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Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
Okay, I made some observations for the past two weeks . I only lightly participated in the discussions because I wanted to focus more on what every one else. I have a series of questions, based on my observations ? yes they are vague but there is a point to my madness .......
Being so consumed with hate and regret , is it possible to become excessively cold towards your own emotions along with others? If a person?s emotions are FROZEN, can their heart ever be open again? Can life ever truly be what you want it to be .....if their heart?s NOT open? Some may consider people who are FROZEN as strong, but are they really just broken?
What could melt the ice built around a jaded heart? Could a person cause the meltdown ? Or will he or she only aid in the process? Could this person hold the key?
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Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
The thread is very difficult to answer. This is why posted on the cappie board because we are usually very good at analyzing.
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Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
For two weeks, I have observed people in certain conversations ... this is where I gathered the data now I' trying to prove my own hypothesis correct. I won't reveal whatit is until I get enough opinions.
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Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
Alrighty, it is important that I get many prospectives on these questions ... I just hope they are not too deep for others to comprehend. It require thinking ....
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Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
Maybe I should try the aqua board but they aren't geared towards intra and inter-personal situations ..............
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Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
In addition ...
So once a person is frozen, will there always be permanant scarring around his/her heart? Well, I have another question for you ... could those scars be reminders but also hold special meaning -- such as you can be reminded of the love you lost but also of the love you've gained? As a result, if that person melts the ice around your heart ... the emotions could be stronger? However, this can only occur if you allow your heart to flourish after the meltdown?
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Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
OHHHH Brain Blast!
Unfortunately, most people who are FROZEN, end up being the prime participants in the whole "mind game" saga. This isn't beneficial because it that's a FROZEN person more time to heal if they start playing games ... however most don't realise this until they have gone from relationship to relationship. Then most tend to become depress and they have a very mundane/sober outlook on life.
I'm going to add this to my project!
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Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
Okay, here I go ...
When I previous spoke of the "who holds the key" I was speaking in a physical sense ... not a mental sense. I do agree with you on the mental sense of "the key" being having a desire to love again but you didn't answer my question about a person holding the key to the MELTDOWN of an emotionally FROZEN person. Do you NOT believe another person hold he key to a FROZEN person's heart???? However, I have indicated that I don't believe a person can heal a wounded heart entirely BUT they can be only part of the process.
Try to understand whats driving people in you life, why did they do the things that they do.( linda goodman's love sign is a good book)
See if you can manipulate situations using this knowledge,
see if you can take better more informed decisions regarding relationships.
Cappys are not very social people, they tend to aim for perfection but no ones perfect.
take care
Signed Up:
Mar 18, 2006Comments: 2 · Posts: 23862 · Topics: 499
"YES, I do not believe a person holds a only aid...You can water a plant and give it sunlight, but the plant must decide to live and grow..."
Agreed DB, people may like to think that they can BRING someone out of their shell. However, it's up to the individual. A person that's FROZEN may need some guide but after the ice has melted that person has to realize that new begins when you let go of the past and focus on the future. After that realization the scars formed begin to offically heal. However, some scars disappear and others don't -- holding on to pain only makes the scars stay on the surface. When finally let go, the scars are bearly or completely invisible.
Or at least that the way I look at the matter.
Scars along the heart and mind are the most difficult to get rid of. Why? Because wounds that are not of the physical sense linger ....
Your insight was wonderful DB