Mr.B and Me (We Met Each Other)

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by cappysweetie on Sunday, August 27, 2006 and has 29 replies.
*** Sorry for the length, but here goes ***
We met at Lenox Mall in Buckhead (haha that?s an interesting name) around 10am. That morning was slightly stressful because I had no idea what I was wearing. Finally, I chose a blue top with black slacks and sandals ( LOL, figures I?d keep it simple at the last minute). My concern was that the top was too tight, but whatever, it was hot in Atlanta.
Since I?ve only taken a subway train once or twice in my life, I almost missed the stop for Lenox Square -- but his really nice man helped me because he could tell that I was lost (LOL!!!!!) I looked for Brandon inside the mall, but I did see him ... Uh oh!!!!!! LOL, well he and I entered different sides of the mall so he was looking for me too. On my cell, I had to describe to him what I had on in order for him to find me. *** Okay, I?ll admit it! At this point I became very nervous because we were just seconds away meeting each other ?. All of my bravery went out the window. ***
Suddenly, I see a fairly tall man walking in my direction -- it was Brandon. The first thing I noticed was his eyes, they are very magnetic (no joke) and he has a very charming smile -- an attractive man, that he is. We introduced ourselves and after 5 or 7 minutes ALL of my nerves ebbed away. smile Good thing too, a shy man and a nervous woman wouldn't have lasted very long ...
Much to my objection, he brought the both of us breakfast -- that was really sweet of him but I still told him that it wasn?t necessary. While eating, it gave us a chance to talk about many things and subjects. His wit is intriguing and his sense of humor matches my own. His intelligence ?kept me on my toes? but I was still comfortable with him.
After showing me around Lenox, we walked to Borders Book Store -- I was very happy about this! The mall was nice but it was a very superficial setting ?. Going to Borders give me more of subtle environment. OOOOHHHH, books are like candy to me Tongue I don?t have any favorites -- my interest depends of my moods.
Then we were very random in our choices of adventure -- we reviewed that latest technology, did some window shopping, and sight seeing -- we had fun.
While heading back to Lenox, it seemed that we were the most comfortable with each other -- how do I know? He became playful with meBig Grin OOOO, I was so glad because I was waiting for all of those reservations to go away. We decided to go ?Dutch? for lunch *** I?m sorry, but a man DOESN?T have to spend money of me just to get my attention. Only if he wanted to buy something for me then I would except it. But we just met, so all that?s a BIG NO-NO***
LOL, we are indeed chatter-boxes -- blame it on my Aqua and his Gemini moon! I spent time looking at him too -- for a stocky guy, he sure is adorable Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin The facial hair adds to his appeal.
We did a little more window shopping -- he told me what would look on me and I took him what would look nice on him. Hahaha, he *CRADLED* me and spun around in circles! LOL!!! He is quite the character -- I like the rush he gave me ? lifting me up in the air like that ? showing me his strength ? it felt good Winking
Shockingly, he held my hand a couple of times and I cuddled close to him a few times and he seemed to like it. Hmmm, I?ve never been that open with a guy before, I was surprised at my behavior LOL!!! Well, in a way I couldn?t help it ?. I saw a ?Come here? type of persona that he reveals when he gets ready? this was very refreshing because he still managed to be a gentleman. (hahaha)
Overall, on a scale of 1 to 10, I say the meeting was a good 9.5 Winking Winking Winking I really became acquainted with Brandon on a certain level that I never thought possible. We certainly had a good time together.

"The first thing I noticed was his eyes, they are very magnetic (no joke) and he has a very charming smile -- an attractive man, that he " ahhh...that is soo sweet. They say most virgos have amazing eyes. Everyone on this board knew you two were meeting, and everyone was so excited. Thanks for sharing your adventure with us.
Awww, thank you SensualTaurus ^_^.
Everyone on this board knew you two were meeting, and everyone was so excited.
Really??? Everyone knew that we were meeting ? Who told! LOL!!! I wa in such a hurry the last few days before I left, maybe I said something by mistake.
Keep us posted if anything else comes up.
HI!!! SB smile Well Brandon is a great guy. Just don't 'cross' him in any way, other then that, he is really cool.
I think SensualTaurus is talking about Brandon telling us about your meeting.
Oh yeah! He had internet access but I didn't at the time. Darn him Tongue
AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! He would put all the pressure on me Tongue Well .... oh dear, then that means I that I should just go on a post my pic too .... ugh!
Okay, well ... I didn't get a chance to take as my many pictures as I wanted, so I still have 18 blanks left Sad
I need to fill all them up back I get the pics developed (I don't have a digital camara so I use instant cameras). So I'll see.
Cappysweeties and Branh?
Blimey...Lol..when did this happen..I must've missed it all..Wow...aww branh..
haha! (ehem) *straightens herself* oh come on now, us.
cappysweetie and branh... i think it's really cool that you guys took the time to meet up. there are a few people on dxp that i think would be really cool to meet too.
AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! He would put all the pressure on me Well .... oh dear, then that means I that I should just go on a post my pic too .... ugh!
I bet for 5 $ that Brandon's look suck.
Who else bets?
Quick people, time is running out!
Just don't "cross" him in any way, other then that, he's really cool. ????
if you don't see that as a BIG RED FLAG, you're just swept away in the moment. you need to read that over and over again, and once more just to smack you awake.
something made you say it....what was it? do you like having to walk on eggshells in a relationship? in other words, there is a component that could put you in danger if you somehow inadvertently crossed him, and you recognized that.
so...think about it.

I bet for 5 $ that Brandon's look suck.

Im bettin... i say hes good lookin'....
if you don't see that as a BIG RED FLAG, you're just swept away in the moment. you need to read that over and over again, and once more just to smack you awake.
something made you say it....what was it? do you like having to walk on eggshells in a relationship? in other words, there is a component that could put you in danger if you somehow inadvertently crossed him, and you recognized that.
so...think about it.

HAHAHAHA HOHOHOHO HEHEHEHEHE!!!! Oh my goodness ... when I said "just don't cross him" it was another way of saying don't BS him because he would be able to detect it. Honestly, if he felt I was just putting on a "show", everything would've been over in no time. Hahaha, I'm exactly the same way, "don't cross me" either Winking
The fact that I was able to be myself with Mr.B says plenty. Hahaha, for heavens sakes that's all that I meant. Brandon's alright Winking
tell us about the part where he told you a couple of magic lines to get you out of your panties.
Tongue @ us

i think it's really cool that you guys took the time to meet up.
Thank you CreepyPants Big Grin
Even if he isn't good looking, I bet he could charm his way into any girls life with that smile...I could just tell from the way Cappysweetie described that first smile and his playful way. Aww..seeing a different side to Bran..Always knew he had it in him. Lol..
wasnt he cribing about cappy girls.didnt he say how selfish and bad we all are???
*** giggles *** Yeppers, that was him alright ^_^.
Winking @ cap
I totally feel where you are coming from archer Big Grin
??? Brandon is branh0913 ???
Now when I joked about mailing sweetie to brandon, I was just kidding...
Hahahahaha, my goodness DB, you missed quite a bit I see Big Grin Hey, I'm on the saggie cusp with an aqua moon, so what can I say, I randomly get into stuff Tongue
My capricorn nature just helps me rationalize the stuff I get into Winking
Glad you had a good time sweetie...niec to finally meet the man behind the disguise...
smile @ DB
Brandon created his own review on the Aqua board but because of a user making threats towards another user, they deleted the whole thing Sad
Wow... so there's another side to Brandon that is not easily seen... or all the spouting off here is just for fun... not really held true? To stir things up? Cappy could see thru the facade? I'm befuddled.
*** giggles *** HI Kris and FC
From what I've seen and observed, Branh is a terrific guy. He has a certain ring of honesty around him that I haven't felt with other men ^_^. And that's wonderful.
Hey Cappy smile
Wow, glad to hear your trip went well! See I knew branh wasn't that much of an arse! hehehee jk
*parades with poster signs*
... picture! *still waving* picture! we want to see pictures!!!!!!!!!!!
G'night zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
AHHHHHH!!!! Tauruschic Big Grin ... well, RainingPeanuts Winking
How's it going ????
HAHAHAHAHA!!!! Pics huh? ..... oh my goodness ....
WEDDING!!!!...I want to come.
May I give a suggestion for the cake...Vanilla cake with fresh strawberries.
Alrighty...the groom hates strawberrys. It was just a suggestion.
Whaaa? Still no picture? Don't you know we ppl are visual... heheehee jk
Winking Ok I won't pressure you...
... la la la
... ..

... tup turup tup la
... ... *checks for picture*
.... damn that annoying bull...
... lol
Hey cappy, hadn't recognized my new alias huh? smile
*ice cream cake*
LOL!!! Yes, I like your new name TC -- but that's because I enjoy honey roasted peanut better Tongue
How are you girl, always seem to miss you because I'm not on later anymore Sad
Well I was gonna give it about a week longer to bug you about that picture but Aprilbaby beat me to it Tongue
Photo, photo!! pronto, pronto!!