Cant hardly think with your energy waves spilling over into the next seat. One can certainly feel your prescence, wether
Don't like my moon..srsly...
Yesterday, i laughed alone as elle was comparing somebody to eeyore, the winnie the pooh donkey, lol. Im currently watch
Not to hijack this topic on another board, I just make a new one just for us. What are the qualities that attract and
Hi everyone. I met Virguy in March, about 7 months ago, through online dating.He is 47 I am 43, both in the medical fie
are there a few things that your mate must be into or like to be with you? what are your dealbreakers? i.e. working o
Scorpio Ladies And Gentlemen, A deep thought to ponder: We hear of this legendary Scorpio eyes thing. It's been des
Oh cancer moons out there, how do you deal with times of heartache and stress?
Once there was a Happy Dofacc Full of wonder and cheer When that certain person Happened to draw near But it was