This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by zosopage17 on Monday, April 13, 2015 and has 12 replies.
Why so aloof?
I have three separate Capricorn women in my life, and they're all extremely aloof. Maybe it's because they're all in a transitional period (one just broke up, one is in grad school, etc.) - or maybe they just don't like me. Even in friendship they're like this, it's fucking weird.
Posted by flowingwater
It could be they don't consider you that close, so they won't open up and because they're transitioning right now.
There you go, you answered your own question. smile

Still wanted to bitch about it Tongue
@katana wow, someone who finally gets the enigmatic cap woman, especially about not taking it personal. I was recently blocked by a close friend because i returned her call two days late. I was dealing with a colicky newborn and was emotionally drained. Its just funny his easily some ppl get offended. They think the world revolves around them or just really sensitive.
Posted by Katana

Caps will be especially aloof if they aren't interested or if they don't consider you a close friend but, generally they'll still be quite distant. If they're going through transitional periods like the OP mentioned, then the aloofness should most certainly be expected. In general though Caps tend to just need solitude to retreat from the people/things/responsibilities that drain them sometimes. It should be seen as a regeneration process and a need for space on their part that shouldn't be taken personally but, it will be an ongoing theme.

yes sometime we just live in our own inner world and isolate from the outer world. It should't be taken personally we will come back when we feel like it.
This aloofness is normally with someone who isn't that close to me. In case of a close relationship I usually do not stay aloof for a long period of time. But still space is very important to me whether I am truly busy or not.
I think I'm always a bit aloof whether I'm close to someone or not. I tend to have moods and things going on in my personal life so I can always be a tad distant.
Posted by anna1
Posted by Katana

Caps will be especially aloof if they aren't interested or if they don't consider you a close friend but, generally they'll still be quite distant. If they're going through transitional periods like the OP mentioned, then the aloofness should most certainly be expected. In general though Caps tend to just need solitude to retreat from the people/things/responsibilities that drain them sometimes. It should be seen as a regeneration process and a need for space on their part that shouldn't be taken personally but, it will be an ongoing theme.

yes sometime we just live in our own inner world and isolate from the outer world. It should't be taken personally we will come back when we feel like it.
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This. 100% agree. I often do feel like I live in my own world, and I will purposely become aloof and distant because this feels like the only way I can maintain my sense of self. It's sort of a defence mechanism for me. Personally, if I'm constantly socializing for a certain period of time, I start to crave alone time. Regardless of my relationship with you. Sometimes, I simply don't want to interact.
I have been called aloof by many people. I would die without my space.
I like cappy's! They're powerful and structured...I'm into that.
Posted by CluelessCancer
Capricorn women are ice with the heart of Alabaster
i wouldn't concern myself about them or over them, i would move on to more warm less self absorbed narcissist human beings...
We still love you CC. At least I do!!
Kiss Kiss

Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by zosopage17
I like cappy's! They're powerful and structured...I'm into that.

Another Crab fallen. Look at Crabflows he's freaking OBSESSED.
I warned you.
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Hah Tongue. They're too aloof, though. Hence my creating this thread. I'm into chicks that are bad for me. I always date Aries and Libras and get shit on in emotional stability. A Capricorn woman might provide too stable and productive, so I'll probably never be with one!