Posted by FrenchKpricornPosted by NostalgicCappy
He was playing games, and I let him know in a very bold manner that I wasn't desperate and so I don't put up with games. I never said anything insulting or anything, or hurtful. I was basically standing up for myself. He said it hurt him.
- manipulating move. he's still playing but at another level and now you have empathy for him, be careful. he's player ranked 3click to expand
Posted by FrenchKpricornPosted by NostalgicCappyPosted by FrenchKpricornPosted by NostalgicCappy
He was playing games, and I let him know in a very bold manner that I wasn't desperate and so I don't put up with games. I never said anything insulting or anything, or hurtful. I was basically standing up for myself. He said it hurt him.
- manipulating move. he's still playing but at another level and now you have empathy for him, be careful. he's player ranked 3
Thank you, for your advice and looking out, FrenchKpricorn. I totally have my guard up right now, since the minute he said "things are different".
maybe he's not playing but check if he has not others target. and no disrespectful but sentence like "you hurted me, and things are different now".. na seriously girl, pls seriously
Since you are here on capboard..things are so different.., why you waited a years for coming here.
you undirectly me hurted me.. by your egoism, why you didnt think about me, i was waiting for you this whole yours.
but now you are here on capboards, things are different, i'm so happy that you are here !
click to expand
Posted by elllesquePosted by NostalgicCappy
You know what's funny? When I talked to him last night, I said something very similar to him. * I want you to know that I acknowledge that I hurt you, and I am sorry for doing so, it was never my intention" now even though I said this, I did not understand 100% why me standing up for myself hurt him, but I just wanted to try to. He even adnmitted that his words (the ones I reacted to) were of poor choice and wrong. But, the problematic conversation we were referring to was done on text, so it's understandable how things were misunderstood on both our ends. But I thought after we both apologized and knew that we were both part of it, that that was the end of it and we could move on. But, today he made it apparent that I was wrong.
Also, off topic.. confused about something you said "write me off as an marker", what is a marker, put in that context?
there is a filter on this site for naughty words. marker = a55h01eclick to expand
Posted by elllesquePosted by NostalgicCappy
You know what's funny? When I talked to him last night, I said something very similar to him. * I want you to know that I acknowledge that I hurt you, and I am sorry for doing so, it was never my intention" now even though I said this, I did not understand 100% why me standing up for myself hurt him, but I just wanted to try to. He even adnmitted that his words (the ones I reacted to) were of poor choice and wrong. But, the problematic conversation we were referring to was done on text, so it's understandable how things were misunderstood on both our ends. But I thought after we both apologized and knew that we were both part of it, that that was the end of it and we could move on. But, today he made it apparent that I was wrong.
Also, off topic.. confused about something you said "write me off as an marker", what is a marker, put in that context?
well, all you can do now is let him stew. You did your part. If you were sorry for what you did.....and it was something that really hurt him....he'll come around but he'll be flinching and wailing all over the place for a bit because you've shifted where he was standing.
can you tell me if you tried to end the relationship in the middle of all of this? that's important. if you's going to be longer to expand