Hmmm... I Say BullShyt !

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by CapGirl on Wednesday, March 15, 2006 and has 22 replies.
If we're all "over, done with, fed up, and through with" the Cap. man... what the heck are we all doing still posting here about them?? LOL
I'm a Cap. so I have an independent right to be here. HAHA! And, I readily admit that I'm still fixed on lasso'ing one and hogtie'ing him, as paybacks for the one that tortured and tormented me and got away! I think I've found a more innocent specimen who can be conquered. ** Evil laugh**
CG ~ I give you my shares...
I come here b/c I like talking to you guys!
PF~ you owe me about 3 emails, by the way! (I was on a drunken rant last night! haha) I may be sending you more here today.
I also come here because i like hearing/talking to you ladies, also, some of the stuff i read just reinforces why i shouldn't be pining away for these cap guys, i've openly admitted that the one i'm still not truly over, i still think about him a lot, it makes me realllllllllllllllllllly crazy and mad that i still do believe me, if i could magically erase him i would, so i like to read(sorry for anyone's troubles) but it helps me to hear how difficult they can be in general, I'll always say there are exceptions, but the ones i've been with have fit all the bad traits to a tee. so to me, it's kind of like therapy.
CG ~ sorry, new project! I'll check today.
APW ~ my original cap actually goes to therapy on a regular basis -- for years. So I guess when you are dealing with them, that is another thing you learn from them ... the need for therapy! lol
APW, you have definitely mellowed out, from your raging rants way back a few months ago! I still think about original-primary Cap. too. I offered him his roll in the hay, but he didn't bite. I think he thought I was trying to F*** with him, tease, bait, toy. But really, I was just trying to F*** HIM. LOL
PF~ you can just simply respond to today's email, if you prefer, to get you caught up. haha!!
Why am I stuck in "a room" with all these FISH?? Where are the Bulls and nitpickers (Virgos) at?? Oh, and all of our proud-to-be-Stingers (Scorps.)? hahaha
Proud Scrop right her...
CG - What is the story with you cap women I work with one and was about to cuss her azz out for lying on me to the Director about my job drawing blood and she did it because she wanted to draw blood and the Coordinator told her no and I was working by myself and it was only about 3 guys waiting she as just started. I was working on one and the other two was still filling out the forms and she told the Director that I was backed up and can she help me of course I did not find out about it until after I finish the screening The Director Secretary told me what she said I was like that Damn Bi*&ch she tried to set me up I was heated well because I do need to keep my job I calmed down but I knew I would never trust her again.
I don't believe nothing she says and every chance I get I jump on her azz, I really have no respect for her but I tolerate her because I have to work with her. Not closley like we used to but every time I look in her face I will never forget what she did.
What can you tell me about Cap Women that I need to know. before I kick her azz the next time she try something like that again.
Oh no, no offense, but as far as men go... I try to avoid Aries and Geminis. Like if I find out they're that sign, my walls are up and I have a negative outlook immediately. Next on the list would be Libra and Cancer, although I am not overly biased against them, just kind of blaaah, whatever.
b/c nobody else wanted to talk to your azz, CG. You ought to be more thankful...
I'm the original CapGirl! Those others are copy-cats!! I guess it's because of a boss I had for 5 years who was Aries- he was like jekyll and hyde, very uneven temperament, and fiery too- when he got mad, which was often, he looked like a little crusader storming about.
Oooh, ScorpionLady, it might be the mountain-climbing, rise to the top mentality of the Cap. but it's typically down more slowly and steadily. I have no interest in stepping on others to get there and am not even that motivated to 'move up.' She must have bad character, or ARIES in her chart! lol Or Gemini? Two-faced. (Gosh, I will feel bad if GEG reappears and sees me Gemini-bashing!)
PF~ cute! You're lucky I know you so well and can find humor! Winking

You're lucky too, m'dear.
thanks capgirl, I HAVE mellowed out, yeah it takes time to get over these guys, or to get over the initial "what the f-k is wrong with them? and these boards have helped tremdously, a lot of times we hear things we don't want to hear, but truth is truth and fantasy is fantasy, and my new motto for the last couple of weeks is "it is what it is" I've come to accept that no matter how "right" i might feel, it doesn't mean the other person is going to see my point of view. and there's another saying that goes, "would you rather be right or be happy" in other words pick your battles. it's esp hard to fight someone who isn't even there, and that's what i was doing. so thank you all for your patience.
Oh, I do! A guy whom my friend set me up with. Like late30s or 40, divorced w/ a 9 yr. old daughter (a mature man). He didn't drink or gamble bc. he couldn't handle it, and seemed to be a sex addict too. Worst thing and moreover, he got very aggressive w/ me and I was in fear for a brief moment of being overtaken (raped) on my own bed- had only known the guy a few weeks. Very intense personality.
I think you are right CG because I took my Phlebotomy course frist and when she found out then she wanted to do it like everthing that I do she does it also. So when I got Certified earlier this year and because I know what paper are needed she keeps coming to my office asking for my help. She asked me who paid for my certification form and I said the University like they paid for my course and she got the University to pay for her course and yesterday she went to see if they could pay for her application and they said we paid for the course we not paying for nothing else so she is coming out of her pocket to get certified...I can't stand her...
I will just continue to keep my distance...but if she does it again I am going to F her up. And find another job because I am not going to wait until we get off...that is to long.. LOL
see that's how i feel about cap men, every one i've known whether i've been involved with them or friends of mine, have had such similar experiences. unfortunately one of my own son's is a cap male, i pray for him and constantly tell him to please please please be nice to girls, not to play games, but i swear i see him just close up and retreat just like we're talking about. and i didn't raise him any diffently than my other two kids, one who is a pisces and he's so outgoing and my daughter is a scorpio and such a sweetheart. so yeah, i judge cap guys by their sign and it doesn't make me happy to do that but it is what it is and they are who they are.
Lol @ Scorpionlady and kick her azz comment..hahaha..
Well I know 2 cap is as nice as pie, the other one, well lets just say thank god I don't see her often, or yes I would kick her ass into the abyss..she thinks she's on some next level...muppet!..I know she's very will always have one over her..not that I am in competition, I barely know her but I hate all her "I want to lick your ass friends" that she has..and then she wonders why she's single..its hillarious to watch from the distance..Rumour has it that she can't stand haven't even met the girl..sad, pathetic individual..
I have always gotten on with Aries girls..but sometimes I do find they are very competitive and need to be centre of attention..Gemini..I can't stand..I avoid them like the plague..but then again, each to their own..everyones different..
Leo are ok but I had to cut one back, she was playa haten
Gemini are ok as long as they are the Good Twin LOL
Libra are ok Funny
Aries, I don't really care for, exaggerate to much it bother me I here them talk about something that just happen and they just change the story, as if it really happen there way...Go figure I hate it..
Pisces - ok with them
Sag know they are my girls...Hey let party
But to be honesty I don't even want to be around a lot of women, to much drama I like being around men they are much fun and you can be yourself. I love it hanging out with men, talking with men, having sex men. Damn let me stop time for me to go home ladies have a good evening.
Branh- why are you posting female-bashing, woman-hating shyt in here? Misogynist pig! You are the one w/ the 2 sides... the sane, rational Branh, and the bitter, confrontational one. You belong on's forums- go, go now! There's a bunch of men there w/ superiority complexes. You'll fit in well.
I like Taurus chicks for friends... Pisces too... I have a fun Libra friend, but my Libra secretary is a fuddy-duddy and dumb as rocks. I do not relate to her at all, but it could be the age gap and other factors- not sun-signs.
Scorpionlady ditto..I love hanging out with men too...I find them more straight to the point, none of this handbag fights!
handbag fights! hahaha personally I find I can't talk to a guy without imagining him naked at least once - if he's cute then I will be imagining it all the time. So I don't really have guy friends, except my ex - a Libra - we broke up two years ago. In fact if I've seen a man you can assume I've eyed his crotch one or more times - and I've been caught often even by other guys whose pants I wasn't staring at. I don't think women notice me doing this but men do. If it's my date that I am staring at then I feel I have the right to stare as much as I want - isn't that why we're on the date? I don't mind if guys talk to my boobs either, I smile at them when they look up and wink sometimes. Once I was on a date with this guy and he got a hard on, I could not take my eyes off of it, it seemed to get bigger and bigger. There was an old guy was sitting next to us glaring, he'd brought his 16 year old son to play sax (jazz club). When the kid came back to sit next to his Dad, I was able to pull my eyes off my date's pants and congratulate the kid on having played so well, I asked him how old he was - 16 he said, "and you're that good!". I didn't think it was possible, but the Dad glared even harder so I smiled broadly at him and went back to looking at my date's pants... I mean eyes.
Capchic- you're funny as he!! and way cool! LOL I don't have men as friends either- unless they're co-workers or were co-workers, or are in a serious relationship and even then it's lunch like every few months at best- no other hanging out. I just don't think men and women can be friends if they're in mutually good-looking company. One of them, usually the guy, is angling to get laid or get involved romantically and then gets pissed off - or they both do- when the signals and communication have been misinterpreted.

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