Posted by PerfectlyVirgo
Ok hi, I'll try to keep this short and to the point. So,I'm a Virgo, born August 25th. The guy I was dating is a capricorn. We dated for 7 months. At first he was very independent and emotionally stable and guarded. But within two months all his walls came down. He opened up to me about his past etc. sometimes he would crt to,me every night. I loved him a lot abd he said he loved me too. Everything,was good until we hit some rough patches. He never wanted ti ebd the relationship, I had to because I saw the pain in him staying rven though he didn't wanna break up. Even after we broke up we became friends because he said he likes to keep good people around him. He would,still say he loved me at times. Eventually I stopped talking to him because he became distant and treated me like he didn't care. He would text and call abd I would necer respond. Eventually I did and he broke down and told me to stay in his life as his friend because he still loves ne. He doesn't want me to stop talking to him. I said no and left. After that we texted again and I became angry because I felt used. I started texting him I hated him n that I don't love him even though he is all I want. I brought up his first live and told him he only has space for that person. He got angry after a while and told me he doesn't love me and he's trying to move on. Mind u prior to him telling me this, he said he still loved,me 5 days ago! I told him this and he said our love isn't strong enough to live on, it faded away. Is he over me? should I never talk to him again or?
Posted by xxoommmxxoo
You both still love each other. he definitely still loves you. Stop all the bullshit and get back togther for goodness sake.
Posted by lnana04
It just sounds like the both of you are being dramatic. I think he cares deeply about you. Usually anytime the walls come down thats a sign of multiple things. Does this mean anything regarding a relationship? Probably not right now, but I believe he really does want you in his life.
BUT if you are feeling used in any way thats not good. If you care at all, let him know that is why you cant continue etc etc etc.
Posted by WoundedLeoPosted by PerfectlyVirgo
About to write a 2 page+ apology letter...will that be better than a phone call?
2 pages? I thought Caps like things short and to the point?click to expand
Posted by BalmyTigressPosted by PerfectlyVirgoPosted by WoundedLeoPosted by PerfectlyVirgo
About to write a 2 page+ apology letter...will that be better than a phone call?
2 pages? I thought Caps like things short and to the point?
I'm not a capricorn...I don't know. I thought they like genuine apologies...something not fake. I feel like a simple phone call apologizing would be just meh..but a heart felt letter would be more genuine and real.
I'm not a Cap either, so take this with a grain of salt, but if I were you and decided to write that letter, I would write it first and then I would go through it and make it more compact. What really needs to be said and what's just fluff and too many explanations? If there's too much "but" and "if" and all that, it takes away from the core message.
Ironically I'm not sure how to get across what I'm trying to say here, but just think of what is to expand
Posted by Metoo
Well honey, since your emotions are on a roller coaster right now and understandably so...I would say to not do anything.
If you have some close girlfriends, reach out to them, tell them your feeling down over the breakup and ask them to set you up on some blind dates.
Seems like you need a little fun and new people, things and adventure to get you out of this rut and not let you stay stuck on this guy.
If several weeks have gone by since he said those words, then it might be ok to write. But if this only happened a few days ago or so, he will not be ready for anything you have to say. Caps are cold and icy sometimes when there is anger.
Make sure if you write this letter you acknowledge you understand the need to move on from the RELATIONSHIP and that the mistakes and drama on both ends were affecting you both, and express that in the future your wish is platonic friendship and peace. If you don't make this clear he will assume your still trying to reconcile and have more drama.
It may still take time but if he Is a good guy at all, he will accept your apology and friendship is possible.