Meeting a HOT CAPPIE Man at Work!

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by kristalaries on Sunday, August 14, 2011 and has 11 replies.
I just got back from company dinner, and got introduced to our client. He's hot, tall and build.
We talked a bit and he asked me "Guess what sign I am?" Since he's chatty so I said "Gemini!"
He said "wrong..I am Capricorn". We exchanged numbers. Wow he's hot too..but not as hot as the Cappie I'm currently dating Tongue
Will give you a follow up on this one too hahaha...raining Cappies here Big Grin
I agree with MissBizarre...Cappies are HOT & sexy...LOL!
Ilyb--omg that's very hot. I hope I can experience that too LOL. I'm enchanted by Capricorns!
Mr.Cap client just emailed me..asking how I'm doing..LOL Caps and their sweet flirtatious ways Winking
Mr.Hot Cappie is asking me out on a date this upcoming Friday! Big Grin
I will keep you all posted on him...
He's been messaging and calling me more often now...grrrrrrr
Last Friday I met Mr.Hot Cap for a lunch date near his office. It was nice and fun. After lunch we took a short stroll to the parking area and he held my hand. It was sweet & thoughtful.
This weekend he's went to climb the mountains, and when he's on top of the mountain..he took a pic of the scenery and send it to my phone. It was lovely. Then we had a short chat on the phone..I also told him to be careful when climbing down and to let me know if he's arriving home safely.
Few hours later..he texted me and notify me that he's home. I just love these Caps smile
He said we'll go out soon to see a movie. I will keep you all updated.
This Cap seems outgoing and loves to be in the outdoors doing adventurous stuff.
I think for the short conclusion so far..Caps are cold but they are quite attentive
Krista@, Congrats and have fun.
Without a condom; upside; from the ceiling; with one eye closed; while wearing a bell; and making a bowl of soup.
LOL @ Harvey
We still chat daily and he plan to meet me again sometime next week. Will keep you all updated.