Is this capricorn man somewhat interested or being nosy?

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by fluttershyx on Thursday, December 15, 2016 and has 1 replies.
I am a 21yr old cancer woman

Not long ago, i met this capricorn man on tinder, gave him my number and since then, we've been texting each other everday and today he suggested we meet up for a coffee after his work and also because he wants to see me and know me better.


We met up, he was quite a gentleman smile

Anyway, then we started going on with our conversation. And to some of the questions which i answered, he would start to lecture..or sort of nag at me like he's my dad wtf lol or maybe its because he's 37.... then he tells me he's very picky and let me know what kind of girls he likes, he also tend to joke around with me so like when i think he's serious, he's actually just being silly, and when i get a big reaction to his "nonsense" which i thought was a serious thing at first, he'd say that i'm cute and laugh at me and The thing is he couldnt stop bombarding me with questions lol it almost feels like an interview :/ .... like no one has ever asked me that much questions before and i find it kinda weird. The questions are like

"Do you party alot? Do you drink? Why are you single? Do you always say ok if a guy ask you out online? Do you exercise? Are you innocent and naughty at the same time(idk wat is with this question tbh lol)? Are you wild? Do you need sex often? Will you ever get into a relationship? Why don't you find a bf? How many men have u dated? What do you usually do at home ? How many men have you slept with? Do you sleep with guys easily? Do you always give in? What are your pet peeves When it comes to a bf? Are you close with your parents? Good relationship with them? What does your parents work as? " and the list goes on and on its never ending lol