Cap's business loyalty

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by leolady69 on Wednesday, April 24, 2013 and has 13 replies.
Tell e about a cappy's loyalty to a business partner; short term, long term any terms.
Need more information. How long have they been in business? What are the stakes/investment? How well do they know their partner? Is their partner reliable? Who has controlling interest?
Please provide more. The question is too vague.
Posted by truecap
Need more information. How long have they been in business? What are the stakes/investment? How well do they know their partner? Is their partner reliable? Who has controlling interest?
Please provide more. The question is too vague.

Hi - sorry for the delayed response. I've partnered with a Cap for business. He's putting in the capitol and I'm putting in sweat equity at the moment. We have no paperwork in place but have discussed creating a contract to protect both of us. He tells me regularly that he will be my business partner for the rest of our lives and will reward me handsomely in the future, once the business(s) are generating profit. I've known him for almost a year now.
What else??
Oh, yes, very loyal. Betrayal is one of the worse offenses you can do to us. You screw him, he'll put it back on you ten fold.
That said, I would get it on paper. You never know. Best to protect yourself either way. Best for both of you.
Posted by Mixtape
Loyal, make and break bread. Everyone has to eat, not just us.

So you all are loyal in business, yes? You all just have such a strong focus - all consuming really - on work that I want to believe him when he says he'll deliver the world (once we obtain it by hard work)but I'm not one to put in so much with so little in initial return. Thx.
Posted by xxoommmxxoo
We wrote the book on loyalty, "IF" you are loyal to us, we'll be loyal to you.

Oh, I've been more loyal to him than he has to there!! However, I do get very frustrated due to the slowness in the growth of the business = profit. When this happens I do squawk about walking away from it. How does a Cap react to that? I've seen various reactions from him when this happens.
Posted by truecap
Oh, yes, very loyal. Betrayal is one of the worse offenses you can do to us. You screw him, he'll put it back on you ten fold.
That said, I would get it on paper. You never know. Best to protect yourself either way. Best for both of you.

Could you define "betrayal" for me...I'm curious what type of behavior falls under that category for a Cap. You'll note in a previous response I explain that at times I get frustrated and talk about walking away. Would a Cap consider that betrayal or a form of?
I have drawn up a contract for us that's appropriate to our business. Problem is now that he's not going to agree to the percentage breakdown. I feel I'm being fair...he feels it's highway robbery! Suggestions on how best to discuss and resolve?
Posted by xxoommmxxoo
we are all about profit so that can be frustrating to say the least. time=money what reactions have you seen?

I've seen so many reactions...usually though exactly what you're describing above "time = money" and if not enough money is coming in it's a waste of time. He gets very self centered with that reaction. Once in a while I can get him to step outside of that frustration to remind him that I'm also missing out on the profit for the time being. Of course now that you've asked e to describesoeofhis reactionsI can't think of any...geesh!
*Pardon my typos. My keyboard is currently busted.
Posted by leolady69
Posted by truecap
Oh, yes, very loyal. Betrayal is one of the worse offenses you can do to us. You screw him, he'll put it back on you ten fold.
That said, I would get it on paper. You never know. Best to protect yourself either way. Best for both of you.

Could you define "betrayal" for me...I'm curious what type of behavior falls under that category for a Cap. You'll note in a previous response I explain that at times I get frustrated and talk about walking away. Would a Cap consider that betrayal or a form of?
I have drawn up a contract for us that's appropriate to our business. Problem is now that he's not going to agree to the percentage breakdown. I feel I'm being fair...he feels it's highway robbery! Suggestions on how best to discuss and resolve?

click to expand

Walking away is not a betrayal with honesty and enough notice and a fair buy out settlement.
Getting frustrated when working on a business is understandable, but you sometimes saying that you'll walk away (whether you truly mean it or not) is not good because Caps value perseverance.
And yeah, writing up a contract is a great idea. But settling on the contract will probably take a long time because the Cap won't sign anything until he 100% comfortable with it. I'd give the Cap a copy of the contract you made and just wait for his response.
2 major arguments now over the contract. He thinks it's too much and I think it's fair. CapintheHat - I'm going to take your advice and send him a copy. He traveling next week and so I gave him that time frame to review and decide. Iv'e expressed to him that if we can't reach an agreement then I will have no choice but to move in a different direction.
My problem is...
I feel like this is coming from a place of pure stubbornness and not sound business logic. Saying that out loud I wonder though if those can be one in the same...
Further thoughts, suggestions or advice?
Posted by leolady69
2 major arguments now over the contract. He thinks it's too much and I think it's fair. CapintheHat - I'm going to take your advice and send him a copy. He traveling next week and so I gave him that time frame to review and decide. Iv'e expressed to him that if we can't reach an agreement then I will have no choice but to move in a different direction.
My problem is...
I feel like this is coming from a place of pure stubbornness and not sound business logic. Saying that out loud I wonder though if those can be one in the same...
Further thoughts, suggestions or advice?

If he's like me, then he's going to look at the contract, analyze the hell out of it, and then come back to you with a full break down of what he wants in the contract. Caps are usually "all or nothing" type of people (at least I am) so if this contract can't be fully settled then you guys should just stop working with each other.
But Caps usually aren't stubborn without a legit reason. So maybe he does in fact have sound business logic but you have a different perspective on things.