cap's and there angry/feelings

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by Brittfuzz on Wednesday, February 12, 2014 and has 12 replies.
I will put it as short as possible and Im a taurus - do caps find it difficult to admit feelings?
Ive been seeing a girl for 3 months and she's been all over the shop, some days
she's super attentive and others cold as ice. she was supposed to come over tomorrow and valentines day and we planned this a week ago and today she basically phoned up and said 'maybe it's a bad idea' and I confronted her about it but she just put down the phone and now is ignoring me.
what do I do? I mean do I let her come to me or should I just drop it? I have has some issues in the past with her but gah I really like her and I have no idea what's up.
Hard to tell with the limited information you've given. Does she have a reason to be angry with you?
Caps usually tend to run hot and cold. If I say too much or feel like I've been too forward, I'll withdraw a little bit and wait and see how you act. Once I feel secure again, then I'll go back to how I was. Sometimes, if I feel I've made most of the contact recently or made the last effort, I'll sit back and wait on the man to make the next move.
Also, I like a man who's assertive and manly. I don't like pushover types because I will walk all over you if you let me. Then, if you let me, I'll lose respect for you.
Don't know if that helps, but I really wasn't sure which direction you were going with your question.
The OP is also a lady, truecap
truecap: thankyou, I did help - the reason why she was angry is because when I asked if she could tell me her feelings honestly she went quite flustered and got stressed out and then put down the phone.I don't know whether to send an apology of some sort or leave her to come to me.
Posted by Brittfuzz
truecap: thankyou, I did help - the reason why she was angry is because when I asked if she could tell me her feelings honestly she went quite flustered and got stressed out and then put down the phone.I don't know whether to send an apology of some sort or leave her to come to me.

Well, I don't think that would make her angry, maybe cause her to be avoidant, but not angry.
Just send a text that will make her laugh. Once someone makes me laugh, I get over whatever it is pretty quick.
(sorry I thought you were a guy)
Posted by Andalusia
The OP is also a lady, truecap

Oops! Didn't know. I'm sure she understood what I was trying to say, though.
Don't apologize, though!!! You didn't do anything wrong. Unless, she tells you she's angry, then you can just tell her you didn't mean to upset her. But don't apologize for asking her to tell you her feelings.
truecap: don't worry about the gender thing haha and I wont dont worry, she's decided to complain about the scenario now on social media saying i'm 'stupid' but I guess reacting wont help so I will get her wallow I guess.
Posted by Brittfuzz
truecap: don't worry about the gender thing haha and I wont dont worry, she's decided to complain about the scenario now on social media saying i'm 'stupid' but I guess reacting wont help so I will get her wallow I guess.

Why do people do that? So immature. That would piss me off, right there.
captenn: I don't have a clue, kinda show's what the person is really like if they can't even deal with the situation themselves. argh people haha
Posted by Brittfuzz
captenn: I don't have a clue, kinda show's what the person is really like if they can't even deal with the situation themselves. argh people haha

Pretty shitty thing to do coming from a Cap. There's nothing I hate more than someone airing my dirty laundry, or humiliating me in the public forum.
I think most Caps are the same in this regard. Perhaps you Cap is too? In case you were thinking of revenge, ya know? Winking
Well you say that you "confronted" her about it. Maybe you came at her in a way she felt was wrong, so she is in her feelings and shutting down. I would have asked her to explain more, but have to be careful with your tone when dealing with us. I'm sure you can relate as a Taurus.
If she's bringing it to facebook, you may need to cut her out completely. That's not a way to deal with it either.