Is he mad?Should I move on?

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by sagishere on Tuesday, October 31, 2017 and has 5 replies.
he's cap,cap venus,aqua moon,libra mars.

we talked 24/7 for a few seemed we were in the relationship(but we never met ).

of course he did his MIA for 2-12 days.i never bomrbarded him with msg and always reached him out

last time we were talking nicely

Before it he told me i was perfect for him

he disappered for a few hours,cam back, told he was busy. I was like"Ok" and started to talk about random things.he never responded.

I decided to leave him alone, wait him out because i always was the first to write

When it'd been 1 month since we talked last time i saw that he left comments to different girls on FB..not flirty though

1 week later(yesterday) i found out  he blocked me on whatsapp.WHY if i never messaged him?

Am I right if he didn't give a damn about me he wouldn't care?Or did he move on?

Is he mad at me for not messaging?he was in love...

Forgot to add that there was a lot of jealousy on his part and never on mine
Seriously? Why are you sags so neurotic?

From TWO MONTHS ago.

Posted by sagishere
i met a really nice guy on the NOT dating website.he is cap sun,cap venus,aqua moon,libra mars. i am sag sun,cap venus scorpio moon,libra mars

we quickly found out that we turned out to be soulmates.we talked 24/7 for 2 weeks.once he said"i talk only to you and my gf.who are the same person!"he asked me alot about my views on marriage,family,kids..

i was nice to him.paid compliments back,showed that i am interested in him as a bf seemed like we already were in the relationship(but we never met yet).and YET i seemed kinda independent and busy(i know cappies like such girls lol),i showed that I am affectionate but still I think I was not needy.

of course he did his famous disappearing acts for 2-5 days.i was patient and never bomrbarded him with messages.he always explained MIA by family/school problems

BUT once I asked him if he knows any more websites like that one(NOT dating,but this website is about our common hobby,where people can find friends).and he said that I should stop wasting my time on such stupid websites(hm.. he was online there too),they are full of retards and idiots, I should go read a book or workout instead of talking to idiots.I said "you spend your free time there too,i like this website because I met so many friends there and thanks for reminding, I will workout tonight"and then i added as a joke "or maybe you are just jealous hahahah"then he said"pls don`t get offended,it was a joke"i said that i don`t and sent some cool stuff to him(articles,pictures)like nothing happened.but it is been 11 days since he ignores me.he is not online on that website,does not accounts on facebook etc..and randomly appears on whatsapp(for a few minutes a day)

what happened?did i hurt him?was it jealosy?my last message to him was 10 day ago where I asked him if anything bad happened to him...
You mean to tell me you're still wondering if you should ditch this dude TWO months later? God damn, get some self respect.
Posted by bittercupcake
Don’t excuse his disappearing act as being a ‘cap’ thing. This guy doesn’t sound really invested and I’m not surprised since you guys haven’t even met.
I forgot to add that we live faraway from each other

What did u do to get blocked?