Saturn's Ring

This topic was created in the Capricorn forum by SalamanderCandy on Saturday, March 7, 2015 and has 4 replies.
It is said by scientists that Saturn's rock ring may disappear in lots of years from now on.
Rocks...mountains. Since goats are known as the mountain climbers,
would that mean that the sign of Capricorn won't be the "challenge" sign anymore?
Will the "challenge" label be passed onto scorpio?
Shoot. Good bye planetary rings. I'm actually going to miss that planet's rings.
Less challenges?
Capricorns might take over the world if they don't have challenges!
...-evil laughter-
Posted by SirHorns
Less challenges?
Capricorns might take over the world if they don't have challenges!
...-evil laughter-

Maybe saturn would be considered benefic then, instead of malefic. saturn prevails over Jupiter! Ha.