Romantic Pressure

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by ladylibra21 on Wednesday, September 28, 2016 and has 1 replies.
I feel like the universe is kicking my ass! Lol finally making head way with my Cap crush with him getting closer to me adding me on Facebook and just visibly more and more relaxed around me and he even said we could reschedule our shooting guns outing after he feels better. Well the kicker is I have a show in 2 weeks and I got really excited because he is coming in my head I was like cool maybe we will finally hang out afterwards. Well my parents surprised me and they are coming that night from 15 hrs away which I am super happy about and they are getting a hotel and will probably want to sleep afterward, but I didn't want my crush to think we couldn't hang out afterwards due to family coming and now today my son's father says he wants to go the same night! Yes he has a girlfriend now and everyone is cool, and my crush knows this, but my question to you Cap men is would you feel overwhelmed if were just having your first outing with someone and you met their parents and ex/baby's father in one night hahaha? That last sentence sounds terrible.