one day someone told me there would be a party comming up but at that time i was just interested in another guy(who never gave me a chance), well the night of the party when i got there, the same guy who told me that we would have this party tells me , that there was this boy named Callum that wanted to meet me and that he was just comming to the party for me, so when callum got to the party we started talking and after too much talking we were kissing, and we didnt stop, but i felt akward so when i left the party i got this text from Callum saying that i was beautiful and that i should please call him when i wake up the next morning, but because i talked to Erick a friend of work about this, he told me there wouldnt be a problem if i didnt like to go out with him the next day because he was wasted. The next day at 10am i got this text from Callum saying he didnt remember much of last night but that he wanted to take me out for walking or whatever, and because of my mixed interests i said no because of the weather and well whatever.. in the week he asked me to be friends with a "little fun" and i said yes just because we were chatting and i thought he was a nice guy after all, we talked everyday but suddenly he says i cant get attached because im leaving and you too and repeated that almost everyday, so he cuted me out and said we can be friends, it didnt last long cause he deleted me from fb because i tagged him on something and well, is that normal?
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
What was it you tagged him in on fb? It might have been something that embarrassed him. Or he might not have wanted someone to know whatever information you tagged. Or he might have thought you were assuming too much.
Why waste your time with this guy? It appears, he didn't even remember much about you, much less what yall did. What good can come from it? He's leaving. Why get into "fun friends" when you know he's not going to be around? He's just going to be using you for sex until he goes (I'm assuming that's what he meant by "fun friends"). If it means "just friends", then disregard this paragraph, lol! Otherwise, please, please, please don't do this to yourself.
Signed Up:
Feb 18, 2013Comments: 12 · Posts: 828 · Topics: 6
A drunk Cap is an dark mysterious intriguing Cap!!! Watch yourself...