Hi guys! I have been talking to this Capricorn 28 y/o for I would say 2 months now. I am a capricorn too haha After even our first few dates he was quick to invite me to a wedding he has to go to in November, which is part of the reason why I thought he was into me for the long haul. He lives in another city than I do so seeing each other everyday is not really an option, but we did text and call a lot. We spent a weekend with each other and he told me a lot about his family and he asked me VERY detailed questions about mine and my life etc..almost like he was creating some kind of list in his head about me, lol like a girlfriend/wife shopping list and how I could fit into his life. Anyways I feel like I didn't pass that test because after we both left the weekend going our seperate ways, he hasn't texted me since we left. I didn't want to be the first one to text only because I'm not trying to play games or anything like that. I have just been reading that guys need space after they spend time like that with someone especially a new person, so I was giving him space. It's officially been 3 full days if he still makes no contact today (sunday) by end of day it will be 4 days. It's very strange because we left on good terms, and he even asked if i was going to miss him. I can see he is active on social media platforms. Is he expecting me to chase him? I thought cap men like a challenge, and like doing the chasing? Anyways at this point and time I feel like he is not going to reach out. I really liked him but I have a feeling now maybe it wasn't mutual. Whats your take on it? Should i reach out? Or would it hurt my chances of him coming back to me?? Capricorn men in general any info you have would help. I know i'm a cap too but cap men are a whole different breed for me that I know nothing about? Thank you!!
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Nov 24, 2015Comments: 3706 · Posts: 7112 · Topics: 18
you may very well just be reading too much into nothing - he invited you to the wedding in November ?
it's been long enough - text him and say hey how are you doing ? ... then wait for his response and if you have none in 1 day, text again and say "are you doing ok" - if nothing then whatever -
he may have some different placements and like to be chased a bit - he may not know what you feel and you don't know what he feels and besides - between Caps it can get sort of strange sometimes - like you don't want to think it's there but it really is there - you sort of think it's a delusion because it seems so natural it surely can't be but it is sort of thing ...
you are going to have to ride this one out and see where it goes before you throw it away - yeah, my Cap neighbor interrogates me like that - I don't do that but sometimes I can - she's showing me how to do that - instead of just thinking about it - lol