How strong is your Saturn?

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by capgirl69 on Wednesday, May 15, 2013 and has 36 replies.
Admittedly, I stole this topic, but I want to do all of the tests! E2% 80% 99s-the-score/">How Strong is your Saturn?
+10 Saturn conjunct, square, trine, or opposite the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, or Midheaven, 10 points each.
+5 Saturn conjunct, square, trine, or opposite other planets, 5 points each.
+0 Saturn in minor aspect to the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven, or other planets, 2 points each.
+5 Sun, Moon, or Midheaven in Capricorn, 5 points each. Ascendant (chart ruler) 10 points.
+0 BONUS: Saturn in the 10th (not conjunct the Midheaven) or in Capricorn, 5 points each.
+6 Other planets in Capricorn, 3 points each.
+0 Sun or Moon in the 10th house or within 10?? of the Midheaven, even in the 9th, 5 points each.
+0 Other planets in the 10th house, or within 10?? of the Midheaven, even in the 9th, 3 points each.
+0 BONUS: Part of a major configuration like a stellium, T-square, or Grand Trine, 5.
+0 Add 2-5 points for each other factor you consider important, such as Saturn aspects to the nodes or having a Node or Part of Fortune in Capricorn or the 10th. Specify.
26>>>> Total. 0-15 low, 16-25 moderate. 26-40 strong. Over 40, off the charts???check your pulse!
Sun Opp Saturn
Jupiter Trine Saturn
Sun, Merc, Venus in Capricorn
You guys crack me up!
Mine Comes Out To 44
Saturn Is Kicking My Ass
At Least I Have A Strong Pluto and Mars Placement To Help Counteract Saturn
This is probably a dumb question, but how does one find out what those aspects are? I mean, is there a website where one can enter the date, time, and place of birth to get that info (for free)? Thanks.
Go To Click Free Horoscope At The Top of The Page Then Go Down and Click On Astro Click Portrait, It Will Ask You To Put In Birth Info, Once You Do That Click On Planets and Things In The Chart To See Aspects
I really want to do this one...I just can't get myself to do the math today. I need a day off...
Uranus test

-10- Uranus conjunct, square, trine, or opposite the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, or Midheaven, 10 points each.
-5- Uranus conjunct, square, trine, or opposite other planets, 5 points each.
-0- Uranus in minor aspect to the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven or other planets, 2 points each.
-0-Sun, Moon, or Midheaven in Aquarius, 5 points each. Ascendant (chart ruler) 10 points.
-0- BONUS POINTS: For Uranus in Aquarius, Uranus in the 11th, or Aquarius on the 11th cusp, 5 points each.
-0-Other planets in Aquarius, 3 points each.
-0-Sun or Moon in the 11th house, 5 points each.
-0- Other 11th house planets, 3 points each.
-0-BONUS: Part of a major configuration like a stellium, T-square, or Grand Trine, 5.
-0-Add 2-5 points for each other factor you consider important, such as Uranus aspects to the nodes or having a Node or Part of Fortune in Aquarius or the 11th. Specify.
-15-Total. 0-15 low, 16-25 moderate. 26-40 strong. Over 40 off the charts!
Moon conjunction Uranus
Venus square Uranus
How strong is your Neptune?
-0-Neptune conjunct, square, trine, or opposite the Sun, Moon, Midheaven or Ascendant, 10 points each.
-15-Neptune conjunct, square, trine, or opposite other planets, 5 points each.
-0-Neptune in minor aspect to the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven, or other planets, 2 points each.
-0-Sun, Moon, or Midheaven in Pisces, 5 points each. Ascendant (chart ruler) 10 points.
-3- Other planets in Pisces, 3 points each.
-0- Sun or Moon in the 12th house, 5 points each.
-0-BONUS: Neptune in the 12th or Pisces on the cusp of the 12th, 5 points each
-0-Other 12th house planets, 3 points each.
-0-BONUS: Part of a major configuration like a stellium, T-square, or Grand Trine, 5.
-0- Add 2-5 points for each other factor you consider important, such as Neptune aspects to the nodes or having a Node or Part of Fortune in Pisces or the 12th. Specify.
-18-Total. 0-15 low, 16-25 moderate. 26-40 strong. Over 40 off the charts! (Check your math.)
Mars conjunction Neptune
Neptune square Pluto
Jupiter in Pisces
Jupiter square Neptune
Mercury test:
-10- Mercury conjunct, square, trine, or opposite the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, or Midheaven, 10 points each.
-5- Mercury conjunct, square, trine, or opposite other planets, 5 points each.
-0- Mercury in minor aspect to the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven, or other planets, 2 points each.
-15- Sun, Moon, or Midheaven in Gemini or Virgo, 5 points each. Ascendant (chart ruler) 10.
-0- BONUS: Mercury in Gemini or Virgo, 10 points.
-0- Other planets in Gemini or Virgo, 3 points each.
-0- Sun or Moon in the 3rd house, 5 points each.
-6- Other 3rd house planets, 3 points each.
-0- BONUS: Part of a major configuration like a stellium, T-square, or Grand Trine, 5.
-0- Add 2-5 points for each other factor you consider important, such as Mercury aspects to the nodes or having a Node or Part of Fortune in Gemini, Virgo, or the 3rd. Specify.
-36- Total. 0-15 low, 16-25 moderate. 26-40 strong! Has anyone ever suggested you might have ADD-HD? Over 40, Off the charts???how did you sit still long enough to take the test?
Mercury conjunction Venus
Mercury trine ascendant
Virgo ascendant
Mid heaven in Gemini
Neptune and Mars in iii
^^^now I understand why I get along so well with geminis. Wow.
Bump to bury deleted threads.
Still working on this. Need a day off from work and a sheet of paper, in order to focus.
Sun trine Saturn
Ascendant biquintile Saturn
Saturn conjunct Uranus
10th house Mars and Eris conjunct MC
PoF in the 10th house
Draconic Saturn in Capricorn conjunct Uranus and Neptune
Tropical Mercury trine Draconic Saturn (sextile Tropical Pluto)
N.B.: The Draconic chart is supposed to indicate one's spiritual purposes in this lifetime. People who are born in the year of the Dragon (like me) will sense the effect of this chart more influentially. In a sense, one who has a prominent Draconic Saturn will have the chance to discover his esoteric purpose as well (unlike the Tropical one which is exoteric).
After all, Saturn is both the exoteric and the esoteric ruler of Capricorn.
Posted by capgirl69
Mercury test:
-10- Mercury conjunct, square, trine, or opposite the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, or Midheaven, 10 points each.
-5- Mercury conjunct, square, trine, or opposite other planets, 5 points each.
-0- Mercury in minor aspect to the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven, or other planets, 2 points each.
-15- Sun, Moon, or Midheaven in Gemini or Virgo, 5 points each. Ascendant (chart ruler) 10.
-0- BONUS: Mercury in Gemini or Virgo, 10 points.
-0- Other planets in Gemini or Virgo, 3 points each.
-0- Sun or Moon in the 3rd house, 5 points each.
-6- Other 3rd house planets, 3 points each.
-0- BONUS: Part of a major configuration like a stellium, T-square, or Grand Trine, 5.
-0- Add 2-5 points for each other factor you consider important, such as Mercury aspects to the nodes or having a Node or Part of Fortune in Gemini, Virgo, or the 3rd. Specify.
-36- Total. 0-15 low, 16-25 moderate. 26-40 strong! Has anyone ever suggested you might have ADD-HD? Over 40, Off the charts???how did you sit still long enough to take the test?
Mercury conjunction Venus
Mercury trine ascendant
Virgo ascendant
Mid heaven in Gemini
Neptune and Mars in iii

wow! no wonder you married a gemini sun man. I notice that with people who have it strong in their chart. My virgo father in law, a double virgo married a gemini sun woman. i'm inclined to believe her chart has alot of pluto aspects too, cause he's dominant scorpio.
That is interesting. I've always really been drawn to and get along well with Gemini people.
Since I've learned about astrology, I see so many Gemini cap couples!
But I see more Cap man/ Gemini woman.
Posted by capgirl69
That is interesting. I've always really been drawn to and get along well with Gemini people.
Since I've learned about astrology, I see so many Gemini cap couples!
But I see more Cap man/ Gemini woman.

Tried that. Not for me!!!
Posted by capgirl69
That is interesting. I've always really been drawn to and get along well with Gemini people.
Since I've learned about astrology, I see so many Gemini cap couples!
But I see more Cap man/ Gemini woman.

i see it alot too in real life, very honestly, my bff's parents are this.
i bet if they were into astrology and coming to dxp, they'd hate it cause the vibe i get here is Ewwww!!
well, in real life never been attracted to them very honestly but some of the celeb ones seem really cool.
Saturn: 43
Neptune: 53
Uranus: 64
Mercury: 24
My Saturn can go jump in a lake...
Mines Taurus 6th house

Saturn Opposition Ascendant which i think means its' also sitting on my decendant if i am understanding charts better. Tiz help with this part?
Saturn Conjuct Juno
Saturn Trine Lilith

Saturn sesquis square Pluto whatever that aspect is lol

Moon Quincunx Saturn
Venus Quincunx Saturn
Saturn Quincunx Uranus

well I learned something new:

Quincunx or Inconjunct
The planets and points involved in a quincunx don't understand each other. Unless it's an out-of-sign quincunx, the signs not only are of a different element, they are also of a different modality.

Some keywords that describe quincunxes are: redirecting, challenging, requiring adjustments, diverting.

What I have found is that people with quincunxes tend to compartmentalize the two areas of life indicated by the planets and points involved.

Moon Quincunx (Inconjunct) Saturn

Your assumptions about life and yourself are colored by your early childhood experience of inconsistency and uncertainty about your parents' roles. They seem to have been reversed. This has left you uncertain as to what to do or what you are capable of in life. As you become more certain as to your true responsibilities in life, your vision clears as to what you can accomplish. This is also the key to becoming more productive. Through accomplishment you can become more knowledgeable as to how your habits and procedures affect the life circumstances in which you find yourself.

Venus Quincunx (Inconjunct) Saturn

You have difficulty seeing what you are actually responsible for in relationships. Consequently, you take on more responsibilities than necessary in order to insure the continuation of your relationships. Do people like you for you or because of what you do for them? You are easily confused on this point. If you are busy doing things for people, they never get a chance to know the real you.

Well that explains some things...
Two planets in the 10th house : 6 p (Other planets in the 10th ... 3 points each)
Saturn square Neptune : 5 p (... square ... other planets)
Saturn sextile Mercury : 2 p (minor aspect to ... or other planets)
Saturn sextile Mars : 2 p (minor aspect to ... or other planets)
South Node in Cap : 2-5 p (Add 2-5 points for ... or having a Node ... in Capricorn ...)
Saturn Conjunct Pholus : 1 p

total : 18-23 p

indicates a moderately strong influence.

... under-achiever not Saturnian enough ... lack self-discipline structure and planning; ... irresponsible, immature ... give up easily ...
On the positive side, ... probably flexible and easy going. Until challenged by Saturn transits (Pluto-Uranus-Saturn t-square 2010-12).
no rat’s behind about success, making a mark on the world, or your old age.

That's true.
54?! Wtf ?
Posted by Scorpio84
Posted by thecrazyariestaurus
54?! Wtf ?

lol you got 54? didn't you add some extra points or something?
click to expand

Sun square Saturn - 10

MC trine Saturn - 10

Venus trine Saturn - 5

Jupiter opposite Saturn - 5

Mercury quintile Saturn - 2

Ascendant biquintile saturn - 2

Uranus in Capricorn - 3

Neptune in Capricorn - 3

Mars in 10th house - 3

Venus 1 degree of MC in 9th house (does that count?) - 3

Saturn in 5th house stellium - 5

Sun, Jupiter, Saturn T-square - 5

North node in Capricorn - let's say 5

Lol correction - 61 ?

Posted by m200991
Posted by thecrazyariestaurus
54?! Wtf ?
Don't feel bad. I'm probably right up there with you.

In true Pisces tradition... I chose not to do the math so i can avoid facing the reality of what the number would have been
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Lmao! Omg ???

Well I just re-calculated and I'm at 61?
Posted by capgirl69
Mercury test:
-10- Mercury conjunct, square, trine, or opposite the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, or Midheaven, 10 points each.
-5- Mercury conjunct, square, trine, or opposite other planets, 5 points each.
-0- Mercury in minor aspect to the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven, or other planets, 2 points each.
-15- Sun, Moon, or Midheaven in Gemini or Virgo, 5 points each. Ascendant (chart ruler) 10.
-0- BONUS: Mercury in Gemini or Virgo, 10 points.
-0- Other planets in Gemini or Virgo, 3 points each.
-0- Sun or Moon in the 3rd house, 5 points each.
-6- Other 3rd house planets, 3 points each.
-0- BONUS: Part of a major configuration like a stellium, T-square, or Grand Trine, 5.
-0- Add 2-5 points for each other factor you consider important, such as Mercury aspects to the nodes or having a Node or Part of Fortune in Gemini, Virgo, or the 3rd. Specify.
-36- Total. 0-15 low, 16-25 moderate. 26-40 strong! Has anyone ever suggested you might have ADD-HD? Over 40, Off the charts???how did you sit still long enough to take the test?
Mercury conjunction Venus
Mercury trine ascendant
Virgo ascendant
Mid heaven in Gemini
Neptune and Mars in iii
Oh man this ones gonna be high from all the squares I have?

Mercury square moon - 10

Mercury square Neptune - 5

Mercury square Uranus - 5

Mercury quintile Saturn - 2

Mercury semi-sextile Pluto - 2

Mercury biquintile ascendant - 2

Virgo ascendant - 10

Midheaven in Gemini - 5

Venus in Gemini - 3

Pluto in 3rd house - 3

Mercury in 8th house stellium - 5

Mercury, moon , Uranus T-square - 5

Mercury, moon, Neptune T-square - 5

Part of fortune in 3rd - 3

Mercury square north node - 3

Mercury square south node - 3

71?! Lmao
Posted by capgirl69
How strong is your Neptune?
-0-Neptune conjunct, square, trine, or opposite the Sun, Moon, Midheaven or Ascendant, 10 points each.
-15-Neptune conjunct, square, trine, or opposite other planets, 5 points each.
-0-Neptune in minor aspect to the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven, or other planets, 2 points each.
-0-Sun, Moon, or Midheaven in Pisces, 5 points each. Ascendant (chart ruler) 10 points.
-3- Other planets in Pisces, 3 points each.
-0- Sun or Moon in the 12th house, 5 points each.
-0-BONUS: Neptune in the 12th or Pisces on the cusp of the 12th, 5 points each
-0-Other 12th house planets, 3 points each.
-0-BONUS: Part of a major configuration like a stellium, T-square, or Grand Trine, 5.
-0- Add 2-5 points for each other factor you consider important, such as Neptune aspects to the nodes or having a Node or Part of Fortune in Pisces or the 12th. Specify.
-18-Total. 0-15 low, 16-25 moderate. 26-40 strong. Over 40 off the charts! (Check your math.)
Mars conjunction Neptune
Neptune square Pluto
Jupiter in Pisces
Jupiter square Neptune
Neptune opposite moon - 10

Neptune trine ascendant - 10

Neptune square mercury - 5

Neptune opposite mars - 5

Neptune conjunct Uranus - 5

Neptune sextile pluto - 5

Neptune biquintile Venus - 2

Neptune biquintile MC - 2

Mercury, moon, Neptune t-square - 5

Posted by SoulOfABird
Posted by thecrazyariestaurus
Posted by capgirl69
Mercury test:
-10- Mercury conjunct, square, trine, or opposite the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, or Midheaven, 10 points each.
-5- Mercury conjunct, square, trine, or opposite other planets, 5 points each.
-0- Mercury in minor aspect to the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven, or other planets, 2 points each.
-15- Sun, Moon, or Midheaven in Gemini or Virgo, 5 points each. Ascendant (chart ruler) 10.
-0- BONUS: Mercury in Gemini or Virgo, 10 points.
-0- Other planets in Gemini or Virgo, 3 points each.
-0- Sun or Moon in the 3rd house, 5 points each.
-6- Other 3rd house planets, 3 points each.
-0- BONUS: Part of a major configuration like a stellium, T-square, or Grand Trine, 5.
-0- Add 2-5 points for each other factor you consider important, such as Mercury aspects to the nodes or having a Node or Part of Fortune in Gemini, Virgo, or the 3rd. Specify.
-36- Total. 0-15 low, 16-25 moderate. 26-40 strong! Has anyone ever suggested you might have ADD-HD? Over 40, Off the charts???how did you sit still long enough to take the test?
Mercury conjunction Venus
Mercury trine ascendant
Virgo ascendant
Mid heaven in Gemini
Neptune and Mars in iii
Oh man this ones gonna be high from all the squares I have?

Mercury square moon - 10

Mercury square Neptune - 5

Mercury square Uranus - 5

Mercury quintile Saturn - 2

Mercury semi-sextile Pluto - 2

Mercury biquintile ascendant - 2

Virgo ascendant - 10

Midheaven in Gemini - 5

Venus in Gemini - 3

Pluto in 3rd house - 3

Mercury in 8th house stellium - 5

Mercury, moon , Uranus T-square - 5

Mercury, moon, Neptune T-square - 5

Part of fortune in 3rd - 3

Mercury square north node - 3

Mercury square south node - 3

71?! Lmao
Mercury Conjunct Sun- 10

Mercury Square MC- 10

Mercury Conjunct Venus- 5

Mercury Square Pluto- 5

Mercury Semisextile Jupiter- 2

NNode in Virgo- 3

Mercury in 1st house stellium- 5

40 ???
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40 haha you made the 40 and under cut ????

Posted by SoulOfABird
Posted by thecrazyariestaurus
Posted by capgirl69
Mercury test:
-10- Mercury conjunct, square, trine, or opposite the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, or Midheaven, 10 points each.
-5- Mercury conjunct, square, trine, or opposite other planets, 5 points each.
-0- Mercury in minor aspect to the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven, or other planets, 2 points each.
-15- Sun, Moon, or Midheaven in Gemini or Virgo, 5 points each. Ascendant (chart ruler) 10.
-0- BONUS: Mercury in Gemini or Virgo, 10 points.
-0- Other planets in Gemini or Virgo, 3 points each.
-0- Sun or Moon in the 3rd house, 5 points each.
-6- Other 3rd house planets, 3 points each.
-0- BONUS: Part of a major configuration like a stellium, T-square, or Grand Trine, 5.
-0- Add 2-5 points for each other factor you consider important, such as Mercury aspects to the nodes or having a Node or Part of Fortune in Gemini, Virgo, or the 3rd. Specify.
-36- Total. 0-15 low, 16-25 moderate. 26-40 strong! Has anyone ever suggested you might have ADD-HD? Over 40, Off the charts???how did you sit still long enough to take the test?
Mercury conjunction Venus
Mercury trine ascendant
Virgo ascendant
Mid heaven in Gemini
Neptune and Mars in iii
Oh man this ones gonna be high from all the squares I have?

Mercury square moon - 10

Mercury square Neptune - 5

Mercury square Uranus - 5

Mercury quintile Saturn - 2

Mercury semi-sextile Pluto - 2

Mercury biquintile ascendant - 2

Virgo ascendant - 10

Midheaven in Gemini - 5

Venus in Gemini - 3

Pluto in 3rd house - 3

Mercury in 8th house stellium - 5

Mercury, moon , Uranus T-square - 5

Mercury, moon, Neptune T-square - 5

Part of fortune in 3rd - 3

Mercury square north node - 3

Mercury square south node - 3

71?! Lmao
LOL are you sure? How is that even possible? You're way above strong ?
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Haha I'm a mercury dominant ? I have a lot of mental issues like anxiety and depression it sucks ☹️ My mercury fucks my whole chart up hahaha if you look it's just a line of 5 squares ??
Posted by SoulOfABird
Posted by thecrazyariestaurus
Posted by capgirl69
How strong is your Neptune?
-0-Neptune conjunct, square, trine, or opposite the Sun, Moon, Midheaven or Ascendant, 10 points each.
-15-Neptune conjunct, square, trine, or opposite other planets, 5 points each.
-0-Neptune in minor aspect to the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven, or other planets, 2 points each.
-0-Sun, Moon, or Midheaven in Pisces, 5 points each. Ascendant (chart ruler) 10 points.
-3- Other planets in Pisces, 3 points each.
-0- Sun or Moon in the 12th house, 5 points each.
-0-BONUS: Neptune in the 12th or Pisces on the cusp of the 12th, 5 points each
-0-Other 12th house planets, 3 points each.
-0-BONUS: Part of a major configuration like a stellium, T-square, or Grand Trine, 5.
-0- Add 2-5 points for each other factor you consider important, such as Neptune aspects to the nodes or having a Node or Part of Fortune in Pisces or the 12th. Specify.
-18-Total. 0-15 low, 16-25 moderate. 26-40 strong. Over 40 off the charts! (Check your math.)
Mars conjunction Neptune
Neptune square Pluto
Jupiter in Pisces
Jupiter square Neptune
Neptune opposite moon - 10

Neptune trine ascendant - 10

Neptune square mercury - 5

Neptune opposite mars - 5

Neptune conjunct Uranus - 5

Neptune sextile pluto - 5

Neptune biquintile Venus - 2

Neptune biquintile MC - 2

Mercury, moon, Neptune t-square - 5

Does South Node in Pisces count? If so how many points?

Neptune Conjunct Uranus- 5

Neptune Conjunct Jupiter- 5

Neptune Trine Mars- 5

Sun in Pisces- 10

Pisces Mercury- 3

Pisces Venus- 3

Moon in 12th house- 5

Neptune in the 12th- 5

Jupiter in the 12th- 3

Uranus in the 12th- 3

Stellium including Neptune- 5

SNode Pisces- 2 ?

54 ?
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I think I just did 5 for south and north node. It says 2-5 I just did 5
Posted by SoulOfABird
Posted by thecrazyariestaurus
Posted by SoulOfABird
Posted by thecrazyariestaurus
Posted by capgirl69
How strong is your Neptune?
-0-Neptune conjunct, square, trine, or opposite the Sun, Moon, Midheaven or Ascendant, 10 points each.
-15-Neptune conjunct, square, trine, or opposite other planets, 5 points each.
-0-Neptune in minor aspect to the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven, or other planets, 2 points each.
-0-Sun, Moon, or Midheaven in Pisces, 5 points each. Ascendant (chart ruler) 10 points.
-3- Other planets in Pisces, 3 points each.
-0- Sun or Moon in the 12th house, 5 points each.
-0-BONUS: Neptune in the 12th or Pisces on the cusp of the 12th, 5 points each
-0-Other 12th house planets, 3 points each.
-0-BONUS: Part of a major configuration like a stellium, T-square, or Grand Trine, 5.
-0- Add 2-5 points for each other factor you consider important, such as Neptune aspects to the nodes or having a Node or Part of Fortune in Pisces or the 12th. Specify.
-18-Total. 0-15 low, 16-25 moderate. 26-40 strong. Over 40 off the charts! (Check your math.)
Mars conjunction Neptune
Neptune square Pluto
Jupiter in Pisces
Jupiter square Neptune
Neptune opposite moon - 10

Neptune trine ascendant - 10

Neptune square mercury - 5

Neptune opposite mars - 5

Neptune conjunct Uranus - 5

Neptune sextile pluto - 5

Neptune biquintile Venus - 2

Neptune biquintile MC - 2

Mercury, moon, Neptune t-square - 5

Does South Node in Pisces count? If so how many points?

Neptune Conjunct Uranus- 5

Neptune Conjunct Jupiter- 5

Neptune Trine Mars- 5

Sun in Pisces- 10

Pisces Mercury- 3

Pisces Venus- 3

Moon in 12th house- 5

Neptune in the 12th- 5

Jupiter in the 12th- 3

Uranus in the 12th- 3

Stellium including Neptune- 5

SNode Pisces- 2 ?

54 ?
I think I just did 5 for south and north node. It says 2-5 I just did 5
Ohh okay so then it's 57. Hmm I was expecting a bit higher but I guess it's still pretty high but not as high as your Mercury dominance Lmao ?
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Haha dude I had to re-calculate like 5 times to make sure it was right ???
Posted by Scorpio84
Posted by thecrazyariestaurus
Posted by Scorpio84
Posted by thecrazyariestaurus
54?! Wtf ?

lol you got 54? didn't you add some extra points or something?

Sun square Saturn - 10

MC trine Saturn - 10

Venus trine Saturn - 5

Jupiter opposite Saturn - 5

Mercury quintile Saturn - 2

Ascendant biquintile saturn - 2

Uranus in Capricorn - 3

Neptune in Capricorn - 3

Mars in 10th house - 3

Venus 1 degree of MC in 9th house (does that count?) - 3

Saturn in 5th house stellium - 5

Sun, Jupiter, Saturn T-square - 5

North node in Capricorn - let's say 5

Lol correction - 61 ?

That's amazing :O does Saturn being in 5th house also count? sounds like i missed some points too then

also are you Capricorn in Saturn too or another Sign in Saturn? i don't have much time with astrology

so don't know how to see opposites or if astrotheme is even supposed to mention them.
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Haha lots of Saturn, too much.

I think Mine in 5th counts because it's apart of a stellium. Is yours in a stellium? My Saturn is in Aquarius. Have you used I feel like it's easier to read on there
67+2/5 for special configuration = 69/72

User Submitted Image
Four year thread....Scared

Hug cyber hugs!


Posted by capgirl69
Admittedly, I stole this topic, but I want to do all of the tests! E2% 80% 99s-the-score/">How Strong is your Saturn?
Here’s the test:

_10___ Saturn conjunct, square, trine, or opposite the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, or Midheaven, 10 points each. (Sun Conjunct Saturn)

__5__ Saturn conjunct, square, trine, or opposite other planets, 5 points each. (Saturn Conjunct Chiron)

__22__ Saturn in minor aspect to the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven, or other planets, 2 points each. (Saturn Opposite Pluto) (Saturn midpoint Node in Aries) (Saturn midpoint Uranus in Sagittarius) (Saturn midpoint Pluto in Sagittarius) (Mars midpoint Saturn in Sagittarius) (Saturn midpoint Neptune in Capricorn) (Moon midpoint Saturn in Pisces) (Venus midpoint Saturn in Pisces) (Sun midpoint Saturn in Pisces) (Mercury midpoint Saturn in Pisces) (Saturn midpoint Chiron in Pisces)

____ Sun, Moon, or Midheaven in Capricorn, 5 points each. Ascendant (chart ruler) 10 points.

_____BONUS: Saturn in the 10th (not conjunct the Midheaven) or in Capricorn, 5 points each.

__3__ Other planets in Capricorn, 3 points each.

____ Sun or Moon in the 10th house or within 10° of the Midheaven, even in the 9th, 5 points each.

____ Other planets in the 10th house, or within 10° of the Midheaven, even in the 9th, 3 points each.

____BONUS: Part of a major configuration like a stellium, T-square, or Grand Trine, 5.

____ Add 2-5 points for each other factor you consider important, such as Saturn aspects to the nodes or having a Node or Part of Fortune in Capricorn or the 10th. Specify.

__40__GRAND TOTAL. 0-15 low, 16-25 moderate. 26-40 strong. Over 40, off the charts—check your pulse!

(birth chart)

Saturn: 35.0 ( 7) + 36.6 ( 5) = 71.7 ( 8) / 7.9%

If this is not correct, please let me know!

Hug cyber hugs!



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