Marrying a Cappie Guy ?

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by LionessQueen on Monday, March 4, 2019 and has 17 replies.
So I'm a Leo woman whose been engaged to a Cappie guy since May of 2017. I'm terrified of marriage because I don't want to make the mistake of marrying someone I shouldn't and for that reason we haven't gotten married.. Don't get me wrong he treats me like a queen and he has also stepped up to be a father to my two kids.. He supports us financially.. He even got us a place in both our names.. And he so desperately wants to marry me but I'm not sure.. We went from friends w/ benefits to a relationship now to being engaged.. During the course of our relationship we have been through a lot because in the past he couldn't let go of his ex.. He cheated on me with her two months into our relationship and a year ago during our breakup he went back and had sex with her which was five months after his infidelity.. Because of that I'm afraid to marry him even though he swears he's over her and hasnt messed with her in a year and wants to marry me.. I don't know if I should believe him.. I love him but I don't want to be stupid. How do I know that he is being truthful and really serious about marrying me... How can I tell if he is completely over/done with his ex?? Please help cause marriage is SERIOUS and I'm not about to take that big commitment if he's not 100% percent ready..
Don’t marry someone you’re not sure about.

Extend the engagement until you feel comfortable.
"Cause marriage is SERIOUS" - So is his finances my dear lady lol

Sounds like he signed his own death certificate lol smh
Posted by truecap

Don’t marry someone you’re not sure about.

Extend the engagement until you feel comfortable.

You're right.. Thanks for the advice.
Posted by pisceanloves

"Cause marriage is SERIOUS" - So is his finances my dear lady lol

Sounds like he signed his own death certificate lol smh

It’s the funniest shit I’ve ever seen here! Is he buying you or marrying you?

With 2 kids he is treating you like a queen cheating on you and buying the house...GOOD TROLL!

Marry him. Then cheat on him. See how he will feel about it! Make him a father of kid of another...

Posted by Gemitati

It’s the funniest shit I’ve ever seen here! Is he buying you or marrying you?

With 2 kids he is treating you like a queen cheating on you and buying the house...GOOD TROLL!

Marry him. Then cheat on him. See how he will feel about it! Make him a father of kid of another...


Please don't listen to this advice. The world doesn't need more innocent children being brought into this world under these circumstances.

If you're not sure and you can't trust him, don't marry him.'s unlikely that you'll leave, because I'm sure that set up of being provided for has become quite comfortable for you.

That's my Cap judgemental nature at the end...I'm working on it.
Unless I misunderstood what Gemitati was saying. I can never understand what she's attempting to articulate.

Either way, the rest still stands.
Posted by Reciprocity8

Posted by Gemitati

It’s the funniest shit I’ve ever seen here! Is he buying you or marrying you?

With 2 kids he is treating you like a queen cheating on you and buying the house...GOOD TROLL!

Marry him. Then cheat on him. See how he will feel about it! Make him a father of kid of another...


Please don't listen to this advice. The world doesn't need more innocent children being brought into this world under these circumstances.

If you're not sure and you can't trust him, don't marry him.'s unlikely that you'll leave, because I'm sure that set up of being provided for has become quite comfortable for you.

That's my Cap judgemental nature at the end...I'm working on it.
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I'm not with him for what he can do for me.. I have a job and provide as well.. I said all of that to say that he really is trying to step up and be a husband to me but I know cappies have a hard time of letting ppl go so I'm just wondering if he does with his ex?
Posted by Gemitati

It’s the funniest shit I’ve ever seen here! Is he buying you or marrying you?

With 2 kids he is treating you like a queen cheating on you and buying the house...GOOD TROLL!

Marry him. Then cheat on him. See how he will feel about it! Make him a father of kid of another...


I'm not even going to give your comment the time of day..
Posted by Reciprocity8

Posted by Gemitati

It’s the funniest shit I’ve ever seen here! Is he buying you or marrying you?

With 2 kids he is treating you like a queen cheating on you and buying the house...GOOD TROLL!

Marry him. Then cheat on him. See how he will feel about it! Make him a father of kid of another...


Please don't listen to this advice. The world doesn't need more innocent children being brought into this world under these circumstances.

If you're not sure and you can't trust him, don't marry him.'s unlikely that you'll leave, because I'm sure that set up of being provided for has become quite comfortable for you.

That's my Cap judgemental nature at the end...I'm working on it.
click to expand
I wasn’t suggesting anything. I was sarcastic. Sorry it flew over the nest.
Posted by LionessQueen

Posted by Gemitati

It’s the funniest shit I’ve ever seen here! Is he buying you or marrying you?

With 2 kids he is treating you like a queen cheating on you and buying the house...GOOD TROLL!

Marry him. Then cheat on him. See how he will feel about it! Make him a father of kid of another...


I'm not even going to give your comment the time of day..
click to expand
Because you realize how ridiculous your post is? Congratulation!
Posted by LionessQueen

Posted by Reciprocity8

Posted by Gemitati

It’s the funniest shit I’ve ever seen here! Is he buying you or marrying you?

With 2 kids he is treating you like a queen cheating on you and buying the house...GOOD TROLL!

Marry him. Then cheat on him. See how he will feel about it! Make him a father of kid of another...


Please don't listen to this advice. The world doesn't need more innocent children being brought into this world under these circumstances.

If you're not sure and you can't trust him, don't marry him.'s unlikely that you'll leave, because I'm sure that set up of being provided for has become quite comfortable for you.

That's my Cap judgemental nature at the end...I'm working on it.
I'm not with him for what he can do for me.. I have a job and provide as well.. I said all of that to say that he really is trying to step up and be a husband to me but I know cappies have a hard time of letting ppl go so I'm just wondering if he does with his ex?
click to expand
NO! Cappies DONT have a hard time to let go of their exes! I should know. I am married one for 25 years and he let go his ex because he loved ME!

And he never cheated on me.

And all this hard to let go is a bullshit.

If he loves YOU - he let go of his past. Easy. Unless you looking for hall passes for him...and it seems like you are.

Another side is yes it’s hard to nail the man with 2 kids who will be willing to buy you a place to live.

Does he pay for the place or you paying half? It’s important because if you are paying than he did buy nothing for you.

Many red flags and black holes here.

And as far as I know Caps aren’t generous with money. So I am assuming he is not all that altruistic.

So what is it in reality?

And is he good looking or you his only option?
Dear sweet baby Jesus batman... all I'll say is run now. Do not marry someone who has done those things as I don't think you'll ever truly get that trust back.
Posted by DeadInside

i dont know, why asking on random people
Yes exactly. Cheating is a dealbreaker for one but it is not for another person.

If you can forgive and forget ok. If you doubt it then it's your life, you probably know what you can take anyway.
Cheating is one thing.

Fact that he cheated 2xs with HIS EX tells me he’s not over her.

If you do pull the trigger make sure the prenup is written in your favor. Include a financial penalty for infidelity.
Why would anyone agree to marry someone being scared shitless of marriage?