Has anyone experienced this?

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by Chupka on Sunday, March 3, 2019 and has 17 replies.
Not letting go of someone? I fell for a capricorn, but it was the wrong time. I was vulnerable, broke, and just ended a 10 year relationship. Capricorn was just playing a lot of mind games. Long story short, my heart never let go of him. I sometimes pray to get him out of my mind. It is unreal! I still strongly think about him, but I know he is in a relationship now. It makes me sad because it looks like he treats her normal....but he did not treat me well. When he met me, I was living in my cousins basement because I had just ended a ten year relationship. I literally only had the clothes on my back. He saw this, and I felt judged. I felt like a joke. I find myself comparing myself to this other girl who owns her own business and owns her own place. I should not do this but I am. #stupidcapricorn

And to add to this mess. I cut myself off, and he has since tried to contact me twice for whatever reason. I was strong enough to now pull through, because I am not going through that bs again.
Posted by Chupka

Not letting go of someone? I fell for a capricorn, but it was the wrong time. I was vulnerable, broke, and just ended a 10 year relationship. Capricorn was just playing a lot of mind games. Long story short, my heart never let go of him. I sometimes pray to get him out of my mind. It is unreal! I still strongly think about him, but I know he is in a relationship now. It makes me sad because it looks like he treats her normal....but he did not treat me well. When he met me, I was living in my cousins basement because I had just ended a ten year relationship. I literally only had the clothes on my back. He saw this, and I felt judged. I felt like a joke. I find myself comparing myself to this other girl who owns her own business and owns her own place. I should not do this but I am. #stupidcapricorn

And to add to this mess. I cut myself off, and he has since tried to contact me twice for whatever reason. I was strong enough to now pull through, because I am not going through that bs again.
You still think of him, because of the judgement you felt and how he was with you. You need to work through that to let go. Am doing the same thing with different guys from my past and even now.

It's so hard seing the guys who treated you like shit being really good to other girls. And knowing they judge you. And guy judge. Very much. On a pretty deep level, that you are not good enough, and that's why it hurts.

So also a good idea to work on not letting their judgement effect you. You rely on yourself, and that is it.
Your response made me cry.

I know very well I should not compare, I was just expressing my vulnerable side. I'm in school to be a therapist now, to which I am putting myself through while still working. I need to focus on that, and care that my life is not standard. I have started seeing a therapist because it has been hard, and I no longer want to put myself in that victim mentality. It is so stupid.

I loved your response and read every word. I do hope that I find someone who loves me for me. Thank you

blockquote> Posted by Neshama

Then don't let go. If you don't want to let go, don't let go. What I would say is though. That thought ..that fairy tale love thought ...all shiny and full of light...the good man too good to be true. Don't let go of him either.

Some day ..this man will come ....and you will see him. And he will fall in love with you ...it might not be what you expect. But he will love you. And he will command you to only have him in your heart. And he will nurse you back from that dark basement your ex left you in. And he will request you to only have him and be with him fully. To stay with him and leave the other dude and that place. And YOU WILL. And you will know this moment when it comes...

Firstly you don't know what that other person maybe going through (girl with own business) or how she accomplished it. Don't compare yourself to others they could be going through the worst thing a human can be. Or they can have been given things easily that happens people can be given houses money trust funds from friends or family. Or some people take dirty money from places they know they shouldn't.

People say it's making excuses but it truly isn't. If others could see my grandmothers life at her 30s they might say well she had plenty of opportunities yada yada they don't see her life. People would say it's her fault she should have worked harder been smarter. Firstly they didn't see what joy she had in her life that she was so so happy. I mean so happy rich people would have been jealous. That she took every opportunity that was right for her. She chose the right husband the right family to work for. That she was never bitter for what society had done. Years later people were giving everyone in the same orphanage money from the state because of what had been done. They said sorry for blacklisting her husband for a stupid political issue. But they had not one regret.

They had no one regret and neither should you.

One day people will see others the way they are meant to. Right now we don't.

Success is not 'I got here on my own' success is ' i had help' because if you are not surrounded by help ..you are not successful you are LONELY no matter what anyone says. And that is not a successful life.

I think you are doing amazing.

And capricorn is my fav sign. I love you guys. You guys have helped me so so much.

Ok so he treats this other girl well.....i know that must hurt ...well maybe you were the ONLY LIGHT in this world that could get through to him. You were the only way.
Posted by LadyLuna19

Not gonna lie, Caps do kind of put you on a judgement stance. You dont have to be the best but if they see you striving or working on something they're a bit lenient.

Why think of him if hes in another relationship though? Clearly hes focusing on her and if that's the case, let them be. If he was judging you then he will always be there to do so. Why not find someone who will support you in a tough time and be there when over?
seems like many caps are judging not just mine ..ugh
Posted by LadyLuna19

Not gonna lie, Caps do kind of put you on a judgement stance. You dont have to be the best but if they see you striving or working on something they're a bit lenient.

Why think of him if hes in another relationship though? Clearly hes focusing on her and if that's the case, let them be. If he was judging you then he will always be there to do so. Why not find someone who will support you in a tough time and be there when over?
Cap here, too, OP...and I agree with @LadyLuna19.

We ARE judgemental...and it's something I know I should work on at times in some scenarios, but where that kind of thing is concerned, we want security. If a romantic prospect exhibits that they can't handle their affairs, especially with regard to their career or finances, that shows me they would likely be more of a burden than I'm already carrying. I know that sounds horrible, but it's true. We want partners. Will things always be easy? Of course not. Will my partner need me to carry some of his emotional or mental load at times? Of course. But...all of it? I can't.

I'll tell you this, though: he's kept in contact with you to leave the door open. In case things don't work out with this girl...and you currently working towards becoming a therapist lines up perfectly with his timing. But...you don't need someone like that. It's conditional on his part...and you deserve better. Especially because he's reaching out while in a relationship. That speaks volumes of his character...or lack thereof.

Because he wouldn't leave me alone for over a year. And it was to just play mind games. Everytime I tried to walk away he came back. Even when with this girl. I finally shunned him. 8 months later he tried contacting me again.

And also side note......I am very hard on myself, so I care too much how people think of me lol. Again, me expressing my vulnerable side.

Posted by LadyLuna19

Not gonna lie, Caps do kind of put you on a judgement stance. You dont have to be the best but if they see you striving or working on something they're a bit lenient.

Why think of him if hes in another relationship though? Clearly hes focusing on her and if that's the case, let them be. If he was judging you then he will always be there to do so. Why not find someone who will support you in a tough time and be there when over?

corns very well. I showed him my vulnerable state because I felt a connection with him only to find out he is a player. I was working so hard at work, and the time we did go out.....I was paying. Anyways, I just needed to Express my silly girl feelings. I need to let him go but my heart and head just will not let me.....right now.

Thanks for your comment

Posted by Reciprocity8

Posted by LadyLuna19

Not gonna lie, Caps do kind of put you on a judgement stance. You dont have to be the best but if they see you striving or working on something they're a bit lenient.

Why think of him if hes in another relationship though? Clearly hes focusing on her and if that's the case, let them be. If he was judging you then he will always be there to do so. Why not find someone who will support you in a tough time and be there when over?
Cap here, too, OP...and I agree with @LadyLuna19.

We ARE judgemental...and it's something I know I should work on at times in some scenarios, but where that kind of thing is concerned, we want security. If a romantic prospect exhibits that they can't handle their affairs, especially with regard to their career or finances, that shows me they would likely be more of a burden than I'm already carrying. I know that sounds horrible, but it's true. We want partners. Will things always be easy? Of course not. Will my partner need me to carry some of his emotional or mental load at times? Of course. But...all of it? I can't.

I'll tell you this, though: he's kept in contact with you to leave the door open. In case things don't work out with this girl...and you currently working towards becoming a therapist lines up perfectly with his timing. But...you don't need someone like that. It's conditional on his part...and you deserve better. Especially because he's reaching out while in a relationship. That speaks volumes of his character...or lack thereof.

click to expand

My mom, my sister and cousin(man), all of whom I am very close to me are all capricorns. And they have been super supportive. Especially my cousin, who fell in love with a girl who had a traumatic past. He held on to her. A lot of my clients are capricorns and we get along royally. I've expressed my situation and they all said this guy has his own problems.

I am a sagitarius btw.

I just have to think better of myself haha.
It's definitely a waste of time, sis. I dealt with a cap on this manner on and off for 8 years, it's pointless and it won't be a magical ending. Just to give your heart and mind some peace, let him go.

The cap I had reached out in September but I ignored him and finally just said, I'm done. So hopefully he gets the message and leaves me the hell alone.
Posted by Chupka

My mom, my sister and cousin(man), all of whom I am very close to me are all capricorns. And they have been super supportive. Especially my cousin, who fell in love with a girl who had a traumatic past. He held on to her. A lot of my clients are capricorns and we get along royally. I've expressed my situation and they all said this guy has his own problems.

I am a sagitarius btw.

I just have to think better of myself haha.
Next time he rings you, tell him he is unworthy and why.
I love all your responses. Overall it has been a challenging 3 years where I just have not been feeling good about myself....I.e end of a decade long relationship, and left with nothing. And this capricorn came in and took advantage of my vulnerable state. I wasted my time. Anybody who hurts anyone....is hurt. Done. I just need to go through my growing pains, and I dont need someone chiming in to see if I'm in a better place. Yes I am, I'm in the process of buying a new home by myself and im in school.
it was him being nosy than anything. He wanted me to chase him again so he can show off that he is in "a better place". I.e. living off his gf. He needs a mommy, I prefer a man. Lol

Posted by Fawne

I replied to an old thread. Thanks to @TxOgal 😒

Anyway, here is a post that kind of fits your topic:

Posted by Fawne

I’ll say every Cap is different.

I am not really judgmental. It’s important to me if a person is kind / good hearted and is working on themselves, i don’t care about the rest

If they’re not in a good place....mean, hurtful, negative, and won’t try to fix things or work on themselves, I won’t judge, but I’ll just not associate with them.

We all have been in some karmic situation and I believe I have no right to judge someone as I am no better than anyone else.
As to the reason why he is reaching out, maybe he wants to know if you’re in a better place. Maybe he felt guilty for not helping.
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I'm doing what I can to let him go. But my energy is still attached to him for whatever reason. If he came back again, I wouldn't give him the time of day....I am not putting myself through that again.

Posted by TraditionalAquarianKinda

It's definitely a waste of time, sis. I dealt with a cap on this manner on and off for 8 years, it's pointless and it won't be a magical ending. Just to give your heart and mind some peace, let him go.

The cap I had reached out in September but I ignored him and finally just said, I'm done. So hopefully he gets the message and leaves me the hell alone.

Thanks! ☺

Posted by Amour

Baby, you're a sag! 'Nuff said! 😘

Go get that bread and stay flawless queen! 😌

was to just ignore him. I just can not keep playing his dumb games anymore.

Posted by DMV

Posted by Chupka

My mom, my sister and cousin(man), all of whom I am very close to me are all capricorns. And they have been super supportive. Especially my cousin, who fell in love with a girl who had a traumatic past. He held on to her. A lot of my clients are capricorns and we get along royally. I've expressed my situation and they all said this guy has his own problems.

I am a sagitarius btw.

I just have to think better of myself haha.
Next time he rings you, tell him he is unworthy and why.
click to expand

Posted by Kittens

Thanks for being obsessed over us,

Its so rare for anyone to be obsessed over a Capricorn man.

AWWW! Glad to see you back! Hug
And I am a sagittarius......I move on quick, and care only for few people. I am very much a loner. Which is another reason why this obsession is unexplainable.

But with that said.....the capricorns that are close to me are wonderfulsmile.

Posted by Kittens

Thanks for being obsessed over us,

Its so rare for anyone to be obsessed over a Capricorn man.