nothing so serious, just curious.
after a break up, did you cappies ever weighing the cost of your last broken relationship?
I have. Not every relationship, just my last two.
and it is quite a shocking experience when I get the number on how much I've spent.
Well, never the exact number actually, just rough calculating.
In fact, no matter how much it is,
it still made me say "Whatttt? I've spend this much for that bi**h????Seriously???" Lol.
Unfortunately, my last relationship was with a needy cancer and a greedy taurus.
damn, I'm almost broke. Lol
Well, fun sure does have a cost of their own, doesn't it?
How about you?
Signed Up:
Feb 04, 2013Comments: 31 · Posts: 2423 · Topics: 55
In terms of dollars and cents? No.
When I got divorced, I found it apalling because my 13 year relationship boiled down to just that. Dollars and cents.
Honestly I still find it appalling. In the end, that was all he cared about: how much it was gonna cost him.
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May 18, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 732 · Topics: 18
Counting the cost of a broken relationship is a very petty thing to do.
I agree with MMM giving should be done with a free heart and not to be evaluated at a later date.
Most Cancers are very generous both with their time and hearts both of which are priceless...
oh no no no, don't get me wrong.
When I'm in relationship, I'm VERY generous to my partner. I won't hold back, I can assure you.
But don't you think it is just natural when a relationship end up screwing you bad, and you had yourself a flashback,
you feel like you've been wasted, and there is a moment when you hate how all of those time and efforts
you have wasted for a wrong person,and finally the cost of it pop up latest.
For me, it was unforced, not in purpose, it just pop out.
As I've stated, rough weighing, not to the tiniest cent.
I admit, maybe at that time my mind was negatively driven by my disappointment.
But will it stop me from being generous? Not a chance!
I thought cap were frugal. But not into that extreme.
as I've said, nothing serious, just for fun. keep it light.
If it still doesn't sound right, you still have the right of not answering my question.
Signed Up:
Oct 25, 2010Comments: 2 · Posts: 8822 · Topics: 132
aww, i dont see anything horribly wrong with it. there are some extremely cheap guy who think about this while IN the relationship. one isnt better or worse then the other. men smh lol
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
Well, yeah. A woman doesn't estimate the monetary cost, but I, at least, estimate the time wasted, heartache, energy put into it, among other things. So why shouldn't a male estimate the cost?
It doesn't mean he's not going to give freely next time. I personally, don't think there's anything wrong with it, as long as you don't let it turn you bitter and into a miser for the next girl.
LOL. Funny how an open question with simple yes or no answer could lead into this.
Okay then, say as you please. I'm no longer interested on the topic, and not in anyway starting a debate.
My deepest apologize to capgirl, if I unintentionally open up an old wound, and I would also thank you for your honest answer.
I'm out.
Signed Up:
Feb 04, 2013Comments: 31 · Posts: 2423 · Topics: 55
Oh you didn't offend me, it's cool. I was just answering the question. lol.
More time than money really. When I break up with someone ( that includes dates or people I have been "friends" with), I think of all the other stuff I could have been doing with that time and money instead of wasting it on them. That's why I found dating really hard to be honest. Because a lot of times, I compromise and let the other person choose because I enjoy their company. Only to realize that they didn't feel the same way.
Like right now, I really regret the time I spent during my early and mid twenties on DXP. it was a waste of time, because I never met a single person from here. The day I decided to meet actual people, was the day I realize that it's well worth having real life friends no matter how much it hurts you.