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Nov 25, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 447 · Topics: 68
When I was involved with my Cap, I noticed that he was very non-chalant and didn't express what he was feeling on the outside i.e. facial expressions, gestures.
He usually had a blank look on his face like nothing was bothering him. It was so weird. He's the most controlled person I've ever met.
An example is of a time he was waiting to recieve his new car. He told me, "I'm excited about my car even though I don't show it, ya know." I never really got a vibe that he was excited about his car but him saying it meant that he was.
About 85% of the time, he was very mellow. The other 15% , he was jumpy and a drama king (that Leo moon of his).
Are Cap males or females like this or just him?
Caps have poker face. It is a well known fact. They smile when they want something though.
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 3 · Posts: 15387 · Topics: 830
never let them see you sweat. Bottom line it does no good to get up tight, keep your cool and think your way through life. simple but it works for caps.
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Feb 01, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 497 · Topics: 24
james tate knows whats up.
Yeah ive had to tell friends and others when im impressed or excited. They always say "well you dont look or seem excited at all." So i now tell people what I feel because like james said, caps keep it cool naturally. dont know much about the jumpy drama king stuff though.
they are exactly like that....