Capricorn's : Can you remain Friends

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by sherob on Wednesday, February 7, 2007 and has 5 replies.
Just curious if any Capricorn's have been in an relationship, where both of you eventually decided that even though strong feelings existed, it was best to be just Friends.
If so, is a Capricorn (male) able to remain friends or is it just too much? My feeling is that once a Capricorn makes a decision like this, it is easier for them to just walk away completely - i respect this, but i would really like to think that friendship could be maintained.
Capgirl, that makes sense about making a clean break until the feelings have left his system at which time a friendship can resume. Its tough though.
Oops sorry CapGal ... i meant CapGal - not Capgirl. embarrased :-)
I like to know what happened to people after I don't see them in a while, it includes past relationships. I always wonder how they are doing. There a few guys I've dated but we are still friends. I guess if I was really in love with someone and they dumped me, it would be too painful to me to keep seeing them though.
i've tried, but it never seems to work out. i find that i too will cut off all association and all contact while still healing and will tell myself 'maybe' friendship later. i always end up feeling better and find that i am capable of friendship, buuuuuut still... i have yet to see it work out.
it was working out really well with my taurus ex for a good while, but we've now fizzled into next to nothing which is a shame because i tried. when it gets to the point where you're just checking in to make sure someone is alive or keep tabs on them, then thats ... blech... just doesnt do history much justice. perhaps again later when i'm not feeling so critical ...or when i can care less.