I have read up a lot on Cap Sun and Venus in Scorpio but haven't really come across the combination as such. Cap sun is supposed to be very restrained and they crave security, whereas scorpio is quite the opposite with intense feelings and emotional. How do caps with this placement behave and how do they approach relationships? Whats the general outlook and behaviour in life?
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Oct 25, 2010Comments: 2 · Posts: 8822 · Topics: 132
I'm a Cap with a scorpio Venus.
I've never really cared about relationships. I think knowing the potential emotional craziness within steered my Cap sun away from getting tooo emotionally involved.
My Cap sun Scorpio venus friend is the opposite. He can't be alone.
@inana04 does that mean those types of people don't really care for the people they date?
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Feb 08, 2015Comments: 88 · Posts: 2780 · Topics: 55
My hubby is a cap sun and scorp venus. He takes relationships dead serious – he feels deeply and craves security and the stability – but showing so and being vulnerable is a totally different story. He has a hard time talking about it but I was lucky to get to know this side of him, because I was also insecure on the inside. Thats when we both stepped out of our comfortzones in order to grow together. But I can imagine that he wouldn’t have done it that “fast†if I wasn’t as vulnerable as him back then. It’s always easier to open up emotionally and let yourself down when you aren’t the only one who is a little “fragileâ€.
He takes very good care of me, always consideres my needs first, he is reliable and a very proud lover. I totally love this sun/venus combo! My cap venus fainted when I read that he is a scorp venus. Jackpot! For a cap venus its very hard to find a matching venus that brings the same craving for security and intensity. The intensity of a scorp venus is on a whole other level than a taurus venus for example. Taurus venus are steady and nurturing lovers but they don’t bring the same intensity and passion like a scorp venus. With scorp venus it’s ride or die. I love the whole seriousness!
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Jul 31, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 152 · Topics: 15
When I like someone I watch them to see how they are when they think no one is watching. If everything is good then I get to know them. I'm extremely nervous around those I like and you can feel how intense my feelings are for you. When I say or express my emotions then I retreat for a few days to allow my emotions to calm down. It really drives me crazy because I feel like I'm multiple people in one body with my Sun in Cap, Moon in Leo, and Venus in Scorpio.