Happy Birthday Genome.

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by gemini_82grl on Thursday, January 10, 2008 and has 6 replies.
Its this saturday.
Hope its wonderful.
Happy birthday to you.. Happy birthday to you.. Happy birthday dear Genome.. Happy Birthday to you.
Hope u like this...
Yes I was trying too. Im glad you like it.
Hehehehe, I'm flattered, didn't even know this was here. *BIG HUG TO GEMINI_82GRL, DearDiary, and the sagigoat*
Yes, I do like it Tongue. Thank you very much smile. O and thank you to the other people as well.
Hmm, well hopefully the rest of you are doing well. smile
Happy Birthday Genome!
Danke for the compliment.
I hope you get a good birthday BJ! Best of luck for year 2008...may the world not end, may you lay many hens...may your wallet be thick...as your dick and stand up proud.

hmm, well me privates are in good standing, wallet could use some fluffing. don't need many hens, just need one that is reliable and doesn't piss me the fuck off. o would help if she's actually interested(loves) me. >.> o that and to become omnipotent. always a life long dream of mine.
Thanks to Autumc * Sweet & Sour too for the wishes. Didn't realize this many people knew I existed. Hmm, guess I don't have to pinch myself to see if I am real.
well thanks again for all those wishes.
sigh, i still miss being jailbait. well sometimes.