This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by lildol on Monday, November 12, 2012 and has 12 replies.
My son had to do a project for a class in school where he made a collage.... He had to make a poster of his family from magazines and cut out some pic of a gorgeous woman to represent me. Of course, seeing as this French class, he put underneath, in French, that the woman was old :/

(not sure how to take it)
lol indeed
What I'm really curious about is who he chose to represent you smile
LOL don't know Stoic... some generous brunette woman *shrugs*
My son is 19... beautiful to him is something different. *throws hands up* DAMN LIBRA KID!
Maybe his intent was that I've aged well Tongue
I'm sure that's exactly what he meant Tongue
I'd be flattered if my son picked a gorgeous woman to represent me, even if he did call me old! lol!
Posted by Sangfroid
Posted by lildol
Maybe his intent was that I've aged well Tongue

Seriously - where's his Mercury? My Vigo Son with Sun in 12th has Libra Asc. and Libra Mercury, he always says the right things. Perhaps you could just ask your son to define 'old' for you? ...And brace yourself!
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Him, define old? He's always called me ancient LOL
His Merc is in Libra, 12th House Cap, Asc Cap (a lot of Cap in his chart, in fact)... he comes across VERY logical and can argue all sides of ANY argument. He doesn't appreciate stupid though and will not engage people who are dense and very one sided LOL (I adore him)
When my son was 13, he asked me what dirt looked like when it was new. Said I was old as dirt and he thought I'd know. lmao!!! Lil smart ass Aries! hahaha!
Posted by truecap
When my son was 13, he asked me what dirt looked like when it was new. Said I was old as dirt and he thought I'd know. lmao!!! Lil smart ass Aries! hahaha!

So, what does it look like? Tongue
Posted by lildol
Posted by truecap
When my son was 13, he asked me what dirt looked like when it was new. Said I was old as dirt and he thought I'd know. lmao!!! Lil smart ass Aries! hahaha!

So, what does it look like? Tongue
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Smart ass cap!!!! lmao!!