Caps do you get jealous at work ?

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by namesake1 on Sunday, September 22, 2013 and has 8 replies.
Do you get jealous of other people's success ? What about people that are smarter than you at work ?
If yes, have you ever done something bad to your coworkers to look better or get promoted ?
1. yes, when their starting points were better than mine
2. they are our all. More and more of them welcome. It's always a room for a competition.
3. no
# Although highly conventional, Capricorns are not competitive. They always get to the finish line and most times come in first but rarely take regular routes to get there.
i find that capricorns sell themselves a lot and then they go to work
I never get jelous over anything other than someone being smarter than me. Looks, money,assets dont mean a thing to me, however, when it somes to the brain I can be a tad bit.....curious.
Posted by chocolatecapichino
I never get jelous over anything other than someone being smarter than me. Looks, money,assets dont mean a thing to me, however, when it somes to the brain I can be a tad bit.....curious.

Im exactly like this.
it really depends on where the other planets are situated(which will determine a persons overall personality), how well a person understands themselves, and the kind of person they want to be. If they dont know that then i would say capricorns can be very selfish and mean at times. My ex husband was a capricorn rising and he used to be mega jealous of me because, i used to have a good job was responsible etc but he wanted everything easy, (success now. I am also a capricorn rising and sun sign cap but i would have been more than happy for my ex husband to succeed more and support him in achieving it but not be walked over, but he wanted everything quick and easy, which really isnt a capricorn thing. Everything is slow, and hard for us. We have to work at it. And i realised that from a young age. We generally find our place in the world from 33 onward unless our major planetery period is a positive one from birth.
Posted by SirB
Let them be smarter who cares. People who flaunt their intelligence are insecure and are trying to, "one up" the other.
too much knowledge is hell. But ignorance is bliss.


If someone works hard, has earned my respect and truly deserved a promotion, then I'm honestly happy for them. I may have wanted it, but we know deep down if someone else is more deserving. Makes me want to try harder to be the one next time.
However, there are times when people "brown nose" or "play dumb" to get away with stuff and they have no respect from me and truly do not deserve said promotion, yeah, I'll be resentful toward them for getting the promotion.
I would never sabatoge someone at the office or bad mouth them. I may not respect them, but I do have to do my job to the best of my ability and with a positive attitude so as not to hold myself back.
People smarter than me? Yep, bring them on! Like SirB said, someone to learn from. Then you take their philosophy, insight and ideas and tweak them to make them better. You can either work with them as a team (which is best) or you can organize and implement their ideas. Always give credit of the original idea to the person who came up with it, but you get the credit for what you did to implement it - and THAT's what higher ups look for.