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May 04, 2012Comments: 100 · Posts: 420 · Topics: 53
Had a seemingly random conversation with a my gemini best friend regarding this. which lead to her breaking up with her cap gf who asked if everything was worth it the wait the ups and down ,disagreements. there still in love.
And she was unable to reply.
my view varies i believe in deeper connection beyond just friends and being in love is later.There is instant connection but for me i see that as lust not love.
This question was brought to me again why the post.
So questions to caps and visitors to the cap board how do you know when your inlove with someone? is it instant or is it overtime knowing that person more deeply than beyond the meer initial connection ?
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May 04, 2012Comments: 100 · Posts: 420 · Topics: 53
@M your making sense .your mind works in a odd just an observation from how you expressed yourself in text kudos .
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Feb 07, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 3217 · Topics: 32
If you're not sure you're in love with someone, you're not.
I have no experience with love at first sight, but I know several couples who do. As each of these couples has been married for multiple decades, it would appear this is at least not always only lust.
The world is littered with former couples who are still in love with each other who simply are unable to live their lives together. Love is powerful, but it does not conquer all.
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Nov 04, 2005Comments: 233 · Posts: 8226 · Topics: 348
My heart feels tickled when Im in love.
Im completely serious.
Its usually after a few months or so of dating and spending lots of time with someone, ive figured him out for his strengths and weaknesses, accepted all his faults, want to be with him even when things are shitty, knowing he'll do the same or has done the same, and i look at him just sitting somewhere or doing something and my heart feels like it could explode.
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May 04, 2012Comments: 100 · Posts: 420 · Topics: 53
@koi your most welcome
i have had instant connect im quite lust full so i have learn to separate the two of a mere sexual attraction only vs a need to know more about someone with the attraction. with me the connection is instant not saying im in love but its deep to take it to the next level knowing more abou the person on a relationship level.
i have loved intensely and lightly this is based on how the connection feels to me pulling on my heart strings. you can love someone so deeply and even separated the connection is still there story of my life eek baggage.
but when i love someone where ever we are is home. there home my home
I am in love when I think that the person in questions deserves a better life, when all you can think about is getting a knife and pealing the world apart so she can see inside it, so you can both enjoy it??s strange little secrets...and if you don??t find any, well you make them up as you go along.
I can fall in love very fast...and get cold feet just as fast. For me there are two sides to love: The Chase makes me fall in love...and then there is the period of "What have I caught?" Will she be a good mother? will she be a good wife? Is she happy with herself or does she "need" me to fill some blank space in her life (that for me is a deal breaker). If I am to be with somebody first they have to have a life to share, not make me their life...
I know if I am in love when she deserves to have the most beautiful of worlds in her hands, when I am sure she will be a good mother to our children and give them nothing but love and devotion, when the only thing you want to do is get home and kiss her eyes and see her give a little smile...and then smack her on the ass and call her a "little wench" :-)
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Jun 13, 2006Comments: 5 · Posts: 3103 · Topics: 77
I knew in an instant that she was the one I loved and would love forever.
At first glance she treated me well, at least at my standards, and I have never saw no one treat me like that. Maybe I have never met a 1st decan cap woman before.
There is a soul conection, in few conversations I could tell how her mind works, and i love it.
I believe in loving forever, I usually love the soul and that lasts forever and gets better over time.
With her I do what it was in my mind for my soul connection, that should come some day (i would wait forever, even if I was already 100 years old):
- With her I dance, no one else.
- With her I travel.
- With her I have all confidence in the world.
- With her I have no excuses to do what it has to be done.
- With her I dont lie anymore.
- With her I do everything, that I dont do with everyone else.
- With her I talk about anything.
- With her I know the world and facts.
- With her I feel to smile everyday.
- And so on, and so on, endless list.
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
When I know the person's character, strengths, weaknesses, faults, idiosyncracies, oddness, uniqueness, etc. and I still want to be with them and think about them all the time. When I smile when I think about them. My heart feels swollen with feeling and I feel all gooey inside. When I care more about their happiness than my own and would do anything in my power to protect them, care for them, hide a body for them, etc.
To me love is not instantaneous. Love at first sight is merely attraction and lust. To me, love happens when you get to know a person and really start to relate to them, understand them, click with them. You enjoy their presence and you don't feel it's overwhelming to be with them. It's much more than just lust, it's a deep caring and knowing that you'd do anything to make that person happy.
Well, that's my interpretation anyway.