Caps and Pisces

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by chicana31 on Tuesday, January 7, 2014 and has 14 replies.
Fellow Cap women who have or had experiences with Pisces men: can you please look at my post under the Pisces forum? I posted a dilemma I'm having, but I'm getting all of these haters! And one guy is accusing me of being a troll! Anyway, I would like your advice. Thanks!
Ok, ok...
Here it is, Stillwater! smile
I'm a Capricorn woman, and I met a Pisces man online. He contacted me and was eager and excited to meet me. We get along, have amazing sexual chemistry, and we just enjoy hanging out with each other. In fact, one week we had plans to have lunch and dinner two days in that week. He had the flu but still wanted to see me! We met up both days. We go out or stay in. Whatever we're doing, it's always a great time with great conversation. We've been doing this for a little over a month. And he'll even bring up things we should do in the near future, months from now. For my bday, he gave me an amazing evening with dinner, cake, and a gift. We don't get to see each other a lot because he has children. Obviously, when he has them, we don't see each other. We haven't discussed what we're doing, nor have we discussed exclusivity. He seems to express a little insecurity and jealousy, though, but in a very subtle way. He used to text me almost every morning saying "good morning" or "good morning, beautiful, sexy, ma'am, etc." I do reciprocate this; I sometimes text him first. However, over the last few days, he hasn't texted me in the morning any more. I have, and he responds very nicely. And he always responds to my texts. He still texts me "good night." I understand that on the mornings he has his kids, he's most likely way too busy to text me. But I at least expected him to text me after they're gone and he's at work. P.S. even at work, he'll respond to my texts. So, what's the deal? Do y'all think he's kind of pulling away or does he like me?
If you want a productive thread then I think the majority of it should actually be about your inquiry instead of 'wow, those pisces are being so mean to me! Just look at them!'.
I never said a Pisces was being mean. I want advice on a situation I'm going through. And that's it. And, he's actually very sweet to me!
Thanks for having my back, Stillwater! It means so much to me!
I understand the space issue. I really do. But sometimes I wonder if he's testing me. And I'm also afraid that if I don't text him at all either, he'll think I'm not interested. I texted a little while ago, and we're now texting back and forth. He wants to hear all about my day. He's so sweet!
Thanks again!
Hahaha! Yes, I have!
Posted by StillWater
^ Scenic, relax. You're on Cap territory now and hence no personal attacks shall be made (I don't know. I just made that up).

She mentioned the fish tank, so I'm ignoring the laws of the cap board. I'm a rebel, I guess!
I tnink you moved too fast. Develop the foundation and build sexual tension. Its almost like yall jumped into an instant relationship. Too much, too soon. Pull back some and let him take the lead. Wouldn't hurt to be talking to other guys until yall decide to be exclusive.
Posted by StillWater
I eat the entire fish tank just for breakfast. Now, scram!!

I had fish for lunch today!

Literally. Couldn't resist! Lol
Truecap: I have been talking to a couple of other guys, but I don't want to put too much on my plate. And he and I aren't in a "relationship." We've just been hanging out and having a good time, haha.
Posted by StillWater
^ Scenic, relax. You're on Cap territory now and hence no personal attacks shall be made (I don't know. I just made that up).
Hi Chicana smile
Well, from your post it seems that he really likes you. So:
a) Don't start counting tit for tat
b) Don't get insecure.
Insecurity is a barrier to positive communication. If something bothers you, just confidently make a remark or bring it up. BUT if i were you, I would not bring it up. When a man is in a relationship every once in a while he needs space. If you react to this negatively then he will feel that the relationship you have is based on conditions. However, if in this time you are understanding and use this time to focus on yourself, he will realize you will be there regardless of his need for space and come back even stronger.
if it becomes a chronic issue then you might need to talk to him, but for now just take it easy. Men need a lot more space than women. This is a very hard thing for a woman to understand but you just have to let him be sometimes.
let things fall naturally.

Posted by chicana31
Here it is, Stillwater! smile
I'm a Capricorn woman, and I met a Pisces man online. He contacted me and was eager and excited to meet me. We get along, have amazing sexual chemistry, and we just enjoy hanging out with each other. In fact, one week we had plans to have lunch and dinner two days in that week. He had the flu but still wanted to see me! We met up both days. We go out or stay in. Whatever we're doing, it's always a great time with great conversation. We've been doing this for a little over a month. And he'll even bring up things we should do in the near future, months from now. For my bday, he gave me an amazing evening with dinner, cake, and a gift. We don't get to see each other a lot because he has children. Obviously, when he has them, we don't see each other. We haven't discussed what we're doing, nor have we discussed exclusivity. He seems to express a little insecurity and jealousy, though, but in a very subtle way. He used to text me almost every morning saying "good morning" or "good morning, beautiful, sexy, ma'am, etc." I do reciprocate this; I sometimes text him first. However, over the last few days, he hasn't texted me in the morning any more. I have, and he responds very nicely. And he always responds to my texts. He still texts me "good night." I understand that on the mornings he has his kids, he's most likely way too busy to text me. But I at least expected him to text me after they're gone and he's at work. P.S. even at work, he'll respond to my texts. So, what's the deal? Do y'all think he's kind of pulling away or does he like me?

The pisces I dated behaved similarly (sans les enfants) but I always made sure to let him initiate contact and once in a blue moon, Id ring him or send him a sweet text (and you know he appreciates it cos he'll tell you). I believed him when he said hes busy and I was free to do my own thing. I wouldnt give two hoots about it. say hi from time to time just to let him know that hes on your mind but dont fret over the lack of communication constantly - aint healthy for you, girl!
Posted by chicana31
Truecap: I have been talking to a couple of other guys, but I don't want to put too much on my plate. And he and I aren't in a "relationship." We've just been hanging out and having a good time, haha.

Then why are you worried about it and when he texts you? I don't understand. Enjoy the fun times and don't worry about the rest. Why post a thread on it if you really don't care and aren't interested in a relationship?