Confused Cappy by another Cappy...

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by Mindful on Tuesday, December 1, 2015 and has 2 replies.
I'm new here, sort of.
But have been coming to this forum for years. And for the same reason...this guy...this capricorn guy.
If you have any insight or input, I'll listen to anything!
I just don't know anymore...and it's been years going, but a very complicated situation.
We've known each other for years, over 15. We met when he was married, through my ex, who they were friends from college. The four of us were friends, good friends. They moved far for his career.
Then my relationship started to deteriorate, we had a new born child that was/is very sick. It strained us. My ex turned to Cappy's wife as a confidant, so she turned on me some. But the Cappy never did.
Then one day his wife passed unexpectantly. We all went to be with him for a couple of weeks. That's when our friendship really grew.
Through that time, this Cappy witnessed what I was dealing with, knowing my ex for years.
Then I was the only one there, emotionally for him, that wasn't family, as he dealt with the passing of his 'great love'.
During this time we became EXTREMELY close emotionally, but not physical, never anything more than a hug.
However, our chemistry was palpable. Others could see it, his family could see it.
I knew he meant a lot to me, but he was recently widowed and I was in a dissolving relationship with his long time friend. Being a Cappy and slow to catch on some times, I didn't realize what was actually happening.
Then one day when visiting he pulled me aside and said,
"You know I can't do this to.... (my ex), I can't hurt him"
Shocked, I responded "Of course, not. I would never do anything to hurt him"
But it made me realize there was more...than I allowed myself to realize.
Well, that's been years ago. And we've done the 'get upset and not talk for a long time', then both at separate times will randomly contact the other, to get close and back away know, the capricorn 'thing' we do.
He's gone on to become extremely successful (he truly is a stereotypical Capricorn man, all the good stuff). He's had several relationships, none lasting, and of course, when he's single he quickly responds to me or contacts me.
I can't seem to want to look at anyone. I just don't date. I'm totally good with that. My life is devoted to my son and building a business (yes typical Cappy, too I know lol)
But If a man doesn't measure up to this Cappy guy, then I'm not interested in the slighest. (That's hard for me to admit. It took me a long time to figure THAT out lol).
My ex is even bitter about our friendship, he even says so. He says Cappy is in love with me. While he has moved on several times over. *sigh*
Even though he (my ex) knows nothing has ever happened, I guess the connection is that obvious.
Recently, Cappy guy had been on my mind, so I texted a Happy Thanksgiving wish, I got an immediate response!
Then same on social media, private messaging.
I didn't think much of it, as it seems like maybe I have this unrequited lov
Why don't you give it a try?