i have been with a cappy guy for almost 9 months now and till now, it is not yet official.. So I don't know what are we, bff or fwb. I know he likes me coz he do these things for me like cook dinner, change oil my car, call me regularly every night, text me all day long , makes me laugh and to make the story short, he wants to make sure i am okey. My question, how will i know if i am the right girl for him? I like this guy a lot and i have read that cappy guy take it too slow..Does he like/ love me too or he is not decided yet if I am the one. Please help all cappies out there..
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Dec 01, 2015Comments: 1 · Posts: 3848 · Topics: 46
I think you guys are official.
You can always tell him that in your mind you two are official, and you want to know if he thinks the same. Be direct about it, who cares at this point.
Thank you so much SagiScorp and Foreverloveme... Your comments made me so happy, i wanna jump!
If in his mind, i am the right one, how come until now, I haven't met his friends personnaly yet ? I knew his friends names and faces already coz he sends me pictures everytime they hang out.. I am a virgo and you know how virgos are..i am very suspicious and jealous , overthinking sometimes? and i do trust him coz he never lied to me...ever! That's why i can't ask for more, only this one.. How i wish i will meet his friends?.
AND BTW, Cappy people are the best.. They are the truest and sincerest and loyal friend you can have ??
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Jan 05, 2015Comments: 14 · Posts: 5462 · Topics: 94
9 months??!! My ex hubby asked me to marry him after the first week lol. I was like no, we were 19. but seriously, he cares to some degree but really u should know the best. What does your gut say?
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Oct 29, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
By 9 months a direction about where you are headed is ideal.
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
How does he introduce you to friends?
What does his family refer to you as?
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
After 9 months, you should have met some friends and family by now.
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Jan 15, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 1685 · Topics: 200
He likes you a lot i would say. However, he's still assessing you or something else is up. When Caps want a committment, they aren't shy about it. Are his friends / fam in the same city?
As another poster said, just ASK . That's not really the Virgo style I think, but it's how you can know where he stands.
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Oct 24, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 2706 · Topics: 56
That is sooooo sweet. Be grateful! He cares about you so much!
i ask him already before and he told me, "someday".. I don't wanna ask him again..