Thank you all for answering me. I find it difficult knowing my role in all of this. How much space and time to give him and at the same time letting him know that I am here for him etc. Especially difficult because of his roller coaster mood. One day happy and nice and the next short and grumpy. Since I don??t know him that well I get really insecure about all of this and what to believe. I have thought that he is a man who stick to his words and so on, but I??m not sure if i can believe it anymore. But, he is sick even though he is getting much better. I think that he might just be really fed up with it all and especially the fact that he can??t go to work. I hope things will get sorted out when he gets back to work and him getting his life back on track again. It seems that he can??t function when he doesn??t work. I just find all of this very difficult and a bit hurtful i must admit. Maybe i should just give him his space and eventually talk to him if this drags on for weeks to come. I really do think that this is a man worth fighting for so I am not going to give up without a fight anyway. Should I just tell him that I find this difficult or should I just let him have more time?
And thank you al again.
Thank you all for your replies. I have not initiated any more contact with my cap guy, except for a mail saying happy birthday hope you are well etc etc. Nothing for him to answer or anything trying to stay away and give him some space. If that is what he wants. I am now very insecure on what to do next. He has not tried to initiate any contact with me, but I have also maybe pulled away from him at the moment and not been on fb etc. He has now recovered enough to take on some of his work, and maybe i am hoping that that will help the situation. I am not sure if I find this situation ok at all, but at the same time it is such a strange situation so i feel I have to give it some more time and give him a chance to get him self and his life together. I understand that that is very important to a capricorn. But I must admit that I don??t completely understand when to give him space and when to just say hi an so on. Should I just leave him completely alone ( I tried talking to him on the 23 of december), or should I just say hi and something ordinary and benign? Not try to have the talk with him or anything? I also feel like he can be a person when he says he will get in touch he will be. In his own time that is. But of course I can??t be sure since I don??t know him very well, so for me to start to nag and ask about meeting him will just make things worse my gut tells me...
Signed Up:
Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
A sick Cap that's not your boyfriend, no investment at all on his part mentally nor emotionally, ugh just move on, he's dumped you, some male caps do that, some men in general do that as well, they leave the door open for when it's convenient for them, I've seen this Cap thing before, they also do this thing called resetting the relationship because they don't want it to go beyond phase 1 and any astrological sign can do this not just Caps, oh and some Caps are completely emotionally unavailable, frustrating, so yeah the dog is sick--he's devalued you---he's sick and in the hospital--reason to devalue you, mom is sick--reason to devalue you, work is hard--reason to devalue you eg dump you eg put you last, any easy excuse to dump, you will do. I mean what woman would push back on something so serious as illness? Not very many would question the validity of being sick so it's the perfect excuse/reason to dump and discard, a slick way of getting OUT before it gets too heavy. I hope you know you deserve so much more than what you're currently receiving which is NOTHING, I'm sure you can do better than receiving nothing.
Men that want you will not allow a sickness to stop them, goats climb mountains and obstacles so the very mere fact that he's not doing that means he's not that into it with you (right now/if ever), if not anything his vulnerability will bring you closer, maybe he'll come back when he's not drooling and frothing at the mind with his bad moods. Not enough time in the day to worry about a brooding cold male Cap, save your energy on this one, hope your not waiting and instead choosing your happiness over him, investing your energy in dating other guys that want to show up for you..
Turn your mind to the light, keep moving away from the Cap, if he's done being a jackhole he'll be back.