Is this quite embarassing to ask, fellow cappies?

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by dualcapricorn on Tuesday, March 12, 2013 and has 21 replies.
nothing so serious, just curious.
after a break up, did you cappies ever weighing the cost of your last broken relationship?
I have. Not every relationship, just my last two.
and it is quite a shocking experience when I get the number on how much I've spent.
Well, never the exact number actually, just rough calculating.
In fact, no matter how much it is,
it still made me say "Whatttt? I've spend this much for that bi**h????Seriously???" Lol.
Unfortunately, my last relationship was with a needy cancer and a greedy taurus.
damn, I'm almost broke. Lol
Well, fun sure does have a cost of their own, doesn't it?
How about you?
In terms of dollars and cents? No.
When I got divorced, I found it apalling because my 13 year relationship boiled down to just that. Dollars and cents.
Honestly I still find it appalling. In the end, that was all he cared about: how much it was gonna cost him.
Counting the cost of a broken relationship is a very petty thing to do.
I agree with MMM giving should be done with a free heart and not to be evaluated at a later date.
Most Cancers are very generous both with their time and hearts both of which are priceless...
Posted by everevolvingepithet
How much did you get? smileTongue

Not nearly enough. lol.
oh no no no, don't get me wrong.
When I'm in relationship, I'm VERY generous to my partner. I won't hold back, I can assure you.
But don't you think it is just natural when a relationship end up screwing you bad, and you had yourself a flashback,
you feel like you've been wasted, and there is a moment when you hate how all of those time and efforts
you have wasted for a wrong person,and finally the cost of it pop up latest.
For me, it was unforced, not in purpose, it just pop out.
As I've stated, rough weighing, not to the tiniest cent.
I admit, maybe at that time my mind was negatively driven by my disappointment.
But will it stop me from being generous? Not a chance!
I thought cap were frugal. But not into that extreme.
as I've said, nothing serious, just for fun. keep it light.
If it still doesn't sound right, you still have the right of not answering my question.
Posted by SamCancerGirl
Counting the cost of a broken relationship is a very petty thing to do.
I agree with MMM giving should be done with a free heart and not to be evaluated at a later date.
Most Cancers are very generous both with their time and hearts both of which are priceless...

oh yeah you are right. I've bought her a lamborghini aventador while I drive myself a scooter, and I should not do the aftermath because it is a very petty thing to do, after all, their time and heart are priceless...
Aw come on, even the house placement could says there is a possibility of a person taking a benefit from his/her partner in material aspect. All I ask was a simple 'do you ever?'
and no, I expect nothing in return. Nothing. Nada. Niente.
Posted by dualcapricorn
Posted by SamCancerGirl
Counting the cost of a broken relationship is a very petty thing to do.
I agree with MMM giving should be done with a free heart and not to be evaluated at a later date.
Most Cancers are very generous both with their time and hearts both of which are priceless...

oh yeah you are right. I've bought her a lamborghini aventador while I drive myself a scooter, and I should not do the aftermath because it is a very petty thing to do, after all, their time and heart are priceless...
Aw come on, even the house placement could says there is a possibility of a person taking a benefit from his/her partner in material aspect. All I ask was a simple 'do you ever?'
and no, I expect nothing in return. Nothing. Nada. Niente.
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Capi's don't usually go back and think about how much a broken relationship cost them.
Either you aren't quite over her, or you seem a bit bitter..
Ask yourself at the time of giving what were your intentions.. If it was in the true sense of giving and not expecting anything in return
you wouldn't be feeling this way...
Either are being narrow minded and not seeing the bigger picture.
It's over so why go over past ground... use that energy and convert it into something more proactive that will make you happier and leave the past
where it belongs...
aww, i dont see anything horribly wrong with it. there are some extremely cheap guy who think about this while IN the relationship. one isnt better or worse then the other. men smh lol
Posted by QUlETstorm
I don't think about the materialistic things but I do think about how much of myself I've given, when its all said done. You can always earn money back, but there are parts of yourself that you can't get back once you've given away.

Yeah, I think more in terms of things I have done for the person, and that is why the thought of adding it all up, putting a price on how much it all was worth, was particularly disturbing to me, and here I am talking about my marriage, which is the only time I did that.
All the nights I sat up with him when he was sick, drunk out of his mind, etc.
Giving birth to our child, and almost dying because of it.
Taking care of the house.
12 years x 3 meals a day. How many hours did I spend shopping, cooking, eating, talking to him?
Coffee every morning.
An hour plus of talking after work every night.
Dreaming, scheming, laughing.
I gave him the best years of my life.
To put a dollar amount on all of that made me feel sick to my stomach. I didn't even get a lawyer. I didn't fight. I took what he was willing to give me, and I left.
Posted by msmarilynmanson
Posted by dualcapricorn
oh no no no, don't get me wrong.
When I'm in relationship, I'm VERY generous to my partner. I won't hold back, I can assure you.
But don't you think it is just natural when a relationship end up screwing you bad, and you had yourself a flashback,
you feel like you've been wasted, and there is a moment when you hate how all of those time and efforts
you have wasted for a wrong person,and finally the cost of it pop up latest.
For me, it was unforced, not in purpose, it just pop out.
As I've stated, rough weighing, not to the tiniest cent.
I admit, maybe at that time my mind was negatively driven by my disappointment.
But will it stop me from being generous? Not a chance!
I thought cap were frugal. But not into that extreme.
as I've said, nothing serious, just for fun. keep it light.
If it still doesn't sound right, you still have the right of not answering my question.

of course it crosses your mind like damn, i shouldnt have bought him that sweater for christmas lol
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lol. I never have thought that!
In fact, with my ex-Cappy, I went to a ball game one day towards the end. As I was going to it, it became clear that I needed to get rid of him. He asked me for a hat from the game. I bought the hat, knowing I was going to break up with him shortly after I gave it to him.
Posted by SamCancerGirl
Posted by dualcapricorn
Posted by SamCancerGirl
Counting the cost of a broken relationship is a very petty thing to do.
I agree with MMM giving should be done with a free heart and not to be evaluated at a later date.
Most Cancers are very generous both with their time and hearts both of which are priceless...

oh yeah you are right. I've bought her a lamborghini aventador while I drive myself a scooter, and I should not do the aftermath because it is a very petty thing to do, after all, their time and heart are priceless...
Aw come on, even the house placement could says there is a possibility of a person taking a benefit from his/her partner in material aspect. All I ask was a simple 'do you ever?'
and no, I expect nothing in return. Nothing. Nada. Niente.

Capi's don't usually go back and think about how much a broken relationship cost them.
Either you aren't quite over her, or you seem a bit bitter..
Ask yourself at the time of giving what were your intentions.. If it was in the true sense of giving and not expecting anything in return
you wouldn't be feeling this way...
Either are being narrow minded and not seeing the bigger picture.
It's over so why go over past ground... use that energy and convert it into something more proactive that will make you happier and leave the past
where it belongs...

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How do you know a cappy doesn't go back and estimate the cost? You're not a cap. And it's not something we would admit openly.
Well, yeah. A woman doesn't estimate the monetary cost, but I, at least, estimate the time wasted, heartache, energy put into it, among other things. So why shouldn't a male estimate the cost?
It doesn't mean he's not going to give freely next time. I personally, don't think there's anything wrong with it, as long as you don't let it turn you bitter and into a miser for the next girl.
LOL. Funny how an open question with simple yes or no answer could lead into this.
Okay then, say as you please. I'm no longer interested on the topic, and not in anyway starting a debate.
My deepest apologize to capgirl, if I unintentionally open up an old wound, and I would also thank you for your honest answer.
I'm out.
Oh you didn't offend me, it's cool. I was just answering the question. lol.
well hello again,
this thread makes me laugh in a funny kind of way. Lol
It was already for my bedtime in my last post. (GMT +7 here)
my last statement might be more intended to samCancerGirl and Libra1234 who might think I'm still being emotional about my loss. And start to talk about spirit of giving, petty things to do, about what counts, etc.. etc..
Naive is what drives me nut. And this thread starting to lose the fun sense in it.
I'm just started to think QUIETstorm was right, maybe this is a Male/Female topic and I didn't it realize from the start. And I just think this is going to be pointless. But then again, in my cap style demeanor, why would I waste my time teaching a crab to walk straight? (Sorry cancers. This one wasn't intended to you. Really. It was just an illustration. *wink*)
Anyway, I'm just avoiding a sharp contradict between them.
It was a fun intended thread from the first, which tickle the frugal side which cappies has in common, or in any of us, like TrueCap said, we never admit this to anyone but yourself.
MeToo got the perfect fun sense of it. *high five* cheers buddy! Tongue
ofc, I had a few regrets about break up, but honestly I can't make anything about it except laugh the heck of it. And this one is the funny part for me. Isn't turning regret into laugh is a positive thing to do?
but yeah, I would trade those anniversaries and expensive wine for a tequila and a BBQ party with my homie. Why wouldn't I? Lol.Tongue
I'd rather have beer and BBQ than fancy anniversaries and expensive wine! Winking
More time than money really. When I break up with someone ( that includes dates or people I have been "friends" with), I think of all the other stuff I could have been doing with that time and money instead of wasting it on them. That's why I found dating really hard to be honest. Because a lot of times, I compromise and let the other person choose because I enjoy their company. Only to realize that they didn't feel the same way.
Like right now, I really regret the time I spent during my early and mid twenties on DXP. it was a waste of time, because I never met a single person from here. The day I decided to meet actual people, was the day I realize that it's well worth having real life friends no matter how much it hurts you.
Posted by dualcapricorn
nothing so serious, just curious.
after a break up, did you cappies ever weighing the cost of your last broken relationship?
I have. Not every relationship, just my last two.
and it is quite a shocking experience when I get the number on how much I've spent.
Well, never the exact number actually, just rough calculating.
In fact, no matter how much it is,
it still made me say "Whatttt? I've spend this much for that bi**h????Seriously???" Lol.
Unfortunately, my last relationship was with a needy cancer and a greedy taurus.
damn, I'm almost broke. Lol
Well, fun sure does have a cost of their own, doesn't it?
How about you?

I don't think it's an astrological thing to do this...
I have done this a little myself actually.
But, just in terms of Capricorns - my Aries girlfriend dated a Cap and when they broke up he sent her an invoice for everything he had ever spent on her or with her during their dating.
I'm talking cheeseburgers from Macdonalds, petrol, phone credit, birthday presents - man, we seriously didn't know whether to laugh it off or book him in for some therapy!
Posted by wagtail
Posted by dualcapricorn
nothing so serious, just curious.
after a break up, did you cappies ever weighing the cost of your last broken relationship?
I have. Not every relationship, just my last two.
and it is quite a shocking experience when I get the number on how much I've spent.
Well, never the exact number actually, just rough calculating.
In fact, no matter how much it is,
it still made me say "Whatttt? I've spend this much for that bi**h????Seriously???" Lol.
Unfortunately, my last relationship was with a needy cancer and a greedy taurus.
damn, I'm almost broke. Lol
Well, fun sure does have a cost of their own, doesn't it?
How about you?

I don't think it's an astrological thing to do this...
I have done this a little myself actually.
But, just in terms of Capricorns - my Aries girlfriend dated a Cap and when they broke up he sent her an invoice for everything he had ever spent on her or with her during their dating.
I'm talking cheeseburgers from Macdonalds, petrol, phone credit, birthday presents - man, we seriously didn't know whether to laugh it off or book him in for some therapy!

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Oh wow, what a turnoff lol.

Oh wow, what a turnoff lol.

Yeh, but he was only 19...
maturity plays a big role in it too I'm sure... I mean, i really hope so cos I don't want to think he's 30years old now and pulling that butter on girls hahaha!