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Mar 28, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 170 · Topics: 16
Hi, this is a follow on from my previous thread, my sag sun Venus cap ex I’m still trying to figure out. So we have been apart officially for 2 weeks but haven’t seen each other for a week, I haven’t chased her either but she has text me and I have replied, she texts me saying her dog is missing me for example, tells me she isnt doing great etc, I’ve read Capricorn in general cut off the past but I feel that my Venus cap is holding on a little? She removes me from what’s app groups like her family one which tells me that it’s over.
She untagged herself from some photos on Facebook with me but not all, and still 2 weeks later it still says we’re in a relationship?
So last Sunday she said goodbye to me and I’ve never been in such an emotional environment, she was crying hysterically, holding my face and kept kissing me saying she was sorry and she loves me, so much so she started to collapse in my arms and have a panic attack, I had to bring her round it was horrible to see.
I just need to know am I hoping for something that will never materialise? I have given her space and only replied when she texts me, her texts can be cold and transactional but I read that is Capricorn’s way of protecting themselves?
I wrote a letter and sent it to her today, I took all her fears about us and addressed them one by one, it didn’t promote guilt, I apologised when needed and it wasn’t passive aggressive etc, I just poured my heart out, I’m hoping it will resonate with her?
Do Venus caps need to see someone chasing? Or is this a turn off? My Virgo sun mind is going crazy trying to keep my Venus Leo side In Check!
I would really appreciate some insight guys, I really want to fight for this.
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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
I’m Sag sun/cap venus too but I don’t know the backstory - I guess I need to go back and read your previous posts
It would depend on why she broke things off but most of the time if I’m done with someone I’m just done and then chasing me isn’t going to change that
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Nov 10, 2010Comments: 285 · Posts: 30788 · Topics: 649
Odd....why is she so damn emotional?
Maybe deep down she is feeling insecure and unworthy of a relationship.
Could be some past issues creeping back up.
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Nov 10, 2010Comments: 285 · Posts: 30788 · Topics: 649
Yah. Shes definitely depressed.
Ask her if she wants to go see someone talk to someone
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Mar 28, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 170 · Topics: 16
Yeah its definitely depression, but telling her is another thing, it’s a subject that if I have mentioned anything to do with mental health in the past she puts a wall up and won’t let me in. But other times she has admitted she has been feeling low and needs to see someone.
So she text me this today:
Hey. I got your letter. Thanks for spending the time putting that together. I haven’t responded. I want to digest it and will write back to you. x
That’s a good sign surely? It’s not “leave me alone I’m not interested” ?!