Caps and sense of humour

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by haffo on Saturday, June 3, 2006 and has 16 replies.
I do see alot of Caps lacking some major abilities to perceive things in humorous way. They tell you not be rude or uncivilised. I think Caps have a thing for this. I also think they are too serious for this.
i think their sense of humor is DRY at best...
they are way toooo serious .. that part i ABSOLUTELY agree
and they tend to be lonely too
Some sense of humour may appear like rudeness, SB. But in truth, it is not.
It's all about understanding SB. If you do understand it, you laught at it. If you do not then you find it rude.
I still think it is just because you do not understand it.
'...i think their sense of humor is DRY at best.....'
i wud say that applies more to cappy men then galz... cappy galz have GR8 sense of humor.. they juz crack me like no other smile
My experience were totally the opposite.
Of course cappies have a funny bone! Look at Jim Carry ... HELLO! He is the greatest physical comedian of all time! Mary Tyler Moore was very subtle in her humor, but she was still FUNNY! I don't know how funny I am, but I love to laugh Winking
oooo yaaaaaaaaaaaa jim carrey ROCKzzzzzz
ooouuuuu i like this one oof him loadzzzzzz

One person does not make you right Cappysweetie. I know many Cappies who are too serious and lack some sense of humour.
i think december born capricorns are quite funny, especially capricorn / sag cusp
CallMEAlienRobotOrWhatever: "i think december born capricorns are quite funny, especially capricorn / sag cusp"
Yeah I agree with that. January caps especially mid decan could really benefit from an injection of humour. December Caps that I know are good fun and friendly. The caps coming up the Aqua cusp seem kinda whacky, like Jim Carey and Michael Stipe of REM being good exammples of this.
Caps are literal like Virgos....i think Taurus has the most imagination of the earth signs....i'm speaking in general terms.....
sb: yes you're right sorry, I was BS-ing there. Just looked it up and he's 4th Jan 1960 so very much mid-mid decan cap there. Well thinking about it, maybe he's not so whacky after all, he's kinda introscpective in his music even tho the music is kinda alternative. Who else? Andy Kaufman's a cuspy Capricorn and he was (is...!) pretty far out. Dolly Parton too - 19th Jan, no the most run of the mill country singer for her time! I guess if the cap fits.....!
I think your right cglwl...