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Jun 26, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 246 · Topics: 22
If you had a person or people in your life you tried to have relationship or friendship with, but it just didn't work. No fighting, no drama... Just couldn't develop how long before you would delete them out... Like their phone number And other ways of contacting you.
The reason I ask is I had few people in my phone contact life and on social media who I tried to develop various relationship with.. Friendship and business. They didn't work out so I just decided to delete them out since we don't talk or meet anymore. My Pisces friend said I was wrong to do so since they didn't do anything to me. To me was no deal.. But now I'm wondering if the Pisces is overreacting or I'm just not nice of a person... Curious if this is a capricorn thing? Lol
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Jun 01, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 2068 · Topics: 16
In my opinion, if you don't even talk to them anymore then there isn't harm in deleting them. Pisces tend to collect relationships. This makes it difficult to cultivate deep relationships with a few people and I had to have a Scorp/Virgo woman point this out to me right before she decided NOT to continue our friendship. I understand what she was saying, but if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have ever looked at it this way.
Streamline your relationships like you would anything else. Reduce the people clutter as it will only server to improve your life. The Pisces friend doesn't SEE this, because she's probably never been in a position to have someone erect boundaries that force her to make these types of people contact decisions.
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Oct 02, 2012Comments: 348 · Posts: 5328 · Topics: 266
you did the people a favor by deleting them from your contacts
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Mar 25, 2015Comments: 2 · Posts: 168 · Topics: 11
Your friend is overreacting. These people obviously don't serve a purpose in your life, and since you deleted them, I'm sure they have not tried to contact you. Best suggestion if you want to make any changes in your life, ask yourself does this/do they serve a purpose to me?
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
I usually just leave their numbers in my phone in case I so need to get in touch at some point
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Jun 26, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 246 · Topics: 22
And just to add if it's LinkedIn or other career based networks I'm happy to have million contacts but other social media which is more personal than business I prefer to only add people I actually know and have close relationships as I do time to time add photos and personal info. Maybe I'm strange but I'm just not the type to share all my personal with every person, like some other people do.
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Apr 01, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 294 · Topics: 16
I never really got our Motto "I use".
I agree more with the interpretation of having people in our lives serve a purpose. We're a more introverted sign and I personally can't have tons of friends and acquaintances to keep up with or else I'll feel spread out too thin and feel like there is too much social pressure.
I would prefer a few people in my life who bring meaning like family, reliable friends and maybe a trustworthy coworker or two.
Have I ever looked at someone and thought "how can I use this person to benefit me? What can they do for me?" No. I'm sure that there a immature cappies who think like that.
I have cut people out of my life who gave done something messed up to me to the point I dont even think its worth salvaging. Where I evaluate my relationship with them and determine they are unlikely to change vs the energy needed to repair the relationship.