't fulfilled having what he thought he always wanted, which was to be number 1.
When Caps do what appears to be extremely dumb things...even look at Ochocinco, I think other forces be at play.
Caps are EASILY bored, with everything including success I think.
Posted by lnana04
Caps are EASILY bored, with everything including success I think.

I will agree with this. I get bored easily, and the older I get, the worse it gets.
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by lnana04
Every Cap male I've known has cheated. I'm just sayin... If they are unhappy in a relationship or marriage then they will find happiness elsewhere. The loyalty is if your married, they won't divorce you.

Those that cheat are they okay with being cheated on? Kind of like an open relationship?
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Nope. Not okay at all. Tank did write the song "Maybe I Deserve" and he is a Capricorn. They'll probably deserve it but they are bouncing if it happens. This is just from the ones I know.
Sounds like both the Cap and Virgo were playing games.
My Cap friend is married to an Aries and she told him the same...that he can have someone on the side as long as she doesn't find out about it. My mothers ex Cap, who she still talks to, said his Libra wife told him the same.
Both the Libra and Aries are well taken care of. The Aries does her own thing as well, I believe, so it works for them all I guess.
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by lnana04
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by lnana04
Every Cap male I've known has cheated. I'm just sayin... If they are unhappy in a relationship or marriage then they will find happiness elsewhere. The loyalty is if your married, they won't divorce you.

Those that cheat are they okay with being cheated on? Kind of like an open relationship?

Nope. Not okay at all. Tank did write the song "Maybe I Deserve" and he is a Capricorn. They'll probably deserve it but they are bouncing if it happens. This is just from the ones I know.

Oh then if i ever get a cap who cheats on me i best make sure to sleep with all his homeboys before he bounces, so he can get the memo.

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Lol, my Cap said that this would be the worst thing I could do to make him jealous just fyi for the ladies smile
Posted by CluelessCancer
and the kids. then get another man and post pictures up of a happy family.

Oh, so you know my ex-wife......
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by CapTenn
Posted by CluelessCancer
and the kids. then get another man and post pictures up of a happy family.

Oh, so you know my ex-wife......

hahhahahah she did that? well don't fuk with water signs, when hurt, we will get of the kids with the new daddy and everythang!
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She did do that. But, there's only one daddy, and there will never be a "new" one. Winking