Capricorns - can you get anymore depressed?

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by Tauro on Thursday, September 7, 2006 and has 26 replies.
seriously, you guys are soooo bad at dealing with shit. my housemate is a cap and he is the most judgemental, depressive, misery, grudging person i know. he has the shortest temper and holds grudges for DAYS, WEEKS on end. he is rude and status seeking, always trying to better his image...pallleaaaseee. if you don't say something he dosen't agree on, he takes offense. he turns the convo around and manipultes people to get compliments or sympathy.
sick of his shit, caps are probably the most unpopular sign in the zodiac. cranky bastards.
And don't use jim carrey as your idol, deep down he is a prick.
ha! nah man, im happy. you should see my housemate. for example, the other night he coulden't find his pillowcase, i was luaghing because he was getting sooo worked up over such a trivial issue, and he told me to f*kc off and slammed his door. finally starting talking to me 3 days later....seriously. you guys can't deal with your issues!
fakes? in what way? are you sure you caps aren't fakes? my housemate thrives on his status quo, the cheesy chains, the money clips, the fast car but deep down he is the most lonely depressed person i know. sick of him pulling people down with him.
"the other night he coulden't find his pillowcase, i was luaghing because he was getting sooo worked up over such a trivial issue, and he told me to f*kc off and slammed his door"
I would have done the same thing. His overreacting probably means he is under a lot of stress and doesn't need someone laughing at him when he shows frustration.
a lot of stress because he can't find a pillowcase? that's hilarious. it's his fault his always chooses to see the negative side to things.
No...I mean..stress because of other things, and, because of that, he was overreacting about the pillowcase...
I know what you mean, though...I have seen a lot of lonely and depressed Caps...but if it's part of their nature, can you really hate them for it?
yeah i can and do. he tests my patience somethin chronic. i'm sick and tired of giving him sympathy to keep the peace. because i'm a pretty diplomatic person, i don't say alot of things on my mind to keep the peace around this guy because he's so damn sensitive.
Aw Sad
isnt it so much easier to point the finger than to lend a helping hand.
tsk tsk
and diplomacy without a sense of compassion is like an ice cream sundae without the ice cream. all those damn fixins, and for what? WHAT?! i ask you! Tongue all that delicacy and no sensitivity to the issue or the people involved. it does you no good. you're just a big soupy excessive pile of chocolate syrup, whip cream, maraschinos, a split banana and NUTS!
*straightens herself* ehem.
i might have been craving ice cream at the time... maybe Tongue
ya it really hit the spot.
oh wait, yes.. the analogy worked. Winking lol
". i'm sick and tired of giving him sympathy to keep the peace."
Tauro- I think the males are more prone to that depression rather then the females. My ex best friend is a Cap Male. I used to the same, kinda feel bad for the situations he put himself in. Then it just got old. I called him "eyore" because he never looked on the bright side. We are still good friends, but I still get frustrated with his choice to be sad.
I agree with Bittertaurus...try to understand that its his nature.
tauro you started out telling us about his good trates does he have any bad . another cap just asking?
ha! you guys need to OPEN your eyes. I've seen and been through alot of shit in my life/childhood. you caps need to realise that life is SHORT and that being negative and grudge inducing is NOT the way to live it. You're wasting your energy. So what if you're foundation building souls, so are taurus and we get by quite well. I blame your ruling planet, saturn, it rules the following....
The planet that symbolises time. Restriction, wisdom, fear, worry, inhibitions, apprehension, boredom, calm, conscientious, conservative, caution, depression, doom, economical, fate, fortitude, frustration, greed, immovable, inhibitions, laborious, malice, misfortune, neglect, pessimism, recluse, selfishness.
my housemate is my best friend and worst enemy at the same time.
You are generalizing BIG TIME! Don't judge ALL caps based on your roommate! That's like judging all bulls based on you! Although I have heard that the males are more prone to depression than the females...I get in my moods sometimes, but I'm usually happy-go-lucky. You've probably just run across one of those bad seed Cappies. Deal with it, or get yourself another roomie!
"ha! you guys need to OPEN your eyes. I've seen and been through alot of shit in my life/childhood. you caps need to realise that life is SHORT and that being negative and grudge inducing is NOT the way to live it. You're wasting your energy. So what if you're foundation building souls, so are taurus and we get by quite well."
Then act like you've learned something. And i'm not really sure what you're trying to say here... that we're all time wasters and that we all hold grudges? get over yourself and your friend, man. for one, your buddy doesnt represent the entire capricorn community, though he might represent the dark side of the capricorn community. And apparently you werent listening to me earlier... grow the hell up. if he's your friend, then treat him like one! and try to not bash him on some discussion board, but rather help him out if you think he has problems. and havent we all been to hell and back at the age of twenty something... i've heard that violin play. i'd play it myself except for the fact that i'm 'positive' AND 'SMART' enough not to. Winking Plus, I also find it... thats right... a waste of my energy. Any time i hear some other twenty something say that they've 'been through a lot of shit in their life/childhood' ...i wanna say to them 'well no shit... havent we all!' has my five year old cousin. *rolls eyes* i see why you would think that life is short if you think you already know life and still only in your twenties. you just stay focused on opening your own eyes, Tauro.
And Saturn... The Lord of Karma, as the planet is called... is historically an astrologically feared planet for all its negative representations. All those qualities you rattled off will draw out the very weakness in anyone and in Capricorns... it's up to us to find the lesson and grow from it because Saturn is also said to teach transformation and initiation. It represents growth from lessons learned (albeit through painful and trying experiences), awareness of limitations, obstacles, challenges that will test us and build character, incremental growth and the souls ascention. In the end, our rewards are the sweetest because they are the hardest to win.
I agree with shortyrock.
what is a shortyrock ?
It's slang for shorty! LOL!
Short temper huh? Wow...I dunno - he might have some fire elements in his birth chart there - I mean I know it takes alot for me to be peeved about something - I mean it would have to be pretty bad cause I'm a rather leiniant person - and that Jim Carrey remark was kinda low - yknow when he went into a depression after his breakup with Renee Zellweger - he went out on a shopping spree for all of his friends, family and even bought $ 90,000 brand new Porsches for his managers just to make himself feel better? I remember reading the article in "US" magazine - but here's an article about it if you wanna read about it:

Let's also not forget that his father in '94 - that alone is enough to make anyone a little bitter - even if it does happen to one of the most misunderstood signs in the entire astrological table - but lo and behold - look whom he ends up w/ - Jenny McCarthy - a scorpio - I'm sure that's a relationship that has many possibilities - but I mean that's like me making fun of Kelly Clarkson because she's been singing about her heartbreak w/ the same guy for the past three albums she's made - but I wouldn't hold that against her - I mean her heart was broken by someone she was obviously emotionally close to - and her words are something that anyone can relate to - but I've heard people call her a whiner and such as well - wishing she would just give it up - but I have respect for how she feels just like any other Taurus (or other sign for that matter) that may feel the same way if they were in a similar situation - I think Jim uses comedy to not only help others feel good but also to make himself feel good as well - I'm not saying he's my idol but I'm not one to really point fingers at people simply because of when they're born either.
my sister is a cap, and she's chippy as a not all caps are depressing and temperamental.
Thank you jackdoniel smile I agree - I mean look at Nicholas Cage (8mm when he asks for permission from that mother to kill that guy that raped and killed her daughter by pistolwhipping him to death - one of the many fav parts he's done), Denzel Washington (too many to mention), Orlando Bloom (I like the part in the new pirates movie when he leads the people of the ship everyone is on - including himself - to help save them by strategizing and analyzing the situation and taking such a noble course of action - powerful moment in the movie I believe) and we can't forget Robert Duvall of course (born in 31 (day after my b-day as well Tongue) and helped make unforgettable classics such as "The Godfather" and still makin flicks! smile Now I know there's alot of talented actors out there but I think when alot of people think that a person that's the sign of a Cap esp. w/ the way they carry themselves normally unlike others - and then expressing themselves in such a way that it ends up impacting others not only intently but surprisingly as well because it's not a side that is normally seen by normally contented and somewhat shy sign smile I agree w/ you agent006 - I'm very optimistic as well - I only get depressed whenever I'm either having a bad day or things just don't seem to be looking up anytime soon - but I still try to remain hopeful nonetheless smile Thank you for the replies! smile
Yknow it's also interesting that Jim Carrey being a Cap and all that his life was a struggle too because apparently his Dad lost his job and so the whole family ended up living in their car for awhile until the family got back on their feet - this is truly a great example of how a Cap goes through a struggle early in life.
Try living with a Cap for twenty two years.....
Nothing is ever good...noone ever treats him the way he one recognizes his genius andhe has sucked ALL the sympathy out of me.....
I bought it for twenty of the twenty two years and two years ago...I had to start taking care of me ...cause he sure wasn' all bout him.
For twenty years I padded the path he walked and now..I can tell you it isn't going so well...
I never wanted to be his Mommy...and that's what I felt like...
So before you blow someone up for their lack of sympathy..walk in their shoes.

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