Planets In Capricorn

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by ~mystic_fish on Saturday, June 2, 2007 and has 6 replies.
Sun in Capricorn
As someone born when the Sun was in Capricorn, you lean toward a conservative approach to most matters and you possess a strong sense of duty. You are a hard worker and you will persist with a determined will toward a desired goal. You are capable of tremendous self discipline when necessary. Your cautious nature stems from an innate knowledge that impulsive actions may lead to mistakes that are more time consuming and costly in the long run. Many Capricorns find themselves in life situations whereby they must take responsibility for others in some way.
Moon in Capricorn
With your Moon in the sign of Capricorn, you probably have an emotional need to achieve status and success of some kind. Even if you are not the type to worship status symbols, there is a part of you that definitely enjoys attainment of these things. You have a serious minded approach to life and an earnest sense of duty toward most matters. You can be quite sensitive about yourself but you also have the ability to bypass your emotions in order to cope with disappointment and pain. This can give others the impression that you are unsympathetic or unfeeling.

Mercury in Capricorn
You are level-headed and careful and with this placement you also possess good solid common sense. You have the ability to focus single-mindedly on goals. You are a realist and ideas must have some kind of practical use in order to motivate you into action. You possess an excellent ability to handle and remember facts and figures.
Venus in Capricorn
The placement of Venus in Capricorn gives you a serious attitude toward relationships in general. You have the ability to endure difficulties and sometimes you will even put up with a relationship that is not especially comfortable because of the strong sense of duty that Capricorn gives you. You prefer to have a few dependable, steady relationships rather than many capricious ones. You could be attracted to a partner who is older than you, or one who is serious and/or success oriented.
Mars in Capricorn
You are hard working and a good organizer. You are more than willing to put forth whatever effort is required to attain your desires. When you are motivated, you can display excellent self-control and self discipline. Many other people would have a hard time keeping up with your ability to work unceasingly toward an end.
Jupiter in Capricorn
This is an excellent placement for business ventures. You are ambitious and you have what it takes to effectively manage a business of your own. Authority figures and those in positions of power may help you attain your goals. Dedication and perseverance reinforce your ability to achieve success eventually.
Saturn in Capricorn
You can be an extremely hard worker and you'll overcome obstacles that other less dedicated souls would have given up on a long time ago. This is an excellent placement for successful achievement of goals. However, you will have to draw on your own ability to discipline yourself and persevere through difficult times.
Uranus in Capricorn
Uranus was in the sign of Capricorn for approximately seven years. This means that you are part of a large group of people who will share many of the same fundamental characteristics such as the ability to be ambitious, highly self-sufficient and hard working. You may take an unusual approach to dealing with authority figures and also career attainments. Some of you will feel a strong desire to re-evaluate and change established traditions in almost any area you can think of, but especially the government.
When you read your individual house placement for Uranus, you will be able to see where these traits will express themselves on a more personal basis.
Neptune in Capricorn
Because Neptune stays in the same sign about fourteen years, there are many other people who will experience the same things that this placement brings to varying degrees. Some of these include: the ability to bring a kind of divine inspiration into earthly manifestation, a breakdown of long held traditional strategies by government and the "establishment" and an awareness that the merging of spiritual ideals with the pursuit of material aims is necessary in order to avoid self destruction.
Your house position will show where Neptune affects your life on an individual basis.
Pluto in Capricorn
Pluto is the slowest moving planet and thus is recognized as exerting a generational influence as it moves through each zodiac sign.
With Pluto in Capricorn, you're part of the generation that can experience radical changes in its government institutions and its attitude toward long held traditions concerning the world of business and career.
On a personal level, those with Pluto in Capricorn tend, in general, to be ambitious, conservative, persevering and earnest.
Read the house placement for Pluto in your chart. It shows you an area of life where this planet has a more personal influence.
~1 cappy placement here for me: Venus in Cap
i also have venus in capricorn.
the thing it says about enduring for a relationship,is very true for me,i am willing to go through all the difficulties to have a relationship,if i feel that this the one for me.
and i have so far done that only.
Mars in Cap pwns all other mars placements. I am quite proud of it. Though my opinion of capricorns is not very high....