How to f**k Mars in Capricorn?

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by nats on Friday, June 2, 2017 and has 43 replies.
Not sure if this topic is in the correct section but does anyone have Mars in Capricorn or has been with a Mars in Cap?

Sexually, would it be right to assume a Mars in Cap would like the same things a Cap Sun would?
Posted by nats
Not sure if this topic is in the correct section but does anyone have Mars in Capricorn or has been with a Mars in Cap?

Sexually, would it be right to assume a Mars in Cap would like the same things a Cap Sun would?
None of your business.

Mars, Moon, and North Node in Capricorn.

LOL now now. Let's not be like that!
Come on guys lol. Why are you holding out?
Posted by nats
Not sure if this topic is in the correct section but does anyone have Mars in Capricorn or has been with a Mars in Cap?

Sexually, would it be right to assume a Mars in Cap would like the same things a Cap Sun would?
You don't fuck them. They fuck you.

Or pretend to let you fuck them. But no one is fooled; they are still fucking you.
LOLL thanks for that one.

Question though.. Mars in Cap female more specifically.. would they enjoy being submissive?
Posted by nats
Come on guys lol. Why are you holding out?
Maybe because the way the question was phrased. Do you know anything about Capricorn women or women with a Capricorn-heavy charts? The phrasing was no bueno.

This might help answer your question:

Posted by VCastrillon
Posted by nats
Not sure if this topic is in the correct section but does anyone have Mars in Capricorn or has been with a Mars in Cap?

Sexually, would it be right to assume a Mars in Cap would like the same things a Cap Sun would?
None of your business.

Mars, Moon, and North Node in Capricorn.

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Typical mean ol' Cap
Posted by nats
LOLL thanks for that one.

Question though.. Mars in Cap female more specifically.. would they enjoy being submissive?
Define submissive...if it means get on their knees a lot then yes lol
Posted by Rindaroo
Posted by nats
Come on guys lol. Why are you holding out?
Because we can. lol!!!!

Okay submissive. Well I wouldn't call myself submissive, but I do like I dominant partner. But that doesn't make me submissive! With a Cap bf & me being Cap dominant, it's quite a lot of fun ?

But ya know go with flow try something & see what happens.
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"but I do like I dominant partner. But that doesn't make me submissive!" This is an important distinction: liking a dominant partner means only that, not necessarily that a person is submissive. It could also just mean more dominant than you.

Posted by bricklemark
Posted by VCastrillon
Posted by nats
Not sure if this topic is in the correct section but does anyone have Mars in Capricorn or has been with a Mars in Cap?

Sexually, would it be right to assume a Mars in Cap would like the same things a Cap Sun would?
None of your business.

Mars, Moon, and North Node in Capricorn.

Typical mean ol' Cap
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You forgot unfeeling social climber, rigid and frigid, blah blah blah.

OK well I plan on trying some blindfolding and tying up of this Mars in Cap female tonight. Keen to see how it goes!
Posted by VCastrillon
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by VCastrillon
Posted by nats
Not sure if this topic is in the correct section but does anyone have Mars in Capricorn or has been with a Mars in Cap?

Sexually, would it be right to assume a Mars in Cap would like the same things a Cap Sun would?
None of your business.

Mars, Moon, and North Node in Capricorn.

Typical mean ol' Cap
You forgot unfeeling social climber, rigid and frigid, blah blah blah.

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I love it.."nunya biz" hahaha ??
Posted by nats
OK well I plan on trying some blindfolding and tying up of this Mars in Cap female tonight. Keen to see how it goes!
She'll looove you, they're kinky af.
Posted by nats
Not sure if this topic is in the correct section but does anyone have Mars in Capricorn or has been with a Mars in Cap?

Sexually, would it be right to assume a Mars in Cap would like the same things a Cap Sun would?
Mars in Cap here and the one thing Mars in Cap and Cap Suns share is a strong lustful sex drive. The sex drive in Capricorn energy is pretty powerful. Though Capricorn may not be the kinkiest sign, Cap people do have a lot of stamina in the bedroom.

So variety, kinks, and preferences in the bedroom will be better determined by other placements more so (sun, moon, etc). Regardless, please don't think that sex will be a quick thing with a Mars in Capricorn person. If you're the type of person who needs things done quickly or on a timetable, you'll only annoy a Mars in Cap person. So instead, clear your schedule and make sure you're free for a few (or several) hours. Otherwise if you can't handle the earthquake, stay out of the bedroom.
She is a Pisces Sun, Leo Moon, Mars Cap girl I've posted about recently.

I'm about to go away on holidays so wanted to have some gooooood sexy sex lol and figured trying out some things would be nice and enjoyable.

My mars is in Cancer.
Posted by nats
LOLL thanks for that one.

Question though.. Mars in Cap female more specifically.. would they enjoy being submissive?
Submissive as in, doing what I say and listening. Being able to take command. Letting me be in control and doing whatever I want (obviously with her being in agreeance).
Posted by bricklemark
Posted by nats
OK well I plan on trying some blindfolding and tying up of this Mars in Cap female tonight. Keen to see how it goes!
She'll looove you, they're kinky af.
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Yes and no.

If it's our first time we prefer to blindfold than be blindfolded i think.

we don't like giving that much control in the beginning. i personally would freak the F*ck out

as a pisces sun cap mars taurus venus.

what others have said about endurance is true.

and while we are kinky af it really depends on the partner.

the things I'm going to want to do is going to vary based on the partner..which also maybe a pisces sun thing.

lovers get a tailored experienced based on personality, body type, and kink preferences

Posted by Andalusia
Posted by nats
Not sure if this topic is in the correct section but does anyone have Mars in Capricorn or has been with a Mars in Cap?

Sexually, would it be right to assume a Mars in Cap would like the same things a Cap Sun would?
You don't fuck them. They fuck you.

Or pretend to let you fuck them. But no one is fooled; they are still fucking you.
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Posted by nats
LOLL thanks for that one.

Question though.. Mars in Cap female more specifically.. would they enjoy being submissive?
aren't you a gemini sun?

w/ a cancer mars and venus?
Posted by bittercupcake
Posted by bittercupcake
..don't ... their perverts... they'll end up fking you.... no joke
My ex..had Capricorn mars ... and he waS borderline sadistic... I'm all for clean cut sex...willing to explore but I don't do any of that peeing on you sht...or doing anything anal...that's gross
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I wonder if his other placements played a part in that. I'm definitely not into peeing on anyone or anal.

Posted by nats

Sexually, would it be right to assume a Mars in Cap would like the same things a Cap Sun would?
No of course it completely depends on what's shaped them sexually going all the way back to their childhood
Posted by bittercupcake
Posted by bittercupcake
..don't ... their perverts... they'll end up fking you.... no joke
My ex..had Capricorn mars ... and he waS borderline sadistic... I'm all for clean cut sex...willing to explore but I don't do any of that peeing on you sht...or doing anything anal...that's gross
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"My ex..had Capricorn mars ... and he waS borderline sadistic... I'm all for clean cut sex...willing to explore but I don't do any of that peeing on you sht...or doing anything anal...that's gross"

Are you really, seriously going to condemn all people who have this placement because of one POS? I've had my life destroyed - and that is not hyperbole - by two Scorpios. Complete destruction of my life that's been going on for years, and I refuse to hang that around the necks of all Scorpio men. That's too much of the world to condemn for the actions of two terrible men who also happened to be Scorps.

On this same thread, there's a person talking about this placement as all-inclusive 'we' - but a few days ago, that same person was running down *all* Venus in Aries people because of the experiences she's had. So, she, without knowing or caring, has given herself the authority to speak for all Capricorn Mars people, which includes me. You know, even though, by her estimation, I'm a person to stay the hell away from because I can't love or love properly all because of my Venus in Aries placement.

Maybe Cap Mars is too kinky for you, fine. That doesn't make us all sadistic perverts.

I am a cap mars and I don't even know what it means.

All I know is that unfortunately I have a lot of stamina in the bedroom and it sucks. I want to finish early
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by Andalusia
Posted by nats
Not sure if this topic is in the correct section but does anyone have Mars in Capricorn or has been with a Mars in Cap?

Sexually, would it be right to assume a Mars in Cap would like the same things a Cap Sun would?
You don't fuck them. They fuck you.

Or pretend to let you fuck them. But no one is fooled; they are still fucking you.

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Yeah. Endorsing this from a Scorpio sun/Cap mars four year experience...walking the next day was hard.

Im a cap female so I will answer this fucking question for you.

I do like to be dominated, but in a natural way, not a sadistic way.

I like a little bossy arrogance in the bedroom.

Light BSDM .

Stamina is a plus and lots of moving around to diff positions.
Is Mars related to how we should fuck?
Posted by bittercupcake
Posted by VCastrillon
Posted by bittercupcake
Posted by bittercupcake
..don't ... their perverts... they'll end up fking you.... no joke
My ex..had Capricorn mars ... and he waS borderline sadistic... I'm all for clean cut sex...willing to explore but I don't do any of that peeing on you sht...or doing anything anal...that's gross
"My ex..had Capricorn mars ... and he waS borderline sadistic... I'm all for clean cut sex...willing to explore but I don't do any of that peeing on you sht...or doing anything anal...that's gross"

Are you really, seriously going to condemn all people who have this placement because of one POS? I've had my life destroyed - and that is not hyperbole - by two Scorpios. Complete destruction of my life that's been going on for years, and I refuse to hang that around the necks of all Scorpio men. That's too much of the world to condemn for the actions of two terrible men who also happened to be Scorps.

On this same thread, there's a person talking about this placement as all-inclusive 'we' - but a few days ago, that same person was running down *all* Venus in Aries people because of the experiences she's had. So, she, without knowing or caring, has given herself the authority to speak for all Capricorn Mars people, which includes me. You know, even though, by her estimation, I'm a person to stay the hell away from because I can't love or love properly all because of my Venus in Aries placement.

Maybe Cap Mars is too kinky for you, fine. That doesn't make us all sadistic perverts. answer your question...yes I will ... it would be unDXPnet member of me not to do so.... lots of people troll on here and say things to get a stir out of weak individuals... only weak individuals feed off of this and make it a point to prove themselves....

My ex Cap Mars wasn't kinky...he was sadistic... to pee and excrete bodily fluids into another human being like that...sht or piss is gross... even anal can cause tearing and irreparable all the infections you can get from that.... on top of some other stuff he had in find... I'm kinky... but that was beyond kinky... it was gross....
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omg that is so gross.

Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by bittercupcake
Posted by bittercupcake
..don't ... their perverts... they'll end up fking you.... no joke
My ex..had Capricorn mars ... and he waS borderline sadistic... I'm all for clean cut sex...willing to explore but I don't do any of that peeing on you sht...or doing anything anal...that's gross
I wonder if his other placements played a part in that. I'm definitely not into peeing on anyone or anal.

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Posted by bittercupcake
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by bittercupcake
Posted by bittercupcake
..don't ... their perverts... they'll end up fking you.... no joke
My ex..had Capricorn mars ... and he waS borderline sadistic... I'm all for clean cut sex...willing to explore but I don't do any of that peeing on you sht...or doing anything anal...that's gross
I wonder if his other placements played a part in that. I'm definitely not into peeing on anyone or anal.

hmmm...he had Taurus venus and Aries sun... so idk..? But I have an Aquarius female friend and some Cancer sun Capricorn Mars guy was also.... trying to insinuate some sadistic things ?... I think your Virgo moon (cleanliness factor) and Leo sun (love bits)... sees that as a big Nono ... Aries are pretty freaky...borderline pervasive so add some Cap mars
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That makes a lot of sense actually.
I can be a switch. If you want to dominate me than thats fine. Just discuss it with me prior. If you slap me across the face while fucking me out of nowhere Imma bitch slap you back and then put on all my clothes and leave.

Posted by bittercupcake
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by bittercupcake
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by bittercupcake
Posted by bittercupcake
..don't ... their perverts... they'll end up fking you.... no joke
My ex..had Capricorn mars ... and he waS borderline sadistic... I'm all for clean cut sex...willing to explore but I don't do any of that peeing on you sht...or doing anything anal...that's gross
I wonder if his other placements played a part in that. I'm definitely not into peeing on anyone or anal.

hmmm...he had Taurus venus and Aries sun... so idk..? But I have an Aquarius female friend and some Cancer sun Capricorn Mars guy was also.... trying to insinuate some sadistic things ?... I think your Virgo moon (cleanliness factor) and Leo sun (love bits)... sees that as a big Nono ... Aries are pretty freaky...borderline pervasive so add some Cap mars
That makes a lot of sense actually. gotta break it down to its bits to fully understand the full scope.... decomparmentalize ..? And rearrange the pieces of the puzzle lol I'm if I don't make sense... excuse me
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No no, I understand. Sounds like that guy probably watched too much porn too.
Posted by bittercupcake
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by bittercupcake
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by bittercupcake
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by bittercupcake
Posted by bittercupcake
..don't ... their perverts... they'll end up fking you.... no joke
My ex..had Capricorn mars ... and he waS borderline sadistic... I'm all for clean cut sex...willing to explore but I don't do any of that peeing on you sht...or doing anything anal...that's gross
I wonder if his other placements played a part in that. I'm definitely not into peeing on anyone or anal.

hmmm...he had Taurus venus and Aries sun... so idk..? But I have an Aquarius female friend and some Cancer sun Capricorn Mars guy was also.... trying to insinuate some sadistic things ?... I think your Virgo moon (cleanliness factor) and Leo sun (love bits)... sees that as a big Nono ... Aries are pretty freaky...borderline pervasive so add some Cap mars
That makes a lot of sense actually. gotta break it down to its bits to fully understand the full scope.... decomparmentalize ..? And rearrange the pieces of the puzzle lol I'm if I don't make sense... excuse me
No no, I understand. Sounds like that guy probably watched too much porn too.
Haha... idk I mean my previous ex cub lion ?... had Virgo mars which is supposed to be freaky too... and he admitted to watching pornlol .... but he never remotely suggested things like that... just seems odd
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Oh I should clarify. Watching porn isn't the issue. Watching (and becoming accustomed) to harder types of porn can be the problem if the viewer can't separate fantasy from reality. There are guys who can separate the illusion of porn and those who can't (or at least don't understand how to).
Posted by VCastrillon
Posted by bittercupcake
Posted by bittercupcake
..don't ... their perverts... they'll end up fking you.... no joke
My ex..had Capricorn mars ... and he waS borderline sadistic... I'm all for clean cut sex...willing to explore but I don't do any of that peeing on you sht...or doing anything anal...that's gross
"My ex..had Capricorn mars ... and he waS borderline sadistic... I'm all for clean cut sex...willing to explore but I don't do any of that peeing on you sht...or doing anything anal...that's gross"

Are you really, seriously going to condemn all people who have this placement because of one POS? I've had my life destroyed - and that is not hyperbole - by two Scorpios. Complete destruction of my life that's been going on for years, and I refuse to hang that around the necks of all Scorpio men. That's too much of the world to condemn for the actions of two terrible men who also happened to be Scorps.

On this same thread, there's a person talking about this placement as all-inclusive 'we' - but a few days ago, that same person was running down *all* Venus in Aries people because of the experiences she's had. So, she, without knowing or caring, has given herself the authority to speak for all Capricorn Mars people, which includes me. You know, even though, by her estimation, I'm a person to stay the hell away from because I can't love or love properly all because of my Venus in Aries placement.

Maybe Cap Mars is too kinky for you, fine. That doesn't make us all sadistic perverts.

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you're not talking about me are you?

I have no beef w/ aries venus people.

Posted by bittercupcake
Posted by VCastrillon
Posted by bittercupcake
Posted by bittercupcake
..don't ... their perverts... they'll end up fking you.... no joke
My ex..had Capricorn mars ... and he waS borderline sadistic... I'm all for clean cut sex...willing to explore but I don't do any of that peeing on you sht...or doing anything anal...that's gross
"My ex..had Capricorn mars ... and he waS borderline sadistic... I'm all for clean cut sex...willing to explore but I don't do any of that peeing on you sht...or doing anything anal...that's gross"

Are you really, seriously going to condemn all people who have this placement because of one POS? I've had my life destroyed - and that is not hyperbole - by two Scorpios. Complete destruction of my life that's been going on for years, and I refuse to hang that around the necks of all Scorpio men. That's too much of the world to condemn for the actions of two terrible men who also happened to be Scorps.

On this same thread, there's a person talking about this placement as all-inclusive 'we' - but a few days ago, that same person was running down *all* Venus in Aries people because of the experiences she's had. So, she, without knowing or caring, has given herself the authority to speak for all Capricorn Mars people, which includes me. You know, even though, by her estimation, I'm a person to stay the hell away from because I can't love or love properly all because of my Venus in Aries placement.

Maybe Cap Mars is too kinky for you, fine. That doesn't make us all sadistic perverts. answer your question...yes I will ... it would be unDXPnet member of me not to do so.... lots of people troll on here and say things to get a stir out of weak individuals... only weak individuals feed off of this and make it a point to prove themselves....

My ex Cap Mars wasn't kinky...he was sadistic... to pee and excrete bodily fluids into another human being like that...sht or piss is gross... even anal can cause tearing and irreparable all the infections you can get from that.... on top of some other stuff he had in find... I'm kinky... but that was beyond kinky... it was gross....
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never yuck someone else's yum.

I personally am not into golden showers or scat or anything like that but I personally believe in not sexually shaming someone else. referring to your ex as sadistic is a bit extreme in my book.

everything is cool between two consenting adults in my book.

you my dear simply just into vanilla sex...and that's okay.

it's all good.
Posted by TheSag
I am a cap mars and I don't even know what it means.

All I know is that unfortunately I have a lot of stamina in the bedroom and it sucks. I want to finish early

First world problems.

Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by nats
Not sure if this topic is in the correct section but does anyone have Mars in Capricorn or has been with a Mars in Cap?

Sexually, would it be right to assume a Mars in Cap would like the same things a Cap Sun would?
Mars in Cap here and the one thing Mars in Cap and Cap Suns share is a strong lustful sex drive. The sex drive in Capricorn energy is pretty powerful. Though Capricorn may not be the kinkiest sign, Cap people do have a lot of stamina in the bedroom.

So variety, kinks, and preferences in the bedroom will be better determined by other placements more so (sun, moon, etc). Regardless, please don't think that sex will be a quick thing with a Mars in Capricorn person. If you're the type of person who needs things done quickly or on a timetable, you'll only annoy a Mars in Cap person. So instead, clear your schedule and make sure you're free for a few (or several) hours. Otherwise if you can't handle the earthquake, stay out of the bedroom.
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I need 12 total.

9 hours for the date (the foreplay) and a full 3 for the sex.
Posted by bittercupcake
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by bittercupcake
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by bittercupcake
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by bittercupcake
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by bittercupcake
Posted by bittercupcake
..don't ... their perverts... they'll end up fking you.... no joke
My ex..had Capricorn mars ... and he waS borderline sadistic... I'm all for clean cut sex...willing to explore but I don't do any of that peeing on you sht...or doing anything anal...that's gross
I wonder if his other placements played a part in that. I'm definitely not into peeing on anyone or anal.

hmmm...he had Taurus venus and Aries sun... so idk..? But I have an Aquarius female friend and some Cancer sun Capricorn Mars guy was also.... trying to insinuate some sadistic things ?... I think your Virgo moon (cleanliness factor) and Leo sun (love bits)... sees that as a big Nono ... Aries are pretty freaky...borderline pervasive so add some Cap mars
That makes a lot of sense actually. gotta break it down to its bits to fully understand the full scope.... decomparmentalize ..? And rearrange the pieces of the puzzle lol I'm if I don't make sense... excuse me
No no, I understand. Sounds like that guy probably watched too much porn too.
Haha... idk I mean my previous ex cub lion ?... had Virgo mars which is supposed to be freaky too... and he admitted to watching pornlol .... but he never remotely suggested things like that... just seems odd
Oh I should clarify. Watching porn isn't the issue. Watching (and becoming accustomed) to harder types of porn can be the problem if the viewer can't separate fantasy from reality. There are guys who can separate the illusion of porn and those who can't (or at least don't understand how to).
....yeah sounds about .... at one point is was no longer was just straight up hardcore sex... I don't mind it, once in a while...but when it becomes your ambition every single time and expects me to me turned on at that precise moment....theeeeeen that will be an issue....
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Right then it becomes too demanding and too robotic, but not fun.
Posted by Adreamuponwaking
Posted by TheSag
I am a cap mars and I don't even know what it means.

All I know is that unfortunately I have a lot of stamina in the bedroom and it sucks. I want to finish early

First world problems.

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no that's really bad

I want to sleep after 3 minutes
Posted by nats
OK well I plan on trying some blindfolding and tying up of this Mars in Cap female tonight. Keen to see how it goes!
I have a cap mars and I would like that. Never had it happen but it sounds bomb.
I was with a Cap Mars, I have a Cap Scorpio, it was the best sex I ever had. He liked directness, confidence, and an open mind in bed. He was very sensual Winking
I have Mars in Cap smile

I like to be a little dominant, but I also like to be more submissive than anything. I like a man telling me what to do in a soft way of course. Sensuality is key for me. The more sensuality you bring to the table, the more my sexuality will come out and I'll lose control.. with someone I care deeply of course. Sex one time a day is out of the question lol Big Grin