Caps pushing away - Just slow to take a hint?

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by lonelyleo on Sunday, October 29, 2006 and has 9 replies.
There are lots of messages on here of people dating capricorns being pushed away because the hard-working cap needs to concentrate on their work. Are caps just that focused, or a thought recently occured to me - maybe the other person is just slow to take hint from someone that doesn't like confrontation? How does a cap think?
JMO here as an aquarius dating a capricorn. And there is no way that my guy is pushing me away because I can't take a hint. The way he talks when we're together you wouldn't think anything was wrong at all. When we're together, we're together and he's into me. However dating a capricorn means that I need to have more patience that I've ever had in my life. But the thing is that I'm not desperate or wondering where he is when we're apart. It is definately no joke though that whoever gets involved with a cap must expect some lonely life. He wants to better himself and has great expectations of himself.
I know that leos and aquarius are polar opposites but have many of the same desires, like being the center of attention. It's not easy when you want to the center of the universe and you are sharing your guy with his capitalistic goals. But the rewards when together in person make up for the time being alone. (And since I'm independant, I find that I'm more attracted to this guy and I get excited for those times together. It's hard though.)
And I don't know how a cap thinks but I judge people on their actions. And we've had arguments where passion flies so I wouldn't say he's avoiding confrontation. He knows that he's blessed to have a girl like me in his life, (else he'd be pretty stupid.)
lonely nights not life (strange freudian slip there.)
I realized from dating my Cap that when he says he's busy, he's really busy. I used to wonder the same thing you are wondering - does he really have things to do or am I just oblivious to his hints. He is truly busy and these men - when they are focused on something - they are FOCUSED. Like LV, when we're together there's no question on how he feels about me. It's great when we are together. On the other side, when we are apart and he's doing his own thing - loneliness does set it. I think he's worth it though and I don't believe that women need to revolve their lives around men. I'm learning from him to have my own separate life and being happy in any situation. My happiness shouldn't depend on whether or not I'm with my guy. Plus, our time apart lets me focus on other things that I probably would've let fall by the wayside if we were constantly together. I'm a Libra and I enjoy that balance.
It took me 5 months to get to this realization and to appreciate what we have together. It takes so much patience, but again it's worth it in the end. They are really awesome guys, they just need a strong woman to stand by them.
I think part of the "busy" life of a Cap man is also testing his woman. I know from reading past posts and personal experience that these men like to test women's loyalty. I know too that my Cap is testing whether or not I really care about him and if I will be loyal. I think that's partly why I can handle my situation better because I know what he's doing.
So ... my advice to you is to gauge your relationship based on how he interacts with you when you two are together. You will know if he cares for you.
bit busy at school at the moment, but we're going to meet up after its clears up. she's still flirty in the email/phone calls, but i guess i'll see when we catch up, like you say.
You're right. I hate the waiting, leos are all about right now. Still, maybe with a bit of maturity on my part we might be okay.
your posts make me feel better though. thank you all..
Okay, so i call and she's happy to hear from me. As usual, the cap has been working back late, she's at her brother's place having a glass of wine so i say i'll call her when she's free. She asks if she can call me the next day, which she does after getting home at 11pm from work. Still busy.
The chat is great, i ask about catching up on the weekend, she says she'd love to be then rattles off a few things she has to do too. She says she'll call. There's no call. It's now monday.
I don't have a clue what you're meant to do. It takes two as far i can see, but she also once told me that she never chases, that's for the boy to do.
Lost. Considering waiting another week and sending her some flowers with a simple
'hope they get a smile. let's catch up sometime?'.
Crazy capricorns.
Darlin, you put everything on the table.. you let her know you are interested and tried to make time for her. I am not saying to totally let her go, but you need to go out and have fun yourself. Just as cap's tend to be busy.. busy.. busy, go do what you are best at. Having fun.. and lots of it. I have noticed with these intriguing Capricorn, they love our sense of fun.. its what they are lacking with their obsession in careers and or other obsession that has a hold over their life. (Its not always work with them, sometimes its silly things like video games!)
Go out, have fun and if some other foxy little minx grabs your attention then go for it hon if it feels right. If you are really wanting this cap woman, then do not change who you are, that was her attraction in the first place. Continue to call her during her free times. Keep the topic light, talk about the fun you had and mention how you would have loved to have her along, but understand she was busy. This lets her know.. Hey, I gave the signal.. now its up to you. If she is truly interested.. she will calmly make a small step forward. If not, then she might politely blowing you off. To be honest, its hard to read a capi woman. She is cautious, slow and careful. Its because she is more tender and sensitive then she will let on and like all of us women, she does not want to be hurt.. so in a strange way she is testing and observing you.
LonelyLeo, she is testing you. Capricorns have this thing with testing the people they are "dating." They want to find out if you really truly like them and will stick around even with their busy schedule or if they were just there to pass the time along. There's going to be a lot of testing.
All I can say is be patient and move on - not from her, but move on in the sense that you should go out and meet other people and most importantly have fun. Don't let this situation with her bum you out. Do fun stuff and occassionally send her a message or call her to let her know that you haven't forgotten about her. She will come around. If she wasn't interested she wouldn't be paying a slightest bit of attention to you.
I believe in fate and if you guys were meant to be you two will find your way to one another.

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