Hello Capricorns,
I met this guy last year in October but I was probably on his radar earlier than that. He wasn't on mine till October. The first 3 dates last year was a bust, but I maintained peace and we are "friendly".
*We have great conversations, good vibes, but I'm still a bit hesitant seeing his dark side. Need more time to see more of him.
*We work together in different roles. I am technically a boss and he is working under another boss.
*There is a 12 year age gap, him being the oldest.
*He always tries to find "indirect" ways to come see me. But flirts so directly with others.
*He has expressed "I love how you are able to just be confident, focus, and get things done" (continues complimenting me)
*He'll ask me over to his place every 2 week or so on average. Sometimes once a month. No communication ever.
*We had sex finally. But it was due to him being unable to take it anymore. I willfully played along with his plan: he asked me "if you're not busy later, hit me up"
If i didn't say yes, it probably bruise him. Knowing he might also think about leading into more if the night goes right. We fell asleep, he was sweet and tender . Gave him a massage etc. talked a lot laughed a lot. In the middle of the night, he literally just said "I'm sorry, I can't take it anymore, and came on top of me"
*2 weeks go by, we are at work, ever so often we will bump into each other and he'll give me the most tender look and hugs. He doesn't hug anyone else like this ever. He keeps it together with me (this past weeks)
Bet you guys are thinking "where is this going?!"
*Today , he came over to see me as it was "convenient" and started to share with me what has been going on in his life. He added
'YOU SHOULD'VE CAME OVER YESTERDAY!" but no invitation was sent. No call or text of asking me to hang out.
I then asked him if tonight we could hang out then. He seemed like up in the air about it.
What is the theory behind this kind of behavior. With all that I've listed.
You want me but you don't. You need me but you don't. You clearly like me and see potential but you rarely touch base.
If a capricorn plans everything they say , and everything has a purpose.
What in the world was the purpose of him saying "you should've came over and hang out yesterday!" But not actually ask?
I'm tired of being shut down btw as well, every time he asks me its always last minute. When I ask him to hang out its always NO.
No to going here, no to going there.
Help theorize this kind of behavior. Feel free to ask me any questions
LOL he knows I'm not dating anyone.
I once told him to keep it private. Whatever it is. He also has been going around to other fellow colleagues and asking about what i'm about.
He is black and im chinese. He once said (during one of my conversations about what love is and my mom came up) but "you never brought a black man home" to which I said "irregardless if I were to act differently with this man, or not, my mother being a capricorn is set in her ways, I respect her for wanting to give me something, who in the world would give me anything?, She is my mother, but I have the right to date whomever I please. Even if it disappoints her, she still has the right to be her and I have my right to be me" to which he smiled.
This whole FWB thing is highly probable but there are intimate conversation situations since last year that is a lot to go through. 1. asking others about me. 2. finding ways to be close to me without being obvious. 3. helping me move soon 4. keeping promises?
Also we work in tv/film. We work very very long hours, so its quite hard to see each other without sacrificing our well being. Out of a week we get about 8-15 hours of free time.
Perfect thanks so much xoxflute! this is the core of it all. Problem solved.
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Feb 18, 2019Comments: 149 · Posts: 315 · Topics: 21
Cap here; two Cap parents; Cap brother; a Cap was the love of my life.
He definitely likes you. No invitation was sent because we expect you to read our minds when we like you.
He cares what colleagues say about you because we observe people we fancy...and we care about how they're perceived by others. We're gauging if they'll be part of our public image someday. If you're in a higher position, then you're ahead already. Cap men have high standards.
Plus...when we REALLY like you, we're indirect as fuck in the beginning.
Everything your Cap is doing is what my Cap used to do. And he now says he was in love.
I should add, though...my Cap was also older, also of another race than my own, and he didn't go "all in" until he lost me. I'm convinced my precious Caps love torturous love.
Thanks guys! Very insightful as always here in cap forums.
I've decided to stay clear of him. Irregardless what nonsensical logical he'll spit at me. Decision set.
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Jan 27, 2019Comments: 2 · Posts: 1548 · Topics: 27
He's creating a FWB's relationship. Open your eyes. It's right in front of you to see.
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Nov 10, 2010Comments: 285 · Posts: 30822 · Topics: 650
Never be scared to tell a man the truth in fear of hurting his ego.