This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by james tate on Monday, July 3, 2006 and has 13 replies.
By the pricking of my thumb something this way evil comes.
The Brad
More of a cappy thing I think
No, cos in order to be evil, you have to actually stop being nice to everyone..and not die of guilt in the process..don't think cappies have that ability..
I don't doubt that for a second. Its very similar to a scorpio:
It is our deep sensitivity that makes us the best and most loyal friend. This same quality makes us the most treacherous of enemies. MOST other signs will trust a scorpio but in return won't extract anything about the scorpio..not even capricorn!
A fervent friend and subtle foe??
It is the Scorpio
va-de re-tro me sa-ta-na
I don't know about this board...but it is the general consensus...I wouldn't say shadow..as that would imply we lead you follow, which is not the case..equal footing..is where I would place it..there are just a lot of similarities..which become difficult to ignore over time..we are just born with bigger balls!..lol..
not necessarily, depends how you look at it.
Latin get thee behind me satan
It was quite warm today 22 c I am just a man not evil not good just somewhere in between like mary said in J.C. Superstar he is just a man.
Canterbury Kent
Its 20c now thats 69 f been kind of nice of late
my definition of devil isnt so evil. devil isn't so much capable of evil as it is capable of tempting people into evil. testy. in that way... yes i can be the devil, but i can also get over myself too. which i'm glad for.
rather than evil... i just have my days when i feel vicious. moody... nobody look at me wrong.
evil = live, devil= lived BAHAHAHAH!