Hey! I was dumped by a Capricorn man. Everything seemed to be fine. We had several dates (it was just the beginning of relations), he was so nice and sweet, acted like a real gentleman,treated me like a lady. Then out of the blue he told me that he can't do this anymore. I asked him if he wasn't interesting. He said that basically yes but everything was much more complicated. That's all. And no more explanations. He told me not to ask him. Because he can't explain. Also he told me that he feels himself like a real ***. I couldnt expect this! It's so weird! I felt like it was reciprocity, he made compliments to me, noticed every little detail about me, texted a lot, made plans with me for the next month. What's wrong with this capricorn? Is it usual behavior of Capricorns? Is it possible that he can come back? Or is it over?
Ps Its my first Capricorn guy and I just need to figure out what could go wrong. Obviously I used to think that if guy is sweet and attentive it means smth
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Dec 31, 2016Comments: 68 · Posts: 523 · Topics: 63
Rebound. Caps mostly fuck there self over...that's what I've learned from this site. It's someone else and u seem very nice as well and that's another reason. Is he a December cap or January? I just cut both of mine out...both months one broke my heart along time ago now trying to make things right and the other a total ass fuck boy & broke my heart as well. Don't wait for him to comeback. Move on anything from here would be friends with benefits and a door open where he can now control u. This could have been a way to psychologically have control over u and manipulate u. Take ur energy back and trust things will change and u'll know because he'll be coming back but only for selfish reasons .
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Aug 02, 2014Comments: 177 · Posts: 2392 · Topics: 92
how long you been dating? I'm also seeing a cap guy I cannot get him .. at least he told you he can't anymore so you'd move on and not keep you hanging
Dealt with one cap, and he was the.biggest headache of my life. Push and pull, I found out he had a girlfriend, still messaged me.
Wants to see me, misses me, disappears, comes back with the rudest sexual texts messages. Ugh. The sad thing is my energy is still connected to him.....and I know myself, I know there is a reason why.....and it scares me lol.
And yes I blocked him from everything. How he comes back? He finds me on another platform. It is soooooooooo fucked.
So with all that being said.....don't waste your time trying solve this cap. I'm telling you, just move on. The more you think, the more attached you will get, the more you will mentally fuck yourself up. It is not YOU!!!! A good cap will be open and honest, a broken cap will play these dumb games. Move on, live your life. I know it hurts, but you are way better than that.
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Jan 27, 2019Comments: 2 · Posts: 1548 · Topics: 27
Warning: DO NOT chase a confusing, manipulative man. Ever.
I kinda agree with other post on moving too fast and assuming. There is no relationship after a few dates and it's not necessarily with caps but all men, if he doesn't ask, you're single.
Definitely move on and don't hold out on him, you'll drive yourself crazy.