Capricorn Woman & Aries Man - Good or Bad?

This topic was created in the Aries and Capricorn Compatibility forum by pooface222 on Saturday, June 25, 2016 and has 23 replies.
I may have posted something similar before but I can't remember so apologies in advance if I have ?

I would like to hear from both Cap women, ( Aries men if they are on here), and what your relationship with each other Is / Was like.

I'd especially like to hear if your Cap Woman & Aries Man r'ship was bad and why. I ask because I am a Cap married to an Aries man and it's not good. And I've also read that that this combo is not a good one, but is better if Cap is a man and Aries is a woman.

(Excuse the repetitive sound to my post!)

Would love to hear your experiences..

What are your personal placements?
Yuck....NO to Aries men. They turn me OFF!
I've lived with an Aries my whole life. My dad and my son. We push each other's buttons. There's a lot of tension. They are impulsive and temperamental. They think I'm a dream killer because I offer angles of reality for them to consider they haven't thought of.

They are sweet though and very generous. Very protective people. I admire their fearlessness and willingness to take risks.

Can't imagine not having one in your corner. They are loyal and can be trusted. If you need someone to help you hide a body, this is the sign you want.

I don't think I would want to be married to one, but they make great friends and family.
Posted by RumiL

What are your personal placements?
I don't know them all but I have Venus in Pisces, I think my Aries husband has Venus in Aquarius.

I will come back to you later with our charts..
Posted by RumiL

What are your personal placements?
lol I know!!

I can only see it working if the Cap woman has aquarius and other fire signs in her chart.

and the aries man is full on earthy too.

EDIT - it's just that, I see a lot of aries placements in men love aqua placements in women and vice versa.

but then I see the SAME thing with aries and libra together. even Gemini/aries... It's that sextile and fire/air that they love.
Posted by Foreverloveme
Bad smile

I felt rushed, didn't like his temper, he used things I told him against me in arguments. Not sure what he didn't like about me, but I'm sure there was something.
Hi Foreverloveme..glad you said that as I feel the same. My husband has always rushed me especially when it comes to big important life-changing decisions. Puts pressure on me to make decisions NOW but I am a little slower and more thoughtful by thinking about each step of a process. Once I make a decision it's done.

He also uses things against me like you said too.

He probably didn't like you because maybe he thought you were too negative. .It's just a guess. My husband always yells me how Negative I am when in actual fact I am injecting some realism into him to stop him rushing me in to making decisions too fast or when I'm not ready.

Thank you for your post..?
No sorry I haven't dated an aries long term. I just didn't click with them, so i didn't accept another date.

I do have an aries male friend who has a pisces moon, a female aries friend with pisces moon too.

The others I know are only acquaintances. I think out of the fire signs, I click with Sag the best.
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by RumiL

What are your personal placements?
lol I know!!

I can only see it working if the Cap woman has aquarius and other fire signs in her chart.

and the aries man is full on earthy too.

EDIT - it's just that, I see a lot of aries placements in men love aqua placements in women and vice versa.

but then I see the SAME thing with aries and libra together. even Gemini/aries... It's that sextile and fire/air that they love.
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An Aries with a watery chart too :p

Hmm. Maybe if Cap has Sag and Aqua placements and Aries with Pisces or earth placements it will match well.

Also rising sign is important smile
Hi everyone ?

Thank you so much for your posts so far. Really helpful ans very much appreciated.

The reason I ask is I don't know anyone who is Cap For and Aries M who are in a r'ship so can only go on what I read on the Internet about the Compatibility (or should I say Incompatibility), of that coupling.

I am going through a very tough time at the moment and just thought I'd ask.

Thanks again ☺
Posted by RamCantLogin
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by RumiL

What are your personal placements?
lol I know!!

I can only see it working if the Cap woman has aquarius and other fire signs in her chart.

and the aries man is full on earthy too.

EDIT - it's just that, I see a lot of aries placements in men love aqua placements in women and vice versa.

but then I see the SAME thing with aries and libra together. even Gemini/aries... It's that sextile and fire/air that they love.

This is almost an amazing match up...but it falls short on some critical areas. Requires alot of work.

I've read somewhere that Cap and Scorpio Womens (i think there was one more) are naturally atracted to Aries Men.

Hard match ups..but hey..if an Aries man holds that much time with a Cap woman...then he is ready for any woman on the ZodiacLaughing
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the only one I know with earth sun and fire sun together are Aries sun male /Virgo sun woman (my mother in law's relatives) and my sister's husband's family has a cap sun woman/leo sun male couple family member --- all these are long term.

and someone mentioned they FIRE hates negativity. that is SO true. they hate it a lot. they don't want to drown in the wah wah wah. I get negative at times, so does my husband but we've got earth/water.

well MARS energy is attractive in men. that's why scorpio and Capricorn (edit - oops women of this energy) is highly attracted to MARS men,.aggression. They want to be protected by that big hunk of manly man.

Posted by pooface222
Hi everyone ?

Thank you so much for your posts so far. Really helpful ans very much appreciated.

The reason I ask is I don't know anyone who is Cap For and Aries M who are in a r'ship so can only go on what I read on the Internet about the Compatibility (or should I say Incompatibility), of that coupling.

I am going through a very tough time at the moment and just thought I'd ask.

Thanks again ☺
you're welcome! if you would like to tell us your placements and his, it would help us too.
Hi Ramcan'tlogin

You are right about talking and respect. But THAT is exactly the problem in our marriage. We have been together a total of nearly 13 years however I started to notice things were going wrong 5 or so years ago.

I won't bore you or anyone else on here with my woes but it's due to a MASSIVE communication breakdown between us.. It's complicated but it's just one big mess and we've never discussed our issues. We've just thought about them in our own heads then carried on as if everything is okay and normal.

Lack of talking has created a lack of respect and so on into a downward spiral over about 5 years and now there is a lot of tension anger confusion and therefore unresolved issues.

Anyway thanks again for responding ?
Posted by lisabethur8
well MARS energy is attractive in men. that's why scorpio and Capricorn (edit - oops women of this energy) is highly attracted to MARS men,.aggression. They want to be protected by that big hunk of manly man.

Posted by pooface222
Hi everyone ?

Thank you so much for your posts so far. Really helpful ans very much appreciated.

The reason I ask is I don't know anyone who is Cap For and Aries M who are in a r'ship so can only go on what I read on the Internet about the Compatibility (or should I say Incompatibility), of that coupling.

I am going through a very tough time at the moment and just thought I'd ask.

Thanks again ☺
you're welcome! if you would like to tell us your placements and his, it would help us too.
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I will work out both our charts and will post again soon x
We've started talking but it's 5 years of stuff not discussed. But yes will see how things go. We have a 2 year old too so really worrying as don't want to mess up her little life

However we don't talk we just get heated and angry at each other due to the confusion and misunderstandings and it seems we may have to separate.

Thank you Ram. .? take care
Posted by RamCantLogin
If i wold give an advice for any Cap woman it wold be...

Be less (way way way less) sturborn, and learn to change.


And i am done here ahah
Yeah, my son accuses me of being too stubborn. Lol

Posted by pooface222
Posted by Foreverloveme
Bad smile

I felt rushed, didn't like his temper, he used things I told him against me in arguments. Not sure what he didn't like about me, but I'm sure there was something.
Hi Foreverloveme..glad you said that as I feel the same. My husband has always rushed me especially when it comes to big important life-changing decisions. Puts pressure on me to make decisions NOW but I am a little slower and more thoughtful by thinking about each step of a process. Once I make a decision it's done.

He also uses things against me like you said too.

He probably didn't like you because maybe he thought you were too negative. .It's just a guess. My husband always yells me how Negative I am when in actual fact I am injecting some realism into him to stop him rushing me in to making decisions too fast or when I'm not ready.

Thank you for your post..?
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Yep. I agree. They are too impulsive. We are too negative.
Aries are intense. Always go, go, go, go. The energy exhausts me. Caps are by no means lazy, but I feel lazy compared to Aries. They wear me out. All fire signs do, lol! I'm more methodological, they just get it done in a hurry without having a system.

For instance in moving. They just load stuff up with no rhyme or reason. . I like to put storage building stuff on this trailer (when you get there, park by the shed, everything on that trailer goes in there). Everything that goes in kitchen goes on this trailer (much easier unloading). Etc. They think I'm anal, I think they're chaotic.

Too each their own.
Posted by pooface222
Hi Ramcan'tlogin

You are right about talking and respect. But THAT is exactly the problem in our marriage. We have been together a total of nearly 13 years however I started to notice things were going wrong 5 or so years ago.

I won't bore you or anyone else on here with my woes but it's due to a MASSIVE communication breakdown between us.. It's complicated but it's just one big mess and we've never discussed our issues. We've just thought about them in our own heads then carried on as if everything is okay and normal.

Lack of talking has created a lack of respect and so on into a downward spiral over about 5 years and now there is a lot of tension anger confusion and therefore unresolved issues.

Anyway thanks again for responding ?
I've been there done that too an I'm a fellow earth/air with 2 aries that entered my life for a valuable lesson they are the ones who made me b stronger mentally and physically and also don't settle for less. My gut was always right. is what they taught me too.. good luck hun.
Posted by pooface222
Posted by lisabethur8
well MARS energy is attractive in men. that's why scorpio and Capricorn (edit - oops women of this energy) is highly attracted to MARS men,.aggression. They want to be protected by that big hunk of manly man.

Posted by pooface222
Hi everyone ?

Thank you so much for your posts so far. Really helpful ans very much appreciated.

The reason I ask is I don't know anyone who is Cap For and Aries M who are in a r'ship so can only go on what I read on the Internet about the Compatibility (or should I say Incompatibility), of that coupling.

I am going through a very tough time at the moment and just thought I'd ask.

Thanks again ☺
you're welcome! if you would like to tell us your placements and his, it would help us too.
I will work out both our charts and will post again soon x
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hope you got your charts settled! If you have problems,

there is cafeatrology to go to, or OR astrotheme,

those are the top three, but there are other sites that also does charts.

Thank you ?

Have looked at Café Astrology so need to ask my husband what time he was born as I can't remember ..
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by pooface222
Posted by lisabethur8
well MARS energy is attractive in men. that's why scorpio and Capricorn (edit - oops women of this energy) is highly attracted to MARS men,.aggression. They want to be protected by that big hunk of manly man.

Posted by pooface222
Hi everyone ?

Thank you so much for your posts so far. Really helpful ans very much appreciated.

The reason I ask is I don't know anyone who is Cap For and Aries M who are in a r'ship so can only go on what I read on the Internet about the Compatibility (or should I say Incompatibility), of that coupling.

I am going through a very tough time at the moment and just thought I'd ask.

Thanks again ☺
you're welcome! if you would like to tell us your placements and his, it would help us too.
I will work out both our charts and will post again soon x

hope you got your charts settled! If you have problems,

there is cafeatrology to go to, or OR astrotheme,

those are the top three, but there are other sites that also does charts.
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Right..For mine & husbands charts..(from Café Astrology).

Me - Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars all in Capricorn,

Venus in Pisces, Jupiter in Taurus, Saturn in Leo.

Ascendant is Aries.

Husband - Sadly he can't remember what Time he was born! So his chart may not be totally accurate.

Sun & Mercury in Aries, Moon in Capricorn, Venus in Aquarius, Mars in Pisces, Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn in Virgo.

It doesn't give me his Ascendant though! ?

Let me know what you guys think..
Ok, these are people in my life I have a hard time getting along with. Some dont get me and try to impose their ideas on me

Mum - Aries sun and mercury, Leo moon

Totally parallel, but with age I try to understand her better.

Bro - Aries sun, Libra moon, Taurus mercury

He is sometimes the bridge between my mum and me. We do quarrel a lot when we were younger, he has a strong r/s with mum.

Good friend - Aries Sun and Mercury, Libra moon and mars, Pisces venus

She gets upset with me about not sharing details of my life constantly (my mercury aquarius), but she doesnt share much about her own. There are times I am unaware she is mad at me and cold war me for very long periods.

Ex - Aries Sun, Moon, Mercury, Taurus venus and Cancer mars

It wasnt love and first sight for me, but his persistent brought us together, I dont get him on an emotional level, not much passion in our r/s. Words louder than actions.

Ex - Aries Sun, Aquarius moon and venus, Pisces mercury and Libra mars

We get along pretty well, theres passion and understanding. But i find him too temperamental towards ppl around and his words are louder than his actions.

To cap it all, they are too hot tempered for me! And they are the only ones who can always push my hot my eq over the yrs