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Mar 08, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 200 · Topics: 34
Its been almost one year to my breakup and still now I can't just simply kick that person out of my mind . He is on my mind 24/7. Let me know what you caps do to deal with these kinda situations and do you think rebound relationships work for that ?
I mean as a cap that relationship would just be a revenge or gratification of my ego. Well its no matter a hard time for me to think of move on or a relationship but still thinking if that can be a possibility.
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
To help get over someone, I focus on the negativities of that relationship - the things I didn't like, the bad habits I no longer have to put up with, the times they were a jerk, how the long term would never work out, etc.
Rebound relationships can help...but you have to be careful with those. I mean it's not good to lead someone on.
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Mar 08, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 200 · Topics: 34
What about telling the person truth that you want a rebound relationship and nothing else?
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Mar 19, 2012Comments: 273 · Posts: 5457 · Topics: 33
I imagine anyone who would be okay with being your rebound isn't going to help your situation. Unless we're talking purely fwb. What kind of feelings would you expect someone to develop for you when you tell them "rebound and nothing else?". Might as well just stick to some good sex without having a fake-ish relationship.
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Jan 25, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 20090 · Topics: 685
But, really, it's not fair to the other person, if you know this is just a rebound and it's all it will ever be.
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Mar 08, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 200 · Topics: 34
Sexual relationships is not my requirement right now . I want to be emotionally supported . I agree with most of you here that I need to work on myself but my situation right now is that I cannot even give somebody that place he had in my heart so this relationship idea is just out of my ego . Deep inside I know I cannot even have a rebound or fake relationship .
Hi carolz can I ask if the person your trying to get over was the libra?
I was on and off with a Capricorn the last few years and I could tell this year he wanted to make it work but I was deeply hurt and no longer had it in me to stay with him so for the first time in a few years, I initiated the break up and changed my number, email address and everything. Not a moment goes by when I don't miss him and think of him but I just can't do it to myself anymore. Ours was a cap and libra relationship and if it's this libra your referring too, maybe he misses u too. I'm not saying go back but in case u wonder how he is feeling, he might be just as heartbroken as u?