Do Cap men cry..

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by mika7 on Wednesday, February 12, 2014 and has 30 replies.
When they feel rejected?
That is an yes or a no?
We are stoic.
People of all signs cry. Capricorn as a sign wouldn't but Capricorn as a person, maybe, just like people of any other sign.
Uhhh, NO. No man of any sign should be crying over rejection.
No, at least I don't. I know one that did. But I called a little bitch for it though and told him to grow a pair. Nobody should cry over rejection regardless.
I personally think Caps are weird. Im a female and I dont cry over rejection.
If one did cry it would probably be more over the situation done to them than the person involved I think.
I remember crying once for 2hrs...which lasted that long only because I started to cry over the fact that I was crying. Maybe its the leo moon.
Anyway, honestly I dont understand questions like this. Its always as if the person intentions are to hurt.
Ok,thank you for your answers.
So,maybe the Cap man i was dating was just bluffing?(he told me he was crying over my statement,,its over between us,,)..
He's lying.

Why do you care?
Because iam a bit silly and iam still talking with him-((.
What is your sign?
Why did you reject him in the first place?
If they do cry they wouldn't admit it.
Of course, down here in rustic area of the country, cap or not, men are taught not to cry. It's unmanly and sissified for man to cry.
The only time I've seen a man cry is over a death of someone they loved.
He got tipsy on the date and from there few things happened(he tried to kiss me,in a forced manner and the worst,he showed me by mistake a videoclip made by him with one of his ex-es,only the beggining,he erased in front of me).
I think i need to ditch him,even if he did appologied so many times.
Posted by mika7
He got tipsy on the date and from there few things happened(he tried to kiss me,in a forced manner and the worst,he showed me by mistake a videoclip made by him with one of his ex-es,only the beggining,he erased in front of me).
I think i need to ditch him,even if he did appologied so many times.

FOLLOW your gut. Your initial reaction was probably right. smile Who cares if he cried or not.
Thank you,Truecap!
I find that strange too,to cry and say that too,as a man!
I had an ex boyfriend who would cry, especially when he got caught cheating??_ crying means nothing.
Posted by truecap
If they do cry they wouldn't admit it.
Of course, down here in rustic area of the country, cap or not, men are taught not to cry. It's unmanly and sissified for man to cry.
The only time I've seen a man cry is over a death of someone they loved.

I'm from Tennessee. It's true. No crying except for a death, and at the end of Rocky II.
Thank you,Aqua.
Anyway iam not that attracted to a man who cries.Thats for us,women.
He said through text message,he was crying,which after all i dont know if is true or not(or was only beer talking-)
Posted by mika7
Thank you,Aqua.
Anyway iam not that attracted to a man who cries.Thats for us,women.
He said through text message,he was crying,which after all i dont know if is true or not(or was only beer talking-)

No problem smile come back and let us know what happens
Posted by CapTenn
Posted by truecap
If they do cry they wouldn't admit it.
Of course, down here in rustic area of the country, cap or not, men are taught not to cry. It's unmanly and sissified for man to cry.
The only time I've seen a man cry is over a death of someone they loved.

I'm from Tennessee. It's true. No crying except for a death, and at the end of Rocky II.
click to expand

And it's okay for a man to cry at the end of Old Yellar, too. smile
Just remembered this-he said to me through an txt message once his eyes are watery,he hopes i dont laught at that,he was watching a sad movie with a dog,the japanese version of Huski dog?!I dont remember the name of the movie-).
He loves animals,esp.dogs-he is feeding all the stray dogs from his work site.Actually i never met someone to care so much about animals..
Wait, he loves dogs? awwww he's a keeper smile
Posted by CluelessCancer
When they cry does acid come out?

Liquid testosterone.
Dogs,birds-he spends a lot of money feeding them!-).I love cats and dogs,so we agree on that-)
Has a pigeon ,he save it 8 years ago,from the front of a car,in the middle of a very busy road(took him to the vet,etc).He saved onether pigeon few days ago,from the big snow,but poor him, made it only for 1 day and passed away(the pigeon).
Plus he spends money on me,buys me flowers(not like the previous Cap,who only bought a medium pizza for both of us-),in 6 months and few teas.
Thats why iam confused-i went out with 2 Caps,so so different:this one is funny,emotional,moody,loves animals,he said he adores me,got tipsy,etc.
The other one was snobish,cheap,hated dogs(he always pulled me from front of any dog we saw on the street),no drinking,no smoking,singing me songs-),wanted everybody to like him,to look up at him.
Posted by aquapiscescusp
I had an ex boyfriend who would cry, especially when he got caught cheating??_ crying means nothing.

Ouch! Caught with his pants down! No wonder he was crying LOL.
Why is crying the defining standard for one being in touch with their emotions?
Can you be in touch with your emotions without leaking from the eyes over every Hallmark commercial on TV?
I've never heard "in touch with emotion" discussed unless crying was involved. LOL
Being in touch with your emotions can also mean throwing things and breaking things.
Just sayin'.