Caps justifying bad behaviour?

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by SunMoonStars on Monday, January 23, 2017 and has 3 replies.
This might just be my Cap, but I notice that when he fucks up, he'll immediately rationalize - "well...that person was late too those times", or "i didn't do xyz, but you didn't do blah blah either".

Is this just an attempt to shift the attention off his fuck up? I don't like this behaviour because I wonder if he's able to justify whatever he wants in his head Sad

Oh yah, my oldest sister is a trademark Capricorn. She NEVER admits she's wrong and loves to shift the blame & guilt onto others. Too bad it never works on me, that's why we don't get along at all nowadays. Had enough of her bullshit.
Posted by Capri-sun
I think his point is that he doesn't b*tch & complain when others do wrong so maybe that person shouldn't either.

No one is perfect
Yes, that is probably the point. However, it's not really true is it? Bit hypocritical Caps are.. (or at least the one I know)