I'm a Gemini women, I have met this cap guy online. i flirting and joking I just told him chiken thats he got mad and from that day on he shows less interest and im the one who msges him call him and chasing him, i still have feelings for him . a month ago a told him about my feelings he told me to just stay freind . I dont know what to expect what not. plz gimme ur kind opinions.
yes , but when i wanted to remove him from my freinds list he was pretty concern and upset, that made me again to think he may likes me. and plus he had given me 10 to 15 month to know him if we can commit then, its has been just 6 months of the freindship.
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Oct 04, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 401 · Topics: 24
He would have been upset with you removing him from your friends list because he thinks of you as a friend. If your mate decided to delete you one day you would be upset too...regardless of if they were your friend in real life or not.
And I agree with everything Amethyst said.
The man is smart. He's doing you a huge favor. We gems get excited when its new. We like a challenge. Him not giving in is probably driving you more than his personality. If you have the endurance to stick around then I'd say go for it. Seems like he's come across a gem before and he wantsto see if the flame will still be burning in the months to come... Wish you the best.
Oh, I forgot to mention that I've been in 2 long relationships with Capricorn men and both suggested friendship first. Maybe they saw it in a. Movie, I don't know. Its not a sign that he doesn't like you.