Oh dewdrops I wish it was that easy. I would love to feel free from this.
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Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
No you are not stupid but a bit of a suggestion, move on, go and have fun, cap men (not all, I must say that you know LOL) seriously not all of them are like that but cap men do pull the disappearing act, can be huge players and womanizers online, they have a way of making a woman feel like she's the only one only to come full circle and slowly find out that there others around and always has been
If a woman is smart which you are she will begin to see through the cracks, you just broke his la la land illusion/web he had you living in so POOF he must get out before things get too hard and heavy, he was just there to have fun and as long as you were going along he was fine, in general online is a good place for this to happen be it capricorn or not, tons of narcissist, tons of commitment phobes/ambivalent men online and women truly have to learn quickly how to wade through the crap unfortunately there are still a huge percentage of women that haven't learned to do it, not interested in learning or just too lazy.
When men online quickly OPEN UP, quickly create a comfortable rapport it means he's an EXPERT at the online game, if he seems to be super okay with long distance relationships well that is a sign of ambivalence and commitment phobia, quickly spill there hearts that is a huge red flag that your dealing with a closet commitment phobic man, a player and/or someone with some kind of personality disorder or all of the above.
Most women are serious about finding real love online but please know the percentage of men online looking to do the same is slim (not impossible given time and effort of course) most of these men use online as there personal playground, don't make online your only option let it be one of many options you use to meet men, go OUT and meet real men, learn how to flirt and attract men, you cannot possibly see the truth online, you have to really know what you want and be able to judge quickly if a guy is seeking something real, something new quick easy and on his terms. I would not wait for him to come back around it will take weeks or even months before he decides to pop back up again to make sure your still pining away over him, remember no heavy talks, no heavy emotions and no heavy questions, the attitude to have is complete apathy.