Interracial Dating/Marriage

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by aime7 on Sunday, February 16, 2014 and has 88 replies.
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I know we Capricorns have a tendency to be very traditional, and in a sense xenophobic. And as a black guy I find interracial dating to be repulsive. So with that being said, I want to know you guys' honest opinion about interracial dating.
I don't hate whites, I just feel that we should breed with our own. And I'm sure many whites feel the same way.
I'm a Libra girl from a multicultural family. Interracial dating is fine with me. It's more about whether or not I like the person and feel connection with him. Race has little, if anything, to do with that.
Of course it's fine with you, you come from a multicultural family.
Posted by aime7
Of course it's fine with you, you come from a multicultural family.

Well, when you talk about "dating your own," what exactly does that mean?
Eh I don't mind it. I've done it plenty of times before. But I'm mixed so I tend to swing between two races.
Of course cultures will be different. I wouldn't want to breed with a non-black woman, because it will produce mixed hybrids, and those hybrids will never have a clear identity of who they are.
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by aime7
Of course it's fine with you, you come from a multicultural family.

Well, when you talk about "dating your own," what exactly does that mean?
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Dating your own race of course.
Posted by aime7
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by aime7
Of course it's fine with you, you come from a multicultural family.

Well, when you talk about "dating your own," what exactly does that mean?

Dating your own race of course.
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But how do you define your own race? By that, I mean what are the standard benchmarks you use to define "your own" (race) versus "not your own" (race)?
I don't see anything wrong with it all, because at the end of the day we're all the same. My family is primarily white, but I do have some cherokee going back further. But my sister is married to a vietnamese/white guy with kids. His father met his mother in vietnam. So to each their own really, why should it matter what society or others may think? Because at the end of the day, we have to live with the choices we make.
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by aime7
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by aime7
Of course it's fine with you, you come from a multicultural family.

Well, when you talk about "dating your own," what exactly does that mean?

Dating your own race of course.

But how do you define your own race? By that, I mean what are the standard benchmarks you use to define "your own" (race) versus "not your own" (race)?
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My race is African/black versus the other races.
Posted by aime7
I don't hate whites, I just feel that we should breed with our own. And I'm sure many whites feel the same way.

I get what your saying, so my own people don't want me so i am supposed to stick with them until one does? Where i can go outside my kind and find someone who does? I understand but life is too short for that way of thinking.
Well I'm a first generation Nigerian-American who splits his time between Nigeria and the US, so I highly doubt that I have some white blood in me. I also don't hate people of other races, so don't think that I'm racist, I just don't support interracial breeding.
Posted by LovesickCancer
You're a racist fullstop, why are people even conversing with you?!?
The only thing repulsive is you!!

I'm not racist at all. I'm not advocating violence towards whites or any other race. I just feel personally that we should marry within our own races. I have nothing against other cultures.
Posted by aime7
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by aime7
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by aime7
Of course it's fine with you, you come from a multicultural family.

Well, when you talk about "dating your own," what exactly does that mean?

Dating your own race of course.

But how do you define your own race? By that, I mean what are the standard benchmarks you use to define "your own" (race) versus "not your own" (race)?

My race is African/black versus the other races.
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"African" is a nationality. There are Africans of various genetic descriptions and combinations.
To be accepted as "African/black" by you, what must a person be like? What traits/attributes must s/he possess?
Posted by duchessedenemours
Posted by aime7
Well I'm a first generation Nigerian-American who splits his time between Nigeria and the US, so I highly doubt that I have some white blood in me. I also don't hate people of other races, so don't think that I'm racist, I just don't support interracial breeding.

Nigeria was still colonized. It's possible.

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Eh... it may be. It's okay if you want to date interacially, I personally don't support it.
Posted by aime7
Of course cultures will be different. I wouldn't want to breed with a non-black woman, because it will produce mixed hybrids, and those hybrids will never have a clear identity of who they are.

Tell that to President Obama...he seemed to have done just fine.
Posted by LovesickCancer
Posted by aime7
Posted by LovesickCancer
You're a racist fullstop, why are people even conversing with you?!?
The only thing repulsive is you!!

I'm not racist at all. I'm not advocating violence towards whites or any other race. I just feel personally that we should marry within our own races. I have nothing against other cultures.

So dumb, you don't need to advocate violence to be racist! you're spreading hate! if you don't like it keep it to yourself and the other like minded scum! the only problem mixed-race people face is people like you! But you're just a sad person anyway, how dxp remains a racist place is beyond me! and take down
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Posted by DeeG
Posted by aime7
Of course cultures will be different. I wouldn't want to breed with a non-black woman, because it will produce mixed hybrids, and those hybrids will never have a clear identity of who they are.

Tell that to President Obama...he seemed to have done just fine.
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Obama is a satanic puppet for the NWO.
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by aime7
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by aime7
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by aime7
Of course it's fine with you, you come from a multicultural family.

Well, when you talk about "dating your own," what exactly does that mean?

Dating your own race of course.

But how do you define your own race? By that, I mean what are the standard benchmarks you use to define "your own" (race) versus "not your own" (race)?

My race is African/black versus the other races.

"African" is a nationality. There are Africans of various genetic descriptions and combinations.
To be accepted as "African/black" by you, what must a person be like? What traits/attributes must s/he possess?
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I prefer to have a black woman. I don't need to tell you the traits and attributes of what I deem to be black.
Posted by aime7
Posted by DeeG
Posted by aime7
Of course cultures will be different. I wouldn't want to breed with a non-black woman, because it will produce mixed hybrids, and those hybrids will never have a clear identity of who they are.

Tell that to President Obama...he seemed to have done just fine.

Obama is a satanic puppet for the NWO.
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Oh, I didn't know someone on DXP had such connections with the underworld. What you doin on here then?
You have a right to like whom you please. Nobody really gives a shit. You're just an obnoxious fool.
Posted by DeeG
Posted by aime7
Posted by DeeG
Posted by aime7
Of course cultures will be different. I wouldn't want to breed with a non-black woman, because it will produce mixed hybrids, and those hybrids will never have a clear identity of who they are.

Tell that to President Obama...he seemed to have done just fine.

Obama is a satanic puppet for the NWO.

Oh, I didn't know someone on DXP had such connections with the underworld. What you doin on here then?
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I don't have connections with the underworld.
Posted by DeeG
You have a right to like whom you please. Nobody really gives a shit. You're just an obnoxious fool.

Someone's mad. And you're the fool.
Posted by aime7
Posted by DeeG
You have a right to like whom you please. Nobody really gives a shit. You're just an obnoxious fool.

Someone's mad. And you're the fool.
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No, you're mad cus you got stuck with some fucked up placements.
Posted by aime7
Of course cultures will be different. I wouldn't want to breed with a non-black woman, because it will produce mixed hybrids, and those hybrids will never have a clear identity of who they are.

Was that supposed to be a insult? I have a clear identity of who I am. I'm my own thing, black and white but then again neither. I'm my own race is what I say I am.
Posted by aime7
Posted by DeeG
Posted by aime7
Posted by DeeG
Posted by aime7
Of course cultures will be different. I wouldn't want to breed with a non-black woman, because it will produce mixed hybrids, and those hybrids will never have a clear identity of who they are.

Tell that to President Obama...he seemed to have done just fine.

Obama is a satanic puppet for the NWO.

Oh, I didn't know someone on DXP had such connections with the underworld. What you doin on here then?

I don't have connections with the underworld.
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Of course you don't, glad you came to your senses.
Posted by Sn1p3r187
Posted by aime7
Of course cultures will be different. I wouldn't want to breed with a non-black woman, because it will produce mixed hybrids, and those hybrids will never have a clear identity of who they are.

Was that supposed to be a insult? I have a clear identity of who I am. I'm my own thing, black and white but then again neither. I'm my own race is what I say I am.
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Good for you.
Posted by aime7
Posted by Sn1p3r187
Posted by aime7
Of course cultures will be different. I wouldn't want to breed with a non-black woman, because it will produce mixed hybrids, and those hybrids will never have a clear identity of who they are.

Was that supposed to be a insult? I have a clear identity of who I am. I'm my own thing, black and white but then again neither. I'm my own race is what I say I am.

Good for you.
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But bad for your children?
Posted by Sn1p3r187
Posted by aime7
Of course cultures will be different. I wouldn't want to breed with a non-black woman, because it will produce mixed hybrids, and those hybrids will never have a clear identity of who they are.

Was that supposed to be a insult? I have a clear identity of who I am. I'm my own thing, black and white but then again neither. I'm my own race is what I say I am.
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Mixed people are usually very beautiful/handsome. Halle Berry for example. Me for another
Posted by DeeG
Posted by aime7
Posted by DeeG
Posted by aime7
Posted by DeeG
Posted by aime7
Of course cultures will be different. I wouldn't want to breed with a non-black woman, because it will produce mixed hybrids, and those hybrids will never have a clear identity of who they are.

Tell that to President Obama...he seemed to have done just fine.

Obama is a satanic puppet for the NWO.

Oh, I didn't know someone on DXP had such connections with the underworld. What you doin on here then?

I don't have connections with the underworld.

Of course you don't, glad you came to your senses.
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I'm not a part of the satanic elite, and I have always had my senses intact.
Posted by DeeG
Posted by Sn1p3r187
Posted by aime7
Of course cultures will be different. I wouldn't want to breed with a non-black woman, because it will produce mixed hybrids, and those hybrids will never have a clear identity of who they are.

Was that supposed to be a insult? I have a clear identity of who I am. I'm my own thing, black and white but then again neither. I'm my own race is what I say I am.

Mixed people are usually very beautiful/handsome. Halle Berry for example. Me for another
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Aww. Thanks! smile
Posted by DeeG
Posted by aime7
Posted by DeeG
You have a right to like whom you please. Nobody really gives a shit. You're just an obnoxious fool.

Someone's mad. And you're the fool.

No, you're mad cus you got stuck with some fucked up placements.
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Haha I'm so mad I have Jupiter in Sag, Saturn in Pisces blah blah blah. Get outta here.
Posted by aime7
Posted by DeeG
Posted by aime7
Posted by DeeG
You have a right to like whom you please. Nobody really gives a shit. You're just an obnoxious fool.

Someone's mad. And you're the fool.

No, you're mad cus you got stuck with some fucked up placements.

Haha I'm so mad I have Jupiter in Sag, Saturn in Pisces blah blah blah. Get outta here.
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Make me.....Tongue
Posted by Sn1p3r187
Posted by DeeG
Posted by Sn1p3r187
Posted by aime7
Of course cultures will be different. I wouldn't want to breed with a non-black woman, because it will produce mixed hybrids, and those hybrids will never have a clear identity of who they are.

Was that supposed to be a insult? I have a clear identity of who I am. I'm my own thing, black and white but then again neither. I'm my own race is what I say I am.

Mixed people are usually very beautiful/handsome. Halle Berry for example. Me for another

Aww. Thanks! smile
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Anytime you Handsome Hybrid you! smile Don't listen to that weirdo, he's crazy in the
Posted by aime7
Posted by DeeG
Posted by aime7
Posted by DeeG
Posted by aime7
Posted by DeeG
Posted by aime7
Of course cultures will be different. I wouldn't want to breed with a non-black woman, because it will produce mixed hybrids, and those hybrids will never have a clear identity of who they are.

Tell that to President Obama...he seemed to have done just fine.

Obama is a satanic puppet for the NWO.

Oh, I didn't know someone on DXP had such connections with the underworld. What you doin on here then?

I don't have connections with the underworld.

Of course you don't, glad you came to your senses.

I'm not a part of the satanic elite, and I have always had my senses intact.
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Maybe the elite didn't want your stupid you got stuck with the satanic losers association,or they got stuck with you.
Posted by DeeG
Posted by Sn1p3r187
Posted by DeeG
Posted by Sn1p3r187
Posted by aime7
Of course cultures will be different. I wouldn't want to breed with a non-black woman, because it will produce mixed hybrids, and those hybrids will never have a clear identity of who they are.

Was that supposed to be a insult? I have a clear identity of who I am. I'm my own thing, black and white but then again neither. I'm my own race is what I say I am.

Mixed people are usually very beautiful/handsome. Halle Berry for example. Me for another

Aww. Thanks! smile

Anytime you Handsome Hybrid you! smile Don't listen to that weirdo, he's crazy in the
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No, I'm perfectly sane. You take it as if I'm this racist bigot.
Posted by DeeG
Posted by aime7
Posted by DeeG
Posted by aime7
Posted by DeeG
Posted by aime7
Posted by DeeG
Posted by aime7
Of course cultures will be different. I wouldn't want to breed with a non-black woman, because it will produce mixed hybrids, and those hybrids will never have a clear identity of who they are.

Tell that to President Obama...he seemed to have done just fine.

Obama is a satanic puppet for the NWO.

Oh, I didn't know someone on DXP had such connections with the underworld. What you doin on here then?

I don't have connections with the underworld.

Of course you don't, glad you came to your senses.

I'm not a part of the satanic elite, and I have always had my senses intact.

Maybe the elite didn't want your stupid you got stuck with the satanic losers association,or they got stuck with you.
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Dumbass, I'm not satanic in any way shape or form. I'm more knowledgeable then your sorry ass will ever be.
No, I don't, crazy is crazy, it has no gender/race/religion.
Then stop quoting those long ass quotes!!
Posted by aime7
I don't hate whites, I just feel that we should breed with our own. And I'm sure many whites feel the same way.

Well dude, I know you're just stating your opinion that don't want mixed children. Just don't be hating on mixed people because we exist. We have no control over what race we are, it just happens. Keep your opinion, don't into a Nazi who seeks to destroy mixed people.
Posted by aime7
Of course cultures will be different. I wouldn't want to breed with a non-black woman, because it will produce mixed hybrids, and those hybrids will never have a clear identity of who they are.

I read the whole thread and came back to this remark; I don't think you're a bigot.
BUT, one *can* be a racist (and I don't mean that as a pejorative) without being a bigot. Winking
Back in the 60's and prior, I would have agreed with you because children of mixed races, through no fault of their own, were rejected by both blacks and whites.
And it would have been cruel to inflict that on anyone, intentionally.
But times really have changed-- intelligent people who fall in love, get married, decide to have kids-- they will find a way to incorporate both cultures and heritage in their child.
It will be as good or as bad as the parents make it; their influence will ultimately trump society's.
At least, imo. smile
Posted by DeeG
Then stop quoting those long ass quotes!!

Haha shut up smile
Posted by aime7
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by aime7
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by aime7
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by aime7
Of course it's fine with you, you come from a multicultural family.

Well, when you talk about "dating your own," what exactly does that mean?

Dating your own race of course.

But how do you define your own race? By that, I mean what are the standard benchmarks you use to define "your own" (race) versus "not your own" (race)?

My race is African/black versus the other races.

"African" is a nationality. There are Africans of various genetic descriptions and combinations.
To be accepted as "African/black" by you, what must a person be like? What traits/attributes must s/he possess?

I prefer to have a black woman. I don't need to tell you the traits and attributes of what I deem to be black.
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And may we all be blessed with everything we want. smile
That said, if you cannot even define what "African/black" is, how do you propose you find one to marry?
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by aime7
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by aime7
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by aime7
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by aime7
Of course it's fine with you, you come from a multicultural family.

Well, when you talk about "dating your own," what exactly does that mean?

Dating your own race of course.

But how do you define your own race? By that, I mean what are the standard benchmarks you use to define "your own" (race) versus "not your own" (race)?

My race is African/black versus the other races.

"African" is a nationality. There are Africans of various genetic descriptions and combinations.
To be accepted as "African/black" by you, what must a person be like? What traits/attributes must s/he possess?

I prefer to have a black woman. I don't need to tell you the traits and attributes of what I deem to be black.

And may we all be blessed with everything we want. smile
That said, if you cannot even define what "African/black" is, how do you propose you find one to marry?
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If they are African-American or African then they are options for me. Everyone has their own preferences.
Posted by aime7
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by aime7
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by aime7
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by aime7
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by aime7
Of course it's fine with you, you come from a multicultural family.

Well, when you talk about "dating your own," what exactly does that mean?

Dating your own race of course.

But how do you define your own race? By that, I mean what are the standard benchmarks you use to define "your own" (race) versus "not your own" (race)?

My race is African/black versus the other races.

"African" is a nationality. There are Africans of various genetic descriptions and combinations.
To be accepted as "African/black" by you, what must a person be like? What traits/attributes must s/he possess?

I prefer to have a black woman. I don't need to tell you the traits and attributes of what I deem to be black.

And may we all be blessed with everything we want. smile
That said, if you cannot even define what "African/black" is, how do you propose you find one to marry?

If they are African-American or African then they are options for me. Everyone has their own preferences.
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So Charlize Theron would be a suitable candidate, right?
No. She's white.
Posted by aime7
No. She's white.

She's African.
Posted by CreoleGeisha
Posted by aime7
No. She's white.

She's African.
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Just stop. She's of German-French descent so she's white. The point is many whites are against interracial dating, but they won't say it in public because they will be called racists. I honestly don't care if white people or anybody for that matter hate me, but if they roll up on me I will bodybag them.