Do you cap women like scorpio men?

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by King_with_a_Sting on Sunday, September 20, 2009 and has 67 replies.
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Discuss, I've found a few cap women that are to my liking but I'm not sure What they really like is a guy. I know one when I see em too They always got that super tidy dress style to them and its never slutty but its never boring or looks bad. And they are always so well I guess the word would be reformed, I don't know just something about them attracts me.
I think my problem is though since they are so shy and never make the first move Ill always hit them with humor and lots and lots of confidence, maybe too much I think, do you guys not like over confident guys? I know it can be a turn off in some women. (damn my large amounts of confidence) Anyways please enlighten me on what attracts you. Please don't say money, cause I hate that.
There is one girl in my college class (haven't got to talk yet, but i plan on making a move) shes really well kept so i figure her family has money. And right now I'm not at that position in my life and my family is poor so if thats gonna be a major deciding factor for her then I'm not even gonna bother cause I had that happen once before and everything was smooth till she found out I was poor it would just be a big waste of time and effort for me then.
Discuss, I've found a few cap women that are to my liking but I'm not sure What they really like is a guy. I know one when I see em too They always got that super tidy dress style to them and its never slutty but its never boring or looks bad. And they are always so well I guess the word would be reformed, I don't know just something about them attracts me.
I think my problem is though since they are so shy and never make the first move Ill always hit them with humor and lots and lots of confidence, maybe too much I think, do you guys not like over confident guys? I know it can be a turn off in some women. (damn my large amounts of confidence) Anyways please enlighten me on what attracts you. Please don't say money, cause I hate that.
There is one girl in my college class (haven't got to talk yet, but i plan on making a move) shes really well kept so i figure her family has money. And right now I'm not at that position in my life and my family is poor so if thats gonna be a major deciding factor for her then I'm not even gonna bother cause I had that happen once before and everything was smooth till she found out I was poor it would just be a big waste of time and effort for me then.
Posted by Shaks
I think most of all cappy girls want to see ambition in a guy,

Yes, lack of ambition is a big turn off. Whether you have a shit load of money or not, doesn't matter. If you don't have that ambition, it takes away from the rest of the good stuff!
Just to add to that, Scorps have never really had much interest in moi! Virgo on the ohter hand, that's a different story, lol.
ok, who doesn't like an ambitious person? who doesn't wanna be with someone who wants to do something with themselves? i don't think it's just a cap thing. as a leo i would say lack of ambition/motivation is a huge turn-off for me.
Posted by Shaks
yes but this is not about Leos..geezzz why do Leos have to turn everything into something about themselves Tongue

hahahah, I agree whole heartedly! Friggin attention seeking whores (I mean that in the nicest way possible, LOL)
As a cap, I have a great connection in the beginning with scorp males, but it eventually turns out really bad in the end, then again I have moon in taurus and i think its opposite of scorpio
well, I am a ninja when I see people disrespect others.
cap girl and scorp guy relationship... well this is my take on it... it seems like both parties try to get an emotional handle on the other without wanting to show vulnerability. in other words, neither wants to give up the upper hand emotionally... which makes starting anything at all impossible.
if you pursue this cap girl, im willing to bet you'll both have at least one moment where you are put off by the other while trying to figure each other out.
unless you are the funny and fun-loving, outgoing type of scorpio guy, you'll have a shot at breaking the ice and get the ball rolling. just dont play emotional games and dont be too sensitive. caps are well meaning people and scorps are super sensitive... if you feel offended, there's a good chance it's just in you're head and you should get verbal clarification first before 'stinging'
ugh... i like scorps, but a lot of you guys really should come with manuals.
the type of guy i like? ... i like guys i can instictively feel i can trust, or learn i can trust. i like guys with an open and honest charm about them and any cheerful or endearing qualities just melt my heart. i also like it when a guy makes me feel like a lady... err, i LOVE that.
yea, my advice on how to put the moves on a cap girl... be honest, charm her and make her feel like a lady.
Yeah I thought about it I've seduced a 36yr old cappy one time (wasnt married or anything she actually looked 26 she took that good of care of herself) and another one who was my age which is 20. N ow don't take offense to what I'm about to say its just my personal view and its not something im sure everyone feels. Yes Im the fun-loving, funny, charming guy not so sure about out-going, maybe if im with the right girl and shes into what i am then I can be out-going. But, I've noticed from the two capricorn's I've hit on they are very melancholy, they think about work way too much, and this one comes from my ex-taurus gf mom who is a cappy, they seem to only lighten up after they have had a few beers or whatever drink they like in their system.
Not saying that I don't like them, I can respect all that, its just not what Im looking for in a woman. Maybe its cause my Sun is Scorpio and Moon is Aries, and my Rising is Leo. Who knows? I have Alot of Scorpio and Capricorn in my chart (about 4 planets each) plus The fire signs of Aries and Leo. So I like a woman who is Strong but try and dominate me cause I am the dominant one in a relationship always thats kinda how me and my ex fell out lol. Plus the whole sullen thing all the time brings down my mood because scorpios vibe off others people's feelings so when someone is down i feel down but when someone is up i feel up. Probably why I have so many leo friends cause the mood is always UP
Its not that I'm not confident, see my moon and rising are two signs that are both highly confident, like me smile. Just I'm thinking I won't be interested in her for long once that side of her shows so I' m not even gonna bother, maybe I'll ask her study and we'll be friends I just wouldn't take it to the next level.
well unless this capricorn you've got your eye on is the happy-go-lucky type of cap... then ya... why bother? or are you just bothering to discover what kind of cap she is? not all of us are melancholy.
yeah pretty much sounds like if shes a "typical" which the way she carries herself kinda gives me that vibe I'm not gonna be interested in dating her, but why bother trying to be her friend? well being friends with her would benefit me because I would meet her other friends.
Networking is a numbers game, you see. And don't say its using people cause really if you wanna get technical everybody uses everybody in to some degree or in some fashion so there is no need for none of that pointing fingers stuff.
Posted by C.A.P
no wonder i dont think too high of most scorp men.

Intensity, magnetism,depth.... bull shit! Guys like him 1st need to grow up

I agree completly
"Beside we dont use people but resources."
So you use people for their resources is pretty much what your saying. And don;t try and rebuke that cause I've seen it in action. Let me break it down for ya.
First off you have no Idea who I am only the fact that I wanted to know what Capricorns find attractive in a man. Quite frankly I don't find anything attractive about a Capricorn from what I have witnessed so far. You people are Judgmental, you have very ignorant hollow views about things. I.E. your perspective on things is "Society's perspective not an individual one" Your only interested in people that have status not whats in their heart, which is a gold digger by the way. And don't tell me you would be with a man that's poor cause My EX's mom was a cappy and she loved her husband when he owned a taxi company but after he lost it she became unhappy about being poor, which she blatantly did so every time she was drunk. Oh and also she started to go see her an old boyfriend who had money and started sleeping with him even though she was married! talk about morals. Oh and that's just my personal experience of knowing one but by looking on these forums its not the first time that has happened. You guys have absolutely no spiritual growth what-so-ever so before you say I need to mature, you guys have a lot of spiritual maturing to do.
Oh and the reason that post came out sounding so wrong was cause I felt that I was going to have to defend myself before I even said anything so ya it was to be misconstrued. Let me let you guys on a little hint NO man is wants a woman that he feels like he can't say whatever is on his mind for fear of being judged, its really unattractive and I can guarantee that if that is the case, then everyone of your boyfriends hides shit from you for fear that he will be judged.
Sometimes words have two meanings.
Now let me Clarify what I meant for you, I know exactly what she meant by using resources. However, Its not like you never used anyone for their resources either. Now you can sit here and try to dispute that with me but I would never believe you because whether you admit it or not Its a known fact that you have even its on the most marginal scale.
LoL you are the ones who picked a fight not I, Yeah I did ask cause I was interested but after the feed back which pretty much summed up guys that I couldn't relate to myself I said yeah I'll just be friends with her and then I mentioned the possibility that maybe her friends might be more suitable umm here's a little reality check for you. I'm in college and that's what happens in college you meet people then you meet their friends and blah blah so on and so forth. Your the ones who called me a moron and said that I was gonna use the girl so I could date her friends, you neglected the possibility that her friends might not even be to my liking. You just ASSUMED those were my intentions when really it was just a theoretical situation.
It came out wrong cause as I figured, which has proven to be correct, people would start pointing figures so the way I presented my thought came out sounding wrong because I wanted to avoid. I have read tons and tons of threads on these forums and I have noticed that pattern of whats called flaming. You were the first to insult so I decided to insult back.
You guys are far from perfect so get off the high horse. Oh by the way I was never once referring to that girl in the negative manner the last thing I said about her is ok so she might not be my type based on the feedback I had gotten, I'd still like to be her friend and despite what you @#% @# talkers have said to me I'm still gonna go try and be her friend, but Im gonna play different cards on the table I.E friendship cards not im looking for a relationship.
All that I said about Capricorns and the relation of my ex- gf's mom was directed at you guys not her. There you go again quick to jump to conclusions which started this whole flame war. So yeah be quiet and realize that we all contributed to this immaturity not just I. Accept some blame yourselves losers.
Man trying to talk to you is like trying to talk to a 40yr old with autism, I said I wouldn't date her but I would still like to be her friend. AND that was only if SHE PROVED not to be to my liking. You guys don't even know half the facts that haven't been presented to you and yet you make blatant assumptions.
So let me clue you in so you stop making yourselves look like ignorant fools.
This is my first year in college, I don't know a lot of people I have only met less than 1 handful so far. I would like to figure out who this girl is and see what kind of vibe she gives me. IF (now this is the kicker cause this is what you guys keep forgetting) IF
How did I say not so nice things about her? you fabricated that with your mind.
And looking at other threads on your guys boards one does not have to look far to see that you guys like to butt heads with whoever.
Its like that other person said "I've never wanted to insult someone so bad but I don't have time right now but maybe I'll come back later"
Yeah real mature. Loser old people with nothing better to do with their lives than vent their frustrations on people they don't via the internet.
Yeah you guys are real mature *laughing my @ $ $ off* you guys can take whatever opinion of me you have formulated and sit on it where you $ #!7 because you guys are nothing but lames anyways.
Posted by Shaks
"There is one girl in my college class (haven't got to talk yet, but i plan on making a move) shes really well kept so i figure her family has money. And right now I'm not at that position in my life and my family is poor so if thats gonna be a major deciding factor for her then I'm not even gonna bother cause I had that happen once before and everything was smooth till she found out I was poor it would just be a big waste of time and effort for me then."
What happened to your large amounts of confidence when you wrote the above?
For what its worth, my cappy gf comes from a rich family whilst mine isnt rich, that has NEVER EVER been an issue for us and I never even doubted getting into a relationship with her because of this fact, I think most of all cappy girls want to see ambition in a guy, not so much the money they initially got to offer.
The way youre asking what really attracts them, makes it sound like youre willing to change yourself and your personality to fit hers?? thats a turn off in it self, if she doesnt like you for who you are then just move on and find someone who does.

YEAH! This is true Big Grin No ambition will turn me completely off, at the blink of an eye. If I can out-do a guy when it comes to following my goals then thats a really bad sign.
Posted by sb_cap
We could have made a capricorn very happy but alas it wasn't meant to be.....

lol!!!! Good one sb ^_^.
The user who posted this message has hidden it.

lol!!!! I'm dying to know what was in the message. It seems as if it set off a huge reaction.

Just when I was about to tell my experience with a scorpio guy. See, I am a cap woman myself and I have been with a scorpio guy. Yes, I have stories to tell lol!!!
Posted by King_with_a_Sting
"Beside we dont use people but resources."
So you use people for their resources is pretty much what your saying. And don;t try and rebuke that cause I've seen it in action. Let me break it down for ya.
First off you have no Idea who I am only the fact that I wanted to know what Capricorns find attractive in a man. Quite frankly I don't find anything attractive about a Capricorn from what I have witnessed so far. You people are Judgmental, you have very ignorant hollow views about things. I.E. your perspective on things is "Society's perspective not an individual one" Your only interested in people that have status not whats in their heart, which is a gold digger by the way. And don't tell me you would be with a man that's poor cause My EX's mom was a cappy and she loved her husband when he owned a taxi company but after he lost it she became unhappy about being poor, which she blatantly did so every time she was drunk. Oh and also she started to go see her an old boyfriend who had money and started sleeping with him even though she was married! talk about morals. Oh and that's just my personal experience of knowing one but by looking on these forums its not the first time that has happened. You guys have absolutely no spiritual growth what-so-ever so before you say I need to mature, you guys have a lot of spiritual maturing to do.
Oh and the reason that post came out sounding so wrong was cause I felt that I was going to have to defend myself before I even said anything so ya it was to be misconstrued. Let me let you guys on a little hint NO man is wants a woman that he feels like he can't say whatever is on his mind for fear of being judged, its really unattractive and I can guarantee that if that is the case, then everyone of your boyfriends hides shit from you for fear that he will be judged.

DAMN! Really King_with_a_sting ??? Really???
OooooOOOooOOhhh, I wish I was around for this. How dare you talk about someone judging anyone when you are doing it yourself???? I mean, really!!!
Some men have all the nerve I tell you. No wonder everyone reacted negatively. You are being an asshole and you exact us all to bow and kiss your feet? Heck no, not in this house.
Man trying to talk to you is like trying to talk to a 40yr old with autism,
???????????? :O
What in the hell do you mean by that!!!!!????!!!! Excuse me!?! OMG, dude you came on here with all of this "stuff". Do you even know what autism is? Oh that was wrong, and mean. You wanted opinions, you got them and now all of this?

I said I wouldn't date her but I would still like to be her friend. AND that was only if SHE PROVED not to be to my liking. You guys don't even know half the facts that haven't been presented to you and yet you make blatant assumptions.
-----------------------> this dude
You are the one who only put "half" the facts on here, so how is that anybodys fault???
AND excuse me sir, what is all of this "if she proves not to my liking" bull. Who do you think you are? Like she has to prove her worthiness to you. OMG, I don't believe this.
You are so lucky I'm not one of the cap girls you are going after. OMG, I'd totally fix you buddy. All that hubris, no way man.
"im willing to bet you'll both have at least one moment where you are put off by the other while trying to figure each other out."
ehem... yep. i dunno, i get along great with them, but i have a bit of scorp in my chart helping with that.
it's funny, i was actually going to say in my first post that you are better off being friends first BECAUSE to me it seems there tends to be too much pressure getting an emotional handle on one another romantically. it's just the nature of cap and scorp put together causes a lot of tension at first... it can be super sexy 10% of the time, but mostly annoying, in my experience. at least being friends first, you get to know what each other is really like without trying to own one another.
Sun - Scorpio
Moon - Aries
Mercury - Scorpio
Venus - Capricorn
Mars - Scorpio
Jupiter - Cancer
Saturn - Capricorn
Uranus - Capricorn
Neptune - Capricorn
Pluto - Scorpio
Ascendant - Leo
Might as well make me an honorary Capricorn, I have plenty in my chart.
Anyways I'm done with the people that just like to Sh1t talk cause after browsing around I can see that's just the type of people that are just bored with their lives and have nothing better to do than to vicariously harp on the lives of others.
I'm in College, I'm new I hardly know anyone, I'm gonna be her friend regardless of whatever was said here, and Yes I do plan on meeting her friends too just like I plan on doing the same with any guy friends I have made at the college, its how you get to know people. And lets not bring up any of the nonsense that was stated cause that's all it is, nonsense. It's utter crap that some how a harmless question turned into a Scorpio bashing forum.
That being said. In reality I actually rather like Capricorns I tend to find their quiet self contained nature to be some what of a turn on. I actually think its because it presents it's self as a mystery and some what of a challenge to try and figure her out. Which anyone who actually knows ANYTHING about a Scorpio not someone who THINKS they understand us knows that there is much more than us than the facade we lay out for people. You guys seem to forget that we are masters tacticians we innately have the ability to be great strategist and thus we use strategy in every aspect of our lives. Some may consider that to be shrewd and that we have no loyalty, but that is just an ignorant uninformed persons opinion of us. If anyone was to threaten of harm a loved one of my I would cut them down without hesitation even if the consequences would be dire for me in the long run, that is true loyalty. Now whom I decide to give that too is another story cause not everyone manages to pass our test, we often see the flaws in you people and us being the masters of strategy we are see those flaws in people and we exploit your weaknesses to our gain. So yes YOUR WEAKNESS becomes our strength and it is your own fault for revealing it to us. That does not mean we are not loyal lovers who care deeply about those we decide are worthy of our love. It means we see your faults and we use them to our advantage because we can easily do so. ONLY after we do it do catch on so in reality the people who fall prey to us are the
the stupid ones not us. So be quiet about your whiny boo-hoo's about Scorpio's being slime because they exploited you for a weakness it was your own stupidity that made them do it too you, if they perceived you to be any someone worthy of a soul or a threat it would have not been done.
I do not have anything against some people who have posted here just the &^ $ % # heads that decided to flap their jaws without knowing % $ @@ about % $ ^# and you people are exactly the kind that us Scorpios will find your weakness and exploit it because you made the wrong judgment call against us. And I can tell Has what has been done to you Scorpio haters.
A scorpio with an aries moon and a capricorn venus?
Oh dear ... well, that explains alot. You simply can't help yourself.
Posted by cappysweetie
A scorpio with an aries moon and a capricorn venus?
Oh dear ... well, that explains alot. You simply can't help yourself.

can't help myself from what smile?
Posted by King_with_a_Sting
Posted by cappysweetie
A scorpio with an aries moon and a capricorn venus?
Oh dear ... well, that explains alot. You simply can't help yourself.

can't help myself from what smile?
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being attractive I suppose... I mean all those signs are considered attractive and for different reasons
Posted by King_with_a_Sting
Posted by cappysweetie
A scorpio with an aries moon and a capricorn venus?
Oh dear ... well, that explains alot. You simply can't help yourself.

can't help myself from what smile?
click to expand

no ^_^. Thats not what I meant. Hahaha, you are quite the creature aren't you. Yeah, my ex was like that. For heavens sake, you couldn't tell him that he wasn't 'the man' lol
However, I will say that I didn't know that you didn't know anyone on campus, that would explain why you are clinging to the capricorn so much.
Its no fun not knowing anyone. I'm a junior in college but I'm a transfer student -- I've just started at a different university and I'm trying to make friends too.
Oddly enough, I've made friends with a scorpio girl lol!!!
Posted by *Tasha
my Scorp has an Aries moon!
My Cappy friend has been dating a Scorp/Cancer moon for a few months now. it was kinda rocky though. he like disappears or something. and she is really image-concerned and we've both been in school lately so i'm not sure how things are going now honestly. but she really liked him though (b4 he started the disappearing stuff)...

Yeah, the virgo I broke up with back in march had an aries moon. Yes, they have high sex-drives, that they do ... They like to screw alot :/
heh... my ex has aries moon too! indeed he always wanted to boink, but i like to think i just turned him on that much Tongue haha
lol I know I was just playin with you. You seem friendly enough I figured you could handle a joke. I'am well aware of my stubbornness and I've tried to work on that the only problem with that is when your so dam stubborn its hard to change your own stubbornness. You feel me smile?
I didn't know that I would have to explain the intricate details of my life on the forums I mean jeez I just wanted a little feed back about what she might (not saying that's she's even like that I just assumed that she's one cause she gives me the same vibe that all the Capricorn's have done in the past, she could be a totally different sign. But Like I said Scorpio's are tacticians we like to formulate some kind of strategy that way we know which direction we are headed. I've winged it many times without coming up with a back up plan and I'll do good for the first few days but then often I find myself out in the blue cause I didn't come up with a plan so my direction becomes some-what unclear to me if I didn't decide before hand.
And I ain't clingin to nobody smile, I simply don't do that I prefer to be a lone-wolf if you will, I'm just sayin that she looks like she comes from a respectable part of society (A.k.A a good home, cause shes always well dressed and prepped up, so she probably hangs out with a crowd that is a little more upscale too) I ain't tryin to find some nappy @ $ $ girls to hang out with they just annoy me with their stupidity.
Posted by CreepyPants
heh... my ex has aries moon too! indeed he always wanted to boink, but i like to think i just turned him on that much Tongue haha

lol! Yeah, I like to think that too. But mine was into making you like really sore and stuff like that :/ You know, the kind of sore that if something brushes against it, you will think about "him" :/ Yeah, I wasn't too into that hahaha
Ya well I got the scorpio sex-drive plus the Aries so I got twice as much stamina. It actually kind of sucks cause its never enough even if we went on for hours and took a 15 miute break I still want more but my partner will be worn out. Maybe I need a girl with an Aries moon lol.
My Ex Taurus lady couldn't please me at all, so she had to go. I mean it's not entierly like that cause I did alot of things to help her out without asking anything in return and I did tolerate a bunch of her sass, and I didn't mind but when she wasn't given me any then it was like there was no point in being with her when she can't even satisfy my basic needs. I mean I didnt even ask for it all the time I was willing to accept it 2ce a week! which isnt nothing cause I want it 4-5 times a day.
Posted by cappysweetie
Posted by CreepyPants
heh... my ex has aries moon too! indeed he always wanted to boink, but i like to think i just turned him on that much Tongue haha

lol! Yeah, I like to think that too. But mine was into making you like really sore and stuff like that :/ You know, the kind of sore that if something brushes against it, you will think about "him" :/ Yeah, I wasn't too into that hahaha
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So would that be the sore where they if you just barely touch them down there they jump? cause that may be a good thing for you guys but for me its sucks cause Sad
My Virgo ex told me I use to make her like that, she said after a night with me she
d be so sore she didn't need sex for a coupple days.
Posted by King_with_a_Sting
lol I know I was just playin with you. You seem friendly enough I figured you could handle a joke. I'am well aware of my stubbornness and I've tried to work on that the only problem with that is when your so dam stubborn its hard to change your own stubbornness. You feel me smile?
I didn't know that I would have to explain the intricate details of my life on the forums I mean jeez I just wanted a little feed back about what she might (not saying that's she's even like that I just assumed that she's one cause she gives me the same vibe that all the Capricorn's have done in the past, she could be a totally different sign. But Like I said Scorpio's are tacticians we like to formulate some kind of strategy that way we know which direction we are headed. I've winged it many times without coming up with a back up plan and I'll do good for the first few days but then often I find myself out in the blue cause I didn't come up with a plan so my direction becomes some-what unclear to me if I didn't decide before hand.
And I ain't clingin to nobody smile, I simply don't do that I prefer to be a lone-wolf if you will, I'm just sayin that she looks like she comes from a respectable part of society (A.k.A a good home, cause shes always well dressed and prepped up, so she probably hangs out with a crowd that is a little more upscale too) I ain't tryin to find some nappy @ $ $ girls to hang out with they just annoy me with their stupidity.

lol, I knew you were joking ^_^. Thats why I phased everything like that lol. Now you mean to tell me that a scorpio man with an aries moon can't detect humor Winking I can be a bit of a smartie-pants so just fair warning lol.
And I didn't mean clingy in a bad way (people don't like that word lol) and meant it in a way that you don't want to be alone.
I'm glad that you admit to being stubborn and that its hard to change that aspect about yourself. Maybe theres hope for you after all ^_^.
Posted by cappysweetie
Posted by CreepyPants
heh... my ex has aries moon too! indeed he always wanted to boink, but i like to think i just turned him on that much Tongue haha

lol! Yeah, I like to think that too. But mine was into making you like really sore and stuff like that :/ You know, the kind of sore that if something brushes against it, you will think about "him" :/ Yeah, I wasn't too into that hahaha
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LMFAO... so his goal was to make you sore? mercy... some ppl and the things they are into
why does everyone hide their posts! i wanna know!
Well Lots of my older friends have told me they like me cause Im wise beyond my years unlike alot of people my age. So I'd like to think maybe when Im 36 Ill be in my "prime" lol just gotta stay in shape. I make sure to take lots of P.E classes at the college lol.
How do I get pictures to work, I have this picture and I uploaded that to my profile but it doesnt show anything even though the picture is uploaded
People used to say that to me, but now I act like a big kid. I do what makes me laugh smile
And I think dxp is particularly slow about updated profile pics. It may take a day.. my profile pic should be my actual pic. i changed it like several times, but it still shows this weird owl man. lol
blah they squished my pic, I look terrible. Nah it was a bad picture to begin with anyways lol it doesnt matter. I though it was the format or the size that was the problem for awhile but I see its working now.
yeah Scorpio women are very sociable. Its the men that are the strong-silent types. I laugh when people think were shy haha cause the people that know me know once I'm cool and respect them I'm usually loud and trying to get all the attention focused on me.
Yeah but I heard Scorpio in moon people are sulkers and Venus in Scorpio are stalkers I'm glad thats not in my chart im neither of those things. I usually if I get mad I'll either cooly walk away or explode and get nasty then when its over its over I usually don't try and make an appearance back in their life.
I find that If you release all those feelings right away instead of keeping them locked inside you it becomes way easier to get over a girl, especially if you get nasty towards them because If you keep all those feelings inside you what is going to happen is your gonna brood on it because you had things that you wanted to say but never did and that never brought you closure.
Or it could just be my moon in Aries - I know the moon is suppose to reflect your feelings, and Aries always tend to have emotional outburst that way instead of keeping it inside you you release it and its done and over with. So hopefully thats whats really helping me get by.
Expert psychologist say thats the best kind of persona to have, even if it can be a little rough at times people that have quick emotional outburst when something is bothering them tend to get over issues a lot faster than other people who keep it inside them. Most of my Family is Aries too lol
OMG! I forgot to add this last night.
Cappy girls, ANYTIME Shaks is 'speaking' for us, please let him. He is an excellent representative Okay!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol ok.
anyways that girl is something else. Not does she only seclude her self from everybody in the classroom (She picks a spot with no one around and sits there) but today as we are getting out of class i see her infront of me walking out of the building and im thinking ok perfect chance to talk to her the first thing she does is plug her earphones from her ipod and blast it. How am I suppose to talk to someone who clearly has no intrest in human contact. Another thing I noticed about her when she walk if she has a hoody she keeps her hands in her pockets and looks down at her feet when she walks and she keeps herself very closed in.
Its very offsetting to me, Im use to girls being a little more aggresive I mean one time we was sitting in the same row and she looked at me but then looked away real quick she didn't smile at me or anything. And through out the day when girls look at me and they see me looking back they usually smile at me even if im not smiling or anything.
But I don't think its me cause girls even if they don't seem interested in me usually become interested in me when I talk to them in my southern accent or act very funny. It's hard to be like that though when they are so introverted usually I make my move on them it goes by the vibe i get off them, the only vibe i get off her is either extremely quiet or she some girl whos only there for school and shes waiting to marry some older dude or something cause she hasnt shown any intrest in meeting anyone in class.
I'm gonna throw a rock at that girl next time she does that lol ...not a big one something small so I can get her attention and then play it off like i meant to hit someone else. Tongue
oh what to do what to do. with girls that are a little more aggresive or at least someone what expressive its easier to get on que. I'm really wondering what this girl is all about I mean she must have low self esteem it certianley seems that way. I can't understand why, shes not like super model fine but she is defiantley good looking and it looks like she takes really good care of herself and respects herself as a woman, I mean who cares about that kind of look I dated a model one time and yeah she was super fine but her personality was ugly, she was a scandalous a $ $ B!tc# thats why I told her a $ $ to kick rocks. She couldn't handle me breaking up with her either she got all upset and threw a tantrum it was actually so funny I started laughing and that made her even more mad.
Anyways before I rant too much all im sayin if that girl was my girl I'd show her off and make her feel good about herself theres no reason for her to have low self esteem im sure all kinds of guys wanna get after her I know I do.
i'm thinking im gonna ask that girl if she will study with me cause we have a music appreciation class together and I don't understand squat there and she always looks like shes super focused in what shes doing so I know she ain't a doofus. Man shes smart and fine and latina, I love latina women smile
She picks a spot with no one around and sits there
Hey, I do that too. Actually, I do it all the time in class.

Not too share why. However, like 92 out of 100, someone comes and totally evades the secluded area I've choose for myself. LOL, they just come lol, I'm think, "Who invited you" lol!!!

Man shes smart and fine and latina, I love latina women

hmmm .... really? So thats put of the attraction? Being that she's latina?
My goodness, scorpio men lol
